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Cortexin – helped with delayed speech development

01 Jan 2017

Advantages: there is a positive dynamics in the treatment

Disadvantages: high price

Daughter has delayed speech development. The doctor prescribed me injections “Cortexin”.

I decided I would do a child herself, to talk to her, to expand vocabulary. But it was slow, new words appear rarely. After a while I remembered Cortexin and decided to try it. We have passed the course in 10 shots. The result appeared in two, three weeks.

My daughter began to repeat the word for us, quickly and easily memorized verses, trying to construct sentences. I saw positive results from injections on the example of my daughter, but, nevertheless, it was attended by some of the backlog of children her age on speech development. Therefore, we will appoint a doctor “Cortexin” course until the situation will not be satisfactory.

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