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Cogitum - helped to talk

20 Nov 2016

Advantages: banana flavor, there is an effect in speech development

My son did not say anything to almost 3 years. The neurologist has long been offered treatment, but we're waiting on the advice of others, that he speak. Then he was scared to lose time. And we started neurologist suggested treatment. We have appointed Cogitum.

The drug is not cheap. The taste is pleasant, the child took the morning with pleasure. And finally, I felt good effect of this drug. Son began to construct sentences, repeat all the words he hears! Of course, many of the sounds he says is wrong, some do not pronounces, in the behavior of some changes I have not noticed, that is calm or excitable, he did not.

The effect of the drug began in the last week of reception, probably, and still continues. That is, with each passing day it is more and more repeats are different words, new words, he was willing to talk, we report everything that happened in kindergarten.

So what about the reception of the drug I do not regret of it a good effect.

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