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Cogitum - instructions for use (adults and children), analogs, reviews

28 Dec 2016

The drug Cogitum

Cogitum refers to the adaptogenic and tonic funds, reducing the central nervous system. The active ingredient of this drug is potassium-amino-acetyl succinate, which is able to drive acetyl-amino-succinic acid contained in the CNS tissues and is responsible for the normal transmission of nerve impulses. Such effects on the human organism leads to the normalization of all stimulation and regulation of nervous processes.


Cogitum also can participate in the synthesis of RNA and DNA, to improve physical endurance and stimulate the immune system, speeding up the processes of formation of antibodies and immunoglobulins.
Revealed and such properties of this drug, which point to its ability to provide a hepatoprotective effect, accelerate the excretion of ammonia (in case of poisoning them) and reduce the negative impact of radiation on tissue.
Manufacturers Cogitum preparation are the three French companies: Patheon France, Hoechst Marion Roussel / Marion Merrell and Sanofi-Aventis.

Cogitum Release Form

Cogitum is produced in the form of a clear solution of light yellow color for ingestion. The solution has a pleasant banana flavor and is packaged in vials of dark glass with pointed ends.
Cogitum ampoule 250 mg / 10 ml (25 potassium-amino-acetyl succinate1 mL), placed in plastic packaging cells - 30 ampoules per carton.

Instructions for use Cogitum

  • Functional asthenic conditions;
  • Depression and nervous disorders in mild;
  • Antidepressants;
  • Fatigue.

In most cases, Cogitum is used in the complex therapy. In pediatric practice reading list of more extensive.

Contraindications for Cogitum: Hypersensitivity to one of the components of the drug; children up to 7 years.

Side effects of Cogitum: Allergic reactions such as rash or itchy skin. In most cases, the drug was well tolerated, and allergic reactions are extremely rare.

Cogitum Treatment
How to take Cogitum?

The drug is intended for oral administration (internal) use. Most preferably carried out its welcome in the morning. Cogitum has a pleasant taste and can be used without dilution with water (at a dilution in water the taste almost completely lost). Breeding of drinking water preparation, with the convenience of its acceptance as such, are not prohibited.
Before taking Cogitum necessary to open the ampoule at one end, placing it on a glass or cup, and break off the lower end of the ampoule. The solution seamlessly result in cooked dishes.
Omitting one or more methods of drug treatment Cogitum can continue in the same doses that were prescribed by a doctor (no need to accept the missed dose).
The drug can stop suddenly, this will not cause any serious or unpleasant symptoms.
Dosage of Cogitum
Dosage and duration of treatment in most cases the individual is assigned.
The average adult dose is 3 capsules in the knocks. In this take 2 capsules in the morning and 1 vial - before going to bed.
The average duration of treatment Cogitum is 3 weeks, and if necessary, your doctor may prescribe a second course of treatment after a certain period of time.

Cogitum for children
Cogitum is used in pediatric patients for the treatment of different neurological, psychiatric diseases and conditions in children older than 7 years. Clinical data on the admission of the drug in children under 7 years not.
Indications for admission Cogitum in pediatrics quite extensive:

  • delay stages of physical development;
  • delay emotional, psychomotor,
  • pre-speech and speech development;
  •  mental retardation; syndrome, perinatal lesions of the nervous system;
  • neurotic disorders;
  • short-term depression;
  • adjustment disorder;
  • syndrome of fatigue after a viral disease; consequences of traumatic brain injury or neuroinfections;
  • mental development disorders; periods of high emotional, physical or mental exertion.

Dosing of Cogitum, the definition of the duration of his admission and the need for repeated courses of receiving the appointment of children in most cases is determined individually and depends on the age and the child's diagnosis.
Average dose of Cogitum: for children 7-10 years - 1 ampoule in the morning; Children 10-18 years - 2 capsules in the morning.
The average duration of treatment Cogitum in children from 2 weeks to a month.

Cogitum during pregnancy and lactation
Cogitum can be administered during pregnancy and lactation only on doctor's advice, although studies have not revealed teratogenic, mutagenic or embryotoxic effects of the drug. In appointing Cogitum nursing mothers may need to cancel breastfeeding.

Drug Cogitum Interactions
In clinical trials there was no evidence Cogitum ability to interact with other drugs.

Analogs of Cogitum
Cogitum analogs that are completely identical in composition exists. If necessary, your doctor may prescribe this drug instead of other drugs with similar indications for use.

Reviews about Cogitum
Reviews for admission Cogitum different - from positive with excellent results up sharply negative. On some forums there are information that consumers are often faced with the fakes of this drug, and it could only buy with a doctor in a hospital or private individuals.
Reviews of the treatment of adult Cogitum (if all the doctor's instructions) is mainly positive. They note: the drug's effectiveness in eliminating signs of fatigue, nervousness and depression, ease of reception and a pleasant taste. Reviews of adverse allergic reactions are extremely rare.
Rare negative reviews about this preparation contain information about the absence of the desired effect and may be due to incorrect assignment of the drug or breach the basic scheme of complex treatment.
Reviews Cogitum treatment of children with delayed speech development in the most positive. Many parents of young patients note: the rapid expansion of the vocabulary of the child, the emergence of the ability to construct sentences and more productive perception and assimilation of new information.

If you are using this medication to correct problems with the pronunciation, in the opinion of parents, positive results were observed rarely, t. To. This pathology is increasingly in need of speech therapy remedial work on the speech of the child.
In appointing Cogitum children to eliminate nervousness, fatigue, emotional, mental or physical stress by the majority of parents were positive results. The good effect is observed and when taking this drug to restore the overall health of children after craniocerebral trauma, viral diseases and neuroinfections. Reviews of the occurrence of an allergic reaction to Cogitum in children are extremely rare.

Some parents have noted that taking Cogituma can cause symptoms of hyperactivity in children, moodiness, sleep disturbances, nervousness (even tantrums and aggression). Described isolated cases and the appearance of seizures in children with a history of epileptic seizures. Smooth data negative manifestations, according to many moms, helps the following activities: a parallel reception of this preparation as Magne B6, gradual increase of dosage Cogitum and its phasing out, the reception of the solution only in the morning or no later than 3 pm.
Reviews parents of children who are appointed Cogitum, point to the fact that this drug, despite the presence of contraindications in the instructions intended for children up to 7 years, in practice, is used to treat and at an earlier age (3-4 years old, and even isolated cases of appointment children up to a year). In such cases, the appointment of Cogitum can be carried out only with the written consent of the parents.
Most Cogitum patients assessed as "an expensive drug."

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