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Cogitum - progress in the development of speech

20 Nov 2016

If in the first days of reception we had some trouble sleeping, by the end of the course and after sleep got up, the child became calmer in his sleep.

We have clearly noted the positive effect of receiving Kogituma, after 6 months of planning to repeat the course.

General tonic "Cogitum"

Dosage Form: Oral solution.

Active agent - Acidum acetylaminosuccinicum

Åhe main purpose of the drug common causes include: motor retardation, psychomotor retardation, delayed speech development, emotional development, the various manifestations of damage to the nervous system and its consequences.

Cogitum may apply even in the absence of severe disease and neurological disorders just to stimulate mental activity and active physical and mental stress.

"Cogitum" does not cause seizure activity.

The dosage is adjusted individually by the attending physician.

"Cogitum" approved for use in children aged 7 years or younger children to a lesser dosage. The drug was very even nasty: yellowish solution with a pleasant aroma of banana and sweet taste.

The movement appeared orientation, improved coordination.

At the moment, after the course a little more than two weeks, the positive trend continues, my son began to build more complex sentences, saying the new sounds and words. His interest in everything that is around me simply delights, he keeps asking "Who's that?", "What is this?".

If in the first days of reception we had some trouble sleeping, by the end of the course and after sleep got up, the child became calmer in his sleep.

We have clearly noted the positive effect of receiving "Cogitum", after 6 months of planning to repeat the course.

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