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Cogitum - The result is there, but the child was out of control!

19 Nov 2016

Advantages: the taste of a banana, there is an effect in the development of speech

Disadvantages: worsened the child's behavior

Of course, "Cogitum" - an expensive drug, but it is worth it. To my child 1 year and 7 months. Vocabulary is very small, up to 18 words and diagnosis delay speech development. The neurologist has appointed us to take Cogitum 14 days one ampoule per day, half in the morning and half in the afternoon and then a break 2 weeks and then take 14 days.

In the beginning, the effect in terms of new words, and excessive activity appeared after several days. By nature, my child is not very active. To him could come the other kids and take away his toys, and he could only cry for it. Now he has become more mobile, does not give his toys, if you do not want.

After the reception, my boy, not only increased the number of new words, but he was more clever. However, the behavior has deteriorated sharply.

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