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Combined courses for muscle bulk

12 Dec 2016

The classical combined rates for a set of high-quality muscle bulk constructed by the principle of the maximum safety and efficiency are given below. Authors of the 10th edition of the book William Llewellyn's Anabolics write that professional bodybuilders who face the training plateau most often resort to combinations in acceptance of steroids. In most cases however the combination allows to achieve only cumulative action (increase in general concentration of anabolic steroids of blood) necessary for further overcoming tolerance.

The rational combination assumes a combination of high-androgenic substances to medicines mainly of anabolic action. Conditionally refer to anabolic category: boldelon, methenobosoms, nandrolon, ocsandrolon and stanozolol. Carry testosterone to androgenic medicines, ocsimetolon. Metandrostenolon and turinabol take an intermediate position and can serve both an androgenic, and anabolic component.

Now, when powerful and safe inhibitors of aromatasia are available, rates on the basis of testosterone began to prevail (tsupuonat and enantat), at the same time it is possible to avoid accumulation of liquid, a ginekomastia and other side effects. Nevertheless rationality of inclusion of anabolic components remains urgent, especially at the beginning of a rate (for fast loading). Besides, decrease in frequency of androgenic side effects throughout all cycle is reached. Nevertheless, authors emphasize that for most of athletes rates will be suitable for receipt of the expressed anabolic effect solo.

Basic information: The best rates of steroids

Who suits these steroid rates?

To men of a thin constitution, 25 years for a set of dry muscle bulk, in the absence of contraindications to acceptance of anabolic steroids are aged more senior.

Read the main article: Anabolic steroids

If you want to receive the maximum result, then each rate shall include also:

Diet for a set of muscle bulk - keep in mind that for a rate you need to gain about 10 kg of weight (from them 2-3 kg will be then are lost) therefore be surely weighed each three days and control a weight surplus by means of a diet. If weight grows insufficiently quickly - means to you it is necessary to increase the food caloric content and vice versa, differently you will in vain spend time. The total quantity of protein shall be equal in a diet at least 2g/kg weight, it is possible to calculate by means of the calculator more precisely.

  • Digestive enzymes
  • Sports food for a set of weight
  • Specialized training

Short courses for dry muscle bulk

Week Turinabol Testosteron propionate Anastrozol Tamoksifen

1 30 mg 100 mg every other day - -

2 30 mg 100 mg every other day 0.5 mg every other day -

3 30 mg 100 mg every other day 0.5 mg every other day -

4 30 mg 100 mg every other day 0.5 mg every other day -

5 30 mg 100 mg every other day 0.5 mg every other day -

6 30 mg 100 mg every other day 0.5 mg every other day -

7 - - - -

8 - - - 20

9 - - - 20

10 - - - 10

Turinabol is levels androgenic effect of testosterone, and also, at the expense of a combination, decrease in load of a liver is reached. It is used in 2 receptions: in the morning and after a lunch on a hungry stomach. Please pay attention to Hondramin.

Testosterone propionate is short air allows to start quickly anabolism, at the same time terms of a course are considerably reduced. At emergence of side effects there is an opportunity to quickly cancel medicine. Propionate has the inconvenient scheme of introduction and painful injections. It is worth noticing that propionate is more often applied in courses towards drying with vinstroly, at set it is more preferable to weight to apply enantat (see below). Distinctions of this air are covered not in the action mechanism, and duration of semi-life and convenience of introduction. Decrease in a dosage to 50 mg every other day is admissible.

Aromatasia inhibitors are required even at low dosages of testosterone as the level of aromatization of testosterone is high therefore there is a need for prevention of estrogen side effects (a liquid congestion, a ginekomastia, suppression of an axis hypothalamuses-hypotheses-testicles). The low dosages of an anastrozol allowing to keep the level of estrogen necessary for an organism at the same time are applied to increase relief and to accelerate restoration. As confirmation serve numerous responses of the western athletes and qualified specialists. Ideally reception of news agency is carried out under control of analyses (are appointed if the level of an estradiol is increased), however it is necessary to remember that the ginekomastia often happens irreversible. An indirect sign of excessive suppression of estrogen is decrease in a libido and violation of an erection, in this case it is necessary to lower a dosage of news agency.

Tamoxifen is a basis of post course therapy which begins in 3-5 days after a final injection of propionate. Tamoxifen can be replaced with less toxic clomifene or toremifen.

It is possible to conduct a similar course with metandrostenolon (on 20 mg every day, in 2 receptions) which cost is much lower, and fakes meet less often. In this case need for inhibitors of aromatasia increases as metandrostenolon is capable to be flavored with formation of a metilestradiol who contacts 30% stronger estrogen receptors for this reason many report about a phenomenon of "flood". Many believe that the combination of metandrostenolon to propionate isn't optimum as the most part of weight is lost, however this opinion is shared not by all.

Also for a set of dry muscle bulk it is possible to combine propionate with short air of nandrolon fenilpropionaty (on 50 mg / every other day). In this case it is desirable to connect Kabergolin (Dostineks) for Prolactinum secretion blocking.

Long courses for muscle bulk

At increase in duration of a course more than 6-7 weeks the risk of development of an irreversible atrophy of testicles and incomplete restoration increases. This problem is solved by application of a gonadotrophin. It is necessary to notice that the maximum growth of sports indicators and muscle bulk is observed only in the first 6-8 weeks and then it begins to be reduced gradually, along with increase in risk of some side effects. Thus, there is no need of expansion of a course more than 10-12 weeks.

Week / Turinabol / Testosteron enantat / Anastrozol / Gonadotropin / Tamoxifen

1 30 mg 500 mg/week - - -

2 30 mg 500 mg/week - - -

3 30 mg 500 mg/week 0.5 mg every other day - -

4 30 mg 500 mg/week 0.5 mg every other day - -

5 - 500 mg/week 0.5 mg every other day - -

6 - 500 mg/week 0.5 mg every other day - -

7 - 500 mg/week 0.5 mg every other day 250 ME, twice a week -

8 - 500 mg/week 0.5 mg every other day 250 ME, twice a week -

9 - 500 mg/week 0.5 mg every other day 250 ME, twice a week -

10 - 500 mg/week 0.5 mg every other day 250 ME, twice a week -

11 - - 0.5 mg every other day 250 ME, twice a week -

12 - - - - -

13 - - - - 20

14 - - - - 20

15 - - - - 10

Turinabol is applied in quality the front-loada the first 2-4 weeks, fast accumulation of concentration of anabolic steroids in blood, till the moment when absorption of enantat will reach high values. Is accepted in 2 receptions (in the morning, after a lunch) on a hungry stomach.

Testosterone enantat can be replaced on tsipionat.

Aromataza inhibitors is an anastrozol which can be replaced with other analogs. Feasibility of switching on of news agency same as in the previous course, it is desirable to accept under monitoring of analyses.

Horionic gonadotrophin has a set of controversial protocols of introduction. However the last researches showed accurate need of application of gonadotrophin during the long courses (more than 6 weeks). It allows to be recovered much quicker after course. Recommendations in courses are based on experience of the western experts of andrologists. If the gonadotrophin wasn't entered on course, performing blast-therapy on Dr. Michael Scally is necessary.

Week / Metandrostenolon Testosteron enantat / Anastrozol / Gonadotropin / Tamoxifen

1 20 mg 500 mg/week - - -

2 20 mg 500 mg/week - - -

3 20 mg 500 mg/week 0.5 mg every other day - -

4 20 mg 500 mg/week 0.5 mg every other day - -

5 - 500 mg/week 0.5 mg every other day - -

6 - 500 mg/week 0.5 mg every other day - -

7 - 500 mg/week 0.5 mg every other day 250 ME, twice a week -

8 - 500 mg/week 0.5 mg every other day 250 ME, twice a week -

9 - 500 mg/week 0.5 mg every other day 250 ME, twice a week -

10 - 500 mg/week 0.5 mg every other day 250 ME, twice a week -

11 - - 0.5 mg every other day 250 ME, twice a week -

12 - - - - -

13 - - - - 20

14 - - - - 20

15 - - - - 10

The course similar previous, with replacement of turinabol on more available metandrostenolon (it is also used in 2 receptions, on hungry stomach).

Week / Metandrostenolon / Boldenon or Primobolan / Testosteron enantat / Anastrozol / Gonadotropin / Tamoxifen

1 20 mg 400 mg/week 250 mg/week - - -

2 20 mg 400 mg/week 250 mg/week - - -

3 20 mg 400 mg/week 250 mg/week 0.5 mg in 3 days - -

4 20 mg 400 mg/week 250 mg/week 0.5 mg in 3 days - -

5 - 400 mg/week 250 mg/week 0.5 mg in 3 days - -

6 - 400 mg/week 250 mg/week 0.5 mg in 3 days - -

7 - 400 mg/week 250 mg/week 0.5 mg in 3 days - -

8 - 400 mg/week 250 mg/week 0.5 mg in 3 days 500 ME, twice a week -

9 - 400 mg/week 250 mg/week 0.5 mg in 3 days 500 ME, twice a week -

10 - 400 mg/week 250 mg/week 0.5 mg in 3 days 500 ME, twice a week -

11 - - - 0.5 mg in 3 days 500 ME, twice a week -

12 - - - - 500 ME, twice a week -

13 - - - - - -

14 - - - - - 40

15 - - - - - 20

16 - - - - - 10

Metandrostenolon is necessary in quality the front-loada, for fast gain of concentration of anabolic steroids as injection forms begin to work only by 2-3 week. Metandrostenolon it is possible to replace with Turinabol (30 mg a day). If necessary from the front-loada it is possible to refuse, without any additional changes it is aware.

Boldenon (Ekvipoyz) it is possible to replace on primobolan (200-400 mg a week).

Testosterone enantat can be replaced on tsipionat or Sustanon or Omnadren.

Aromatasia inhibitors in this case recommend not to accept many as the dosage of testosterone is low. However have to be near at hand for the emergency application at the first signs of ginekomastia (an itch and swelling of nipples).

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