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Cogitum - excellent preparation

13 Nov 2016

Advantages: Assists in the development of speech

Disadvantages: high price.

My child had a problem with the speech. Speech was but a lot of the sounds he uttered not correct. Classes with a speech therapist without medical treatment did not give results. And then we decided to go to a neurologist and he has prescribed this medication, and explained that it helps in the development of speech. But we are not only treated with this drug, and in combination with others.

Cogitum sold in ampoules of dark glass by 10 ml. for oral administration, Active agent - Acidum acetylaminosuccinicum

The course of treatment was 10 days for one ampoule per day.

The result was positive it became clear sound even went and improved fine motor skills of hands. We are very.

You need to take only on prescription.

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