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Combinations (Schems) of Nootropics

20 Dec 2016

As you might guess from the title, today will be specific schemes as possible to take nootropics. This topic is a continuation of "nootropics create a course." Like everywhere else, first goes the theory, and then practice. Suppose that the foundations of the Rules of the Road, we already understand, it's time to choose a car)

Ideally, of course, to make the course itself. Everyone has different goals, different means. You have to understand the basic scheme will be described, when compared with the automotive theme, I believe, consider the frame SUVs, SUV, sports cars, crossovers, minivans, etc. Why is it better to create a course - because it tastes different. Same thing with nootropics. Therefore adapt "for themselves." Prices of courses will not be called because they jump wildly. All dosages for "a day".

Adrafinil, Pyritinol, Pikamilon

  • 1.Piracetam + lecithin + vitamin complex.

It's pretty simple budget bundle. The simplicity of it is that the reception about the same for all the components, and you can buy everything in the same pharmacy. The course can be considered one of the safest.
How to take: Course 2 month. Piracetam 2.5-3 grams, 1-2 grams of lecithin, vitamins according the instructions. Keep an eye on the composition of vitamins, vitamins B group to be closer to 100% of the daily norm or above.

courses of nootropics, Carphedon, adrafinil, Vinpocetine

Logic: Actually, why so? Piracetam will be the base skeleton of the course, he is working with acetylcholine, which in turn created in the learning process of choline, choline and the source - is lecithin. Lecithin - is generally a good supplement, moreover, that contributes to the development of acetylcholine, so also protects the liver, which is suffering from a variety of techniques tablets. Vitamins also help in a variety of processes in the body, they are like a bridge connecting two shores of the river. It is believed that vitamin tablets are useless, there is information on how to "for", and against, so in any case, normalize the meal.

  • 2.Phenotropil + Caffeine + Glycine.

A bunch of little more complicated than the first in terms of reception. Particularly irritable not recommended stimulation in pure form. Expensive in terms of daily administration. To buy everything - already need to go to 2 points: a pharmacy and store sports nutrition (caffeine). Or order via the internet, for example at

How to take: The course of 3-4 weeks. Phenotropil 100-200 mg, and 200-400 mg of caffeine (in the morning), 2.1 grams of glycine (30 minutes before sleep). Phenylpiracetam better take on an empty stomach in the morning, along with caffeine (200mg), then at lunch add optional additional 200 mg of caffeine.

Nootropics, Centrophenoxine, Cerebrolysin

Logic: Phenotropil applied to a greater extent because of the kind of stimulation effect as the + Piracetam. Caffeine stimulates the second component, however it works best when a person is tired. Loaded morning, for dinner there are no forces - 2nd caffeine. Over-stimulation during the day so that the body has had time to recover, we will compensate intake of glycine in the evening. It will improve the rest and sleep.

  • 3.Noopept + Semax.

Light stimulation and building connections between neurons. Suitable for all, all the most secure.

How to take: start reception at the same time, remove Semax after 10 days, Noopept hold a total of 2.5 months. Semax 0,1% concentration, take instructions Noopept - 30-40 mg. The first reception after waking up - regardless of the meal. Last 4 hours before bedtime. Equal dosages during all steps.

Phenibut, Glycine, Idebenone (Noben), DMAE, Ginkgo Biloba

Logic: neuropeptide bunch. Both components - neuropeptides, which, roughly speaking, to protect and build new neurons. That ultimately results in greater efficiency of brain stimulation is not! Namely performance. Stimulation of the forces to work. We are increasing your hard disk of the brain, not the RAM and processor. Besides Noopept acts on acetylcholine and as glycine, accelerates rest.

  • 4.Phenibut + Glycine

For those who are tired of the stress and want to "relax and go to sleep, but not so cold sleeping graves, and sleep for ever so, that in the breast napped life force, to breathe, the chest heaving softly."

How to take: The course is for 3 weeks. Glycine small doses (300-500 mg) three times a day throughout the course, Phenibut no more than 1,000 mg per day. It is better for the first 5 days, 250 mg, 5.10 day - 750 mg, 10-15 - 1000 mg, 15-19 - 500 mg, and the last 3/2 of the day - 250 mg.

Logic: sedatives, slow down the body, are struggling with the stress state of a little tipsy man. The action of GABA, the brain works well, high efficiency, good mood, but it will be sluggish side. Be prepared to easy don’t-care and detachment. It pursues this logic and this bunch.

  • 5.Idebenone (Noben) + DMAE + Ginkgo Biloba

Perhaps the best word that characterizes this bunch - updating or restructuring. Many antioxidants, light healthy stimulation of the body without fatigue.

How to take: a general course - 3 months. Idebenone - 7 weeks, the first 2 months of DMAE, Ginkgo - every 3 months. Dosage Idebenone - 80-100 mg, divided into 2-3 doses. DMAE - 700-1000 mg as 2-3 doses, of Ginkgo - 120-160 mg, the reception in the morning.

Logic: All supplements have a tonic effect, cleanse free radicals, moderate stimulation, improve blood flow, oxygen circulates better. the impression will be created, if you live in a clean place. All components are perfectly combined with each other, mainly by acting on just one neurotransmitter - acetylcholine.

  • 6.Cerebrolysin / Cerebrolysat + Noopept

The most powerful neuro / polypeptides. Select the desired one thing. Preparations need to chop the hardest bunch. If you are going to prick, then as carefully as possible, so that no plague not enter!

How to take: Cerebrolysin / Cerebrolysat shot 5 mg daily for 10-20 days, or 30 days if the stabbing through the day. Noopept better to start 1-2 weeks before a course of injectable preparations, and take it in the amount of 2.5 months.

Logic: Cerebrolysin - the only nootropic drug with proven efficacy to increase the number of neurons in the brain (NGF factor) noopept - nice neuropeptide assistant, which also protects neurons.

Parting words:

In any case, before using read the contraindications to harm the health of their own stupidity - the worst of all. And do not forget, why spend rate for the tablets for brains)

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