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Cognitive Enhancers Biotredin (L-threonine and vitamin B6)

26 Jan 2017

The energy and quality of life due to metabolites

Health - this is what allows us to be proactive in full and live longer. Doctors distinguish the concept of "quality of life", which determines how a person can be satisfied with life in accordance with their physical abilities. Important in maintaining health are the amino acids, the lack of which especially affects the brain work.

The role of amino acids in the organism

The amino acids we need on a daily basis to build structural proteins, enzymes, and provision of biological processes. Most of them are synthesized intracellularly, we obtain with other food. Amino acids regulate many processes that provide the vital activity and are responsible for cell renewal.

In the process of renovation in the body affects the speed in the first life, but also important heredity and the source of health. The highest rate of exchange and regeneration in brain cortex as the cells are more vulnerable to a lack of energy. Thus power requirements and capabilities are different among individuals.

Amino acids for brain

Regularly maintain the activity of brain functions without enough amino acids can not be. So if you complain about the memory, fatigue during mental work, irritability, difficulty in understanding the educational material - you have a deficiency in amino acids that support these processes.

In order to provide sufficient energy neurons and are required to prevent overload and its amino acid glycine precursor threonine. Catalyze the effect of these amino acids is capable of vitamin B6. These amino acids are able to increase productivity and enable a protective inhibition under emotional stress.

Who needs extra amino acids

Receiving amino administered as a formulation with increased mental and emotional stress, and in those cases when the load does not match the individual features. The additional support needs students during the session and in a particularly intense period of study, accountants, executives, teachers, doctors, working pensioners, children with learning difficulties, pupils of senior classes, adults who are learning a foreign language, or are driving courses, etc.

The optimum ratio of threonine and vitamin B6 is present in Biotredin formulation that improves intellectual activity, improves memory, reduces emotional stress. When severe stress and a particularly high rate of demand for glycine supplement drug Glycine. Both drugs are designed for long-term use because they consist of the most natural for the body components are approved for pediatric use.

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