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Cogitum - helped with learning disabilities

13 Nov 2016

Advantages: pleasant taste, helps to cope with learning

Disadvantages: high price

The drug Cogitum has been assigned to my child with a diagnosis of hyperactivity for the first time in November 2014. We have taken a course of 30 days. Nearly 10 days after the start of Cogitum. I noticed that the child was actively engaged in lessons. Further improved results in assessments in all subjects, we finished the quarter with good marks.

I am sure that the drug works and affects the behavior of the child only on the positive side. By the end of our course of treatment, a child listening to my words correctly perceive all the information has become more sociable. Interestingly, the son began to be distracted by all the gadgets and become more likely to be in his room, where toys and took out his paints and could easily occupy yourself. I think that the result is visible and noticeable.

It is sold in large ampoules of 25 mg. Open the ampoule is not difficult. The drug has the taste of sweet banana and the corresponding smell. One package of 30 ampoules, I take to the extent it is more convenient - exactly enough for a month. We accept Cogitum twice a day (morning and afternoon) on the half of the ampoule. And yourself ampoules in a box, I constantly kept in the refrigerator.

Duration of use: 3 months

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Cogitum - excellent drug

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