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Cogitum - good result

20 Nov 2016

My daughter was 2 years 7 months and it is still very badly spoke. Already visited several specialists, the result was not.

The neurologist appointed Cogitum. The first results observed after administration of half ampoules. Almost completely gone babbling, she began to talk more and more clear to say the words. And then somewhere regression began on the 20th day of reception, back talk, it has continued to develop, but the babble of me very worried. But now I could easily stop her, saying: I do not understand you, speak normal words. And she has stopped his nonsense stream and began to speak normal words.

Now has been a week after the full course. It is almost pure, without her babble. She says the proposals long sentences of more than 5 words. In her speech she added a lot of new words, beginning more than me to understand and to comply with requests. She finds and calls by name. Sleep adjusted.

Naturally all of these results and a sharp break was due to receive medication. I recommend this drug. No side effects, we have not identified, although the child is very allergenic.

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Cogitum - really helps

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