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Cogitum - Very effective!

19 Nov 2016

Advantages: Helped in the short term, convenient packaging, pleasant taste,

Disadvantages: high price! cause allergies

My son spoke poorly for their two years. a few simple words. The neurologist appointed several drugs. Foremost among them was Cogitum.

volume is 10 ml. Liquid brown, has a sweet taste and odor. It was recommended to take the morning 2.5 ml, diluted with water 1: 1 and 1 ml of meal is also diluted with water. Took during the month.

I did not expect that the result will be noticeable so quickly! Just the second week of the reception I noticed progress in the child's speech. If before I tired of repeating some words to me son repeated. But he looked at me and said nothing. That is now heard a dog barking outside the window and said, 'aw-aw'. And many more sounds and syllables added a couple of weeks of reception.

But there was a problem. The child began rash. First, on the forehead. I thought it was sweat, since the beginning of the reception coincided with the intense heat. But when a rash climbed on his back, arms and legs, I went to our neurologist. She told that the drug is very effective, so rash. The doctor said that the allergy is possible, but extremely rare.

the child does not speak immediately offers. But progress is definitely there. And for the very whiling away the time. The child began to repeat after me, I began to speak words from two different syllables, and indeed somehow began to grow faster. Naturally, we will continue to be seen by a neurologist.

Someone from the Bahrain - just purchased the goods:
VisOptic eye drops 0.05% 15ml