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Cogitum - child got into conversation

19 Nov 2016

Advantages: Pleasant taste, effective

Disadvantages: High Price, excitability

Cogitum neurologist prescribed to us in connection with the speech delay. before we take other drugs, but no progress was not. after ten days of the course the child himself has collected sorter and pyramid (before that only scattered details or left), after the second decade, there were syllables, which was not in sight, only a lowing, and this was realized, after the third decade appeared about 50 words. It from scratch. The child began to better understand speech, there was an interest in his eyes, I think that definitely helped Cogitum.

Of course the high price the minuses. I also have noted the increased stimulation from the drug, but not critical, after the abolition of the behavior of normal. The child took good medicine has a pleasant banana flavor, even asked additives. I would recommend "Cogitum", of course, if it is prescribed by a doctor, worse will not be exact.

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