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Somatotropin in sports

03 Sep 2017

From this article you can find out why Somatropin is involved in sports, and how recombinant growth hormone affects sports performance and the physical shape of weightlifters.

Recombinant somatropin is a genetically modified growth hormone that has gained a well-deserved popularity among both beginning bodybuilders and professionals. This drug, which has a pronounced anabolic effect, is used in sports pharmacology as a means to promote muscle growth and the formation of relief muscles.

The action of somatropin in sports

  • Activates the synthesis of growth factors;
  • Has a direct effect on tissues that have receptors for GH;
  • Accelerates metabolic processes;
  • Increases protein production;
  • Saves carbohydrates;
  • Stimulates the mobilization of lipids from the fat depot and reduces the fatty layer;
  • Promotes an increase in the volume of muscle cells.

Use of somatropin in sports

Somatropin in sports is used with strict adherence to a number of conditions. Before the beginning of admission, to determine the appropriate dosage and duration of the course, consultation with the sports doctor is necessary. In the course of the use of the drug should be a certain mode of training, as well as correctly, and balanced eating.

For professional bodybuilders who regularly use Somatropin in sports, it is recommended to include thyroid hormones in the cycle for normal functioning of the thyroid gland, and also use small doses of short-acting insulin or sex hormones as additional anabolic stimulants. In this situation, the dosing regimen should be established by a specialist.

It should be noted that Somatropin in sports, in comparison with other pharmacological products used in sports pharmacology, is characterized by prolonged anabolic action. The muscular volumes obtained with the help of recombinant GH do not decrease at the end of the course, and can even progress for several months. This drug is almost not found on doping control, which gave him great popularity among weightlifters competing at the international level.


Diet for weight loss

03 Sep 2017

The weight of a person depends on many factors. Here the meaning is of age, physique, presence or absence of diseases and, of course, nutrition. But if the first items on the list are difficult to change, then it is with the help of a properly formulated diet that weight can be achieved, even if there are those diseases.

As a rule, the deposition of excess fat reserves is associated with excessive intake of calories into the body. At the same time they are either not consumed, or there are problems in the metabolism. As with the first, and with the second option you can cope on your own and achieve the ideal weight. To do this, you need to figure out how to make a diet to lose weight.

Diet to lose weight without dieting

In the event that you choose the right diet, you can lose weight, but it will take a little longer than using diets. In this case, you will not experience hunger or other discomfort.

In order to reduce everything and not sit on strict diets, it is enough to give only healthy food. In addition, take food 5-6 times a day, but in smaller portions. So you do not have a future hunger and can eat much less.

Raw vegetables and fruits will be mandatory. It can be carrots, apples, pears, cabbage of any sort and so on. You can eat them both for cooking main dishes, and as a snack. Be sure to drink plenty of water or tea. An excellent option will be green tea, herbal tea, lemon water.

It is important to find out what to exclude from the diet in order to lose weight. This fatty meat, smoked meat, marinades, including home-made, as well as salt, sugar and starches.

Diet to lose 5 kg per week

In some cases it is required to reduce the weight by a sufficiently large amount of kilograms for a minimum period of time. In this case, too, you can do without strict diets. As in the previous version, some products will have to be removed from the diet to lose weight.

To increase the efficiency of proper nutrition and to achieve a certain goal faster, you need to add to the diet some products that have "magic" properties. First of all, be sure to eat raw vegetables daily, namely broccoli, spinach, tomatoes, cucumbers, asparagus, greens and onions. The latter contains retinoic acid, which promotes an increase in the rate of metabolic processes. Snacks can be fruit, for example, apples and pears. But pineapples and citruses will accelerate the process of splitting fats.

You can drink berries from the berries. Required will be dairy products, which improve the work of the intestines and promote proper digestion. Some mistakenly believe that it is important to exclude meat for weight loss. You just need to give preference to low-fat varieties.

Be sure to eat porridge every day, such as buckwheat, oatmeal, pearl barley. They will help to remove all toxins and toxins and, moreover, improve the exchanged processes.

Using proper nutrition, you can reduce weight in 3-4 weeks. Increase the rate of splitting of fats will help you special supplements. As a rule, in such a situation, fat burners are used. The most famous of them are Methyldrene-25, Black Spider 25 Ephedra, Black Mamba Hyperrush, Simpatoterm Lux and Red Wasp 25. As a result of their application, the following effects are observed:

  • Acceleration of the rates of metabolic processes;
  • Improvement of metabolism;
  • Splitting of fat cells;
  • A rush of strength;
  • Increased endurance;
  • Strengthening immunity.

Thus, fat burners act positively on the whole body and at the same time normalize the weight. This is explained by the ingredients included in the preparations, such as ephedrine, caffeine, extracts of rhodiola, green tea and coffee, bitter orange, yohimbine and so on. Each component has its own specific action and, in addition, enhances the efficiency of the other.


Ways to increase testosterone

01 Sep 2017

Often, men are faced with such a problem as a decrease in testosterone levels. But if ordinary people suffer from erectile dysfunction, then athletes with a lack of this hormone will not manage to build up muscle mass. For this reason it is important to know how to increase testosterone in men in natural ways.

Food and weight

If you do not pay attention to the diet, you can forget about the normal level of testosterone. First of all, it is important to exclude:

Fast carbohydrates, namely baked goods, sweets.

Fatty foods that promote the deposition of fat stores.

Carbonated drinks that contain high amounts of sugar.

As for weight, it reflects not only the amount of adipose tissue in the body, but also the level of the hormone. The fact is that testosterone in the blood can transform into other forms, forming estrogens. They then cause the deposition of fat on a female type.

Loads and rest

Trying to increase testosterone naturally, do not forget about physical exertion. They are in direct dependence. If the hormone helps to increase the rate of division of muscle cells, then regular training gives the opportunity to increase the level of this substance. Also, the level of testosterone can be increased by taking dietary supplements with natural ingredients that will not have any harm to health.

But, at the same time, you can not exhaust yourself with training. When there is a lack of sleep, fatty tissue is postponed. Therefore, to provide the body with the required amount of the hormone it is necessary to organize an eight-hour sleep.

Finding out how to naturally increase the level of testosterone, do not forget about bad habits. It is important to give up smoking and alcohol. Although this applies to ordinary people, as it is difficult to meet a professional athlete with a cigarette in his hands.


Peptides and immunity

31 Aug 2017

Peptides and immunity are two concepts that are inseparable from the point of view of molecular biology. This is due to the fact that endogenous or artificially synthesized bioregulators, which have a pronounced protective action, have a modulating effect on the immune system.

How are peptides and immunity related?

When studying the biochemical properties of peptide compounds, it was found that, depending on their structure, they have a selective effect on the cells of the immune system, regulate its functions and normalize metabolism. Each amino acid complex has its own specialization, that is, it ensures adequate work of specific cells and tissues.

Peptides and immunity - not just a word combination. Specially developed preparations containing complexes of peptide compounds have long been used in sports to achieve the highest sports results, with acclimatization during the time zone change, as well as in the complex treatment of such disorders as:

  • Primary and secondary immunodeficiencies;
  • Chronic intoxication;
  • Cardiovascular pathologies (during rehabilitation after a heart attack, stroke, etc.);
  • Early aging, menopause.

Also the idiom "peptides and immunity" is very relevant from the point of view of oncology. Peptide preparations, which possess antimutagenic and anticarcinogenic properties, cause inhibition of the development of malignant tumors. Therefore, they are actively used in the prevention of cancer, and in the treatment process, enhancing its effectiveness and significantly improving the quality of life of patients, regardless of the stage of oncology.

So, let's sum up: the competent use of peptide drugs will help cope with unfavorable environmental factors, normalize the functions of the neuroendocrine system, increase immunity and antioxidant status, significantly increase life expectancy.


Side effects of HGH 176-191

31 Aug 2017

The stabilized fragment of the somatotropin molecule, which includes 176 to 191 amino acids, is used in bodybuilding as a means for burning fat and generating additional energy, regardless of nutrition. As well as other synthetic peptides, HGH 176-191 has side effects, but they are more likely positive, having a general beneficial effect on the body.

Effects of the Growth Hormone (HGH 176-191)

To date, negative side effects of HGH 176-191, when the drug is used in the recommended dosage, have not been identified. With rare exceptions, athletes who use this product complain of itching and soreness at the injection site. At the same time, in addition to pronounced fat-burning action, the preparation has a number of other useful properties:

  • Helps strengthen bones;
  • Does not cause hyperplasia of organs;
  • Stimulates the influx of energy and increases its consumption;
  • Does not affect the level of glucose in the blood;
  • Inhibits the aging process.

According to reviews of athletes who used a fragment of growth hormone, the effect of its use is observed after 8-10 days. As for the lipolytic action of the drug, the best result is observed when using the peptide not before eating, but during training. Also, to achieve maximum effect, a low-calorie diet with a sufficient amount of protein is recommended.

From all of the above, the conclusion suggests that the side effects of HGH 176-191 prove its clinical effectiveness and safety. Of course, given the fact that the drug was purchased from a trusted supplier, working only with official manufacturers.


Use of peptides

31 Aug 2017

To date, the use of peptides that have a unique ability to restore the synthesis of proteins and improve the functioning of the leading systems of the body, is carried out both for therapeutic and preventive purposes. At the same time, these bioregulators, which support the maintenance of physiological reserves and energy potential, have found wide application in sports pharmacology.

Scope of use of peptides

The technology of peptide bioregulation was developed in the 70s of the last century. Since then, the use of peptides, which are carriers of information from one protein cell to another, helps maintain the balance of all vital systems of the human body. These biologically active substances contribute to the optimization of tissue metabolism, accelerate regenerative processes, increase the resistance of cells to oxygen starvation and other unfavorable factors.

In clinical practice, peptides based on recombinant proteins are used as drugs that promote rejuvenation and enhance the body's immune forces. However, their reception is indicated in the presence of the following violations:

  • Diseases of the central and peripheral nervous system;
  • Blood diseases;
  • Urogenital pathology;
  • Age changes in the skin;
  • Dysfunction of the musculoskeletal system;
  • Endocrine disorders;
  • General deterioration of vitality.

The use of peptides in the practice of bodybuilding has the following objectives: enhancing the secretion of endogenous (own) growth hormone, increasing muscle mass and reducing the amount of subcutaneous fat. Also in sports pharmacology, peptide drugs have been widely used, increasing endurance, stimulating weight loss, enhancing sexual desire, and facilitating the obtaining in the shortest time of a beautiful uniform sunburn. Peptides are the means intended for course use. When using them, it is recommended to strictly follow the dosage indicated in the instructions.


Caffeine for weight loss

31 Aug 2017

Caffeine has long been known for its invigorating properties. But research scientists have found that it is also an excellent fat burner. It can be taken separately as tablets or as part of popular drugs for athletes, such as Methyldrene-25 or Red Wasp 25.

Caffeine as a fat burner

Reviews about caffeine for losing weight are often enough. It is a vegetable component that is present in such beverages as coffee and tea. Modern manufacturers have learned to receive it by artificial means. Thanks to the receipt of this substance, a surge of energy, cheerfulness and mood improvement appear in the body. It is also important to note that the work of the brain improves under the influence of caffeine.

If we consider caffeine for weight loss, then it is important to note that the effect of this substance will be manifested only if there are physical loads in your life. This is explained by the fact that during the intake the rate of fission of fats increases by ¼. It is not necessary to use exercises with weighting, although the effect will be more pronounced. To obtain the required result, aerobic training will be sufficient.

Caffeine for weight loss has the following properties:

  • Due to caffeine you can perform a large number of approaches and increase weights;
  • Drugs contribute to a decrease in appetite;
  • Excellent effect on the body with a decline in strength and a decrease in blood pressure;
  • Increases stamina.

Studies on caffeine have shown that as a result of its use, the process of fat burning is accelerated. In addition, it positively affects the suppression of appetite and has a slight diuretic effect. At the same time, you will not feel weak and will be able to train intensively.

How to Take Caffeine for Weight Loss

Caffeine as a fat burner can be taken as a mono drug. For this it is enough to take a pill 30-40 minutes before the start of training. In this case, a particularly pronounced effect will be in choosing aerobic exercises. At the same time, after six o'clock in the evening it is not recommended to use drugs, since they can cause insomnia.

It is important to remember that the dosage depends largely on the training regimen and the initial weight. That is why it is recommended to give preference to ready-made preparations intended for sports nutrition.

Excellent examples are fat burners based on the ECA complex. The main components in this case are caffeine, ephedrine and aspirin. In this situation, the former contributes to the stimulation of the nervous system and the acceleration of the fat burning process. It is due to this that it is included in preparations such as Red Wasp 25, China White 25 Ephedra, Black Spider 25 Ephedra and so on.

When choosing these fat burners, it is especially important to find out how to take caffeine for weight loss. It is recommended to strictly adhere to the dosage and schedule of admission. In addition, courses of a certain duration should be organized.

Each drug, which includes the ECA complex, has its own properties. Properly selected components enhance each other's action and exclude the appearance of side effects. It is with this goal in the composition of additives that aspirin is included. Its main goal: the normalization of blood pressure, which can rise under the influence of caffeine.


Peptides for athletes

30 Aug 2017

Currently, peptides for athletes, allowing to maintain the body at the required hormonal level, have become an excellent alternative to banned anabolic drugs. These biologically active regulators, which increase muscle mass and increase endurance to the load, stimulate the pituitary gland responsible for producing growth hormone.

The effect of peptides on the athlete's body

Peptides for athletes are pharmacological preparations that are available in the form of a lyophilized powder for injection. Their main value is the ability to regain strength after training in a short period of time. In addition, when using these products, the following effects are provided:

  • Increases the growth and strength of muscles;
  • Strengthen ligaments and tendons;
  • Immunity increases;
  • Metabolism is accelerated;
  • Burnt fats are burned;
  • Preserves optimal muscle mass, even when a low-calorie diet is observed;
  • There is a faster recovery of the body after injuries.

Most often athletic purposes use structural peptides for athletes. Stimulating the production of their own growth hormone, they provide the optimal conditions for increased anabolism. At the same time, they do not cause irreversible side effects and, when used in the recommended dosages, significantly faster achieve the desired result.

Peptides for female athletes

Peptides for women athletes seeking to improve their body are amino acid preparations of selective action. Depending on the objectives pursued, they are divided into:

  • Fat burners;
  • Tonic means that increase the reserve capacity of muscle tissue and provide effective preparation for physical exertion;
  • Peptides-muscle relaxants, contributing to rapid recovery after intensive training;
  • Products that accelerate rehabilitation after injury;
  • Stimulants for the synthesis of pigment melanin.

The most popular among women use such protein complexes as the molecular fragment of growth hormone HGH Frag 176-191, Sermorelin, Ipamorelin, Melanotan-2 and TB-500. Ideally, peptides for athletes are applied by combined courses, which allow to significantly improve sports results and achieve the goals of pharmacological correction. When starting to use this or that peptide ligament, in order to avoid the development of negative side effects, it is necessary to consult a trainer or a sports doctor.


GHRP 6 Side Effects

30 Aug 2017

GHRP 6, which stimulates the production of its own growth hormone, is considered to be the most powerful, and at the same time, the safest peptide used in sports pharmacology. However, like any other synthetic drug, it is capable of provoking the development of negative reactions. The side effects of GHRP 6, as a rule, are a consequence of exceeding the permissible doses and, after discontinuing the use of the product, disappear almost immediately.

Adverse effects of GHRP 6

Minor increase in secretion of prolactin and cortisol;

Reduction (elongation) of the phase of slow sleep;

Loss of sensitivity of the receptors of the somatotropic cell (a consequence of excessive stimulation);

Increased appetite due to the secretion of ghrelin;

Peptide pseudoglycemia (dizziness, weakness, slight limb tremor, hunger and arrhythmia in the background of a normal blood glucose level);

Fluid retention in the body;

Tunnel syndrome (pain in the wrist area);

Hyperemia and burning in the area of drug administration.

Positive side effects of GHRP 6

It should be noted that the positive side effects of GHRP 6 in bodybuilding practice are much more common than negative. These include the ability to recover quickly after physical exertion, the acceleration of metabolism, increased appetite (a necessary condition for the recruitment of dry muscle mass), skin tightening and rejuvenation of the body, increased immunity, lowering blood cholesterol levels, increasing endurance and increasing muscle strength.

In the event that in reality GHRP 6 does not work, it indicates that this drug is most likely a forgery. In order not to fall for the bait of scammers and avoid buying counterfeit goods, trust only the trusted suppliers that sell high-quality original products.


Fat Burners and bodybuilding

30 Aug 2017

An ordinary person can easily get rid of excess weight with the help of proper nutrition and diet. But what if you want to be the best of the best? What if you are a bodybuilder, preparing for responsible competitions? Of course, in this case, outside help is required. The subject of this article is bodybuilding and fat burners. We will consider why fat burners are commonly used by "rolling" and which of them are most effective.

Mechanisms of exposure to fat burners

"Dispersal" of metabolism. Burning of fatty deposits is primarily due to the acceleration of metabolic processes. You can use more energy from fat cells; Stamina increases.

Suppressing appetite. Perhaps, a somewhat unusual effect for bodybuilding, but on the course of "drying" it will definitely come in handy. In any case, the professionalism of the athlete consists in conscious control of the quantity and quality of the food consumed.

Reducing the absorption of carbohydrates and fats from the gastrointestinal tract.

Blocking the formation of fat cells.

Fat burners in bodybuilding are divided into (most often conditionally, because the same drug can have a number of effects):


Nutrient blockers.


Stimulants of the thyroid gland.

Omega-3 fatty acids.

Cortisol blockers.


Pharmacological preparations.

When choosing an additive, first of all, it is necessary to pay attention to its composition. Knowledge of the properties of the elements will give you the opportunity to independently determine the appropriateness of using a particular drug.

Major fat burning elements

L-carnitine. Absolutely safe amino acid, producing an organism and possessing a sufficiently mild effect. Carnitine is useful, it removes the symptoms of overtraining, stimulates anabolic processes, promotes the burning of fatty deposits, protects the nervous and cardiovascular systems.

Ephedrine. Increases the overall performance, increases the potential of nerve endings, can cause a state of mild euphoria. Ephedrine is incredibly popular and, in general, it is safe. In case of an overdose,

of course, tremor and blood pressure may occur, but the substance is not used in its pure form, but in the composition of the preparations it is kept in a safe concentration.

Caffeine. An element that does not need to be represented. Despite its fat burning effect, caffeine is practically not used separately, but is an integral part of fat burners.

Aspirin. At first it may seem strange that aspirin is on this list. Indeed, it does not burn fat. But it's impossible not to mention it, because he is included in ECA - the best fat burners of our time. Aspirin dilutes blood and prevents the occurrence of side effects.

Efficient body fat burners for bodybuilding

Note that the use of any fat burner (with the possible exception of L-carnitine) is possible only in combination with diet and exercise. If you are inactive and eat incorrectly, you risk together a beautiful relief body only to lose form and exhaust the nervous system. It is best even before the beginning of the course to have a carefully thought-out plan of action and strictly adhere to it.

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