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Classification, justification and principles of use of not doping pharmacological agents in modern sports medicine

14 Dec 2016

Pharmacological correction is referred on improvement of physical efficiency of athletes and their adaptation to the increasing exercise and psycho emotional stresses; she solves various medical, preventive and pedagogical problems.

In other words, problems of sports pharmacology are:

  • correction of metabolic disturbances for maintenance and augmentation of physical efficiency of athletes;
  • rising of adaptic fastness and immunologic resistance of an organism to action of intensive and long exercise stresses and psychological strain;
  • correction of adaptation to temporary and singular stay of the athlete in various geographical zones, first of all, with adverse climate;
  • optimization of recovery processes after loads of various orientation, volume and intensity;
  • prophylaxis (and if necessary — treatment) the overstrain and diseases bound to influence of exercise stresses.

Such circle of tasks dictates need of use of a large number of the pharmacological agents influencing the most various links of a metabolism in the athlete's organism.

Pharmacological drugs used in practice of sports preparation on the mechanism of action and influence on certain metabolic processes (Makarova, 2003) are sectioned as follows.

  • Agents which are promoting creation of optimum conditions for acceleration of natural processes of post-load restoration by means of improvement of a functional condition of organs of natural detoxicating urinary and gepatobiliarny systems (detoksikant, antioxidants, regidratant, hepatotropic agents, first of all, holecinetik and gepato protector) and artificially accelerating processes of post-load restoration at the expense of a metabolization, removal and binding of toxic metabolites (sorbents, gepato protector, immune modulators, antioxidants; vitamins, macro - and trace substances, including vitamine mineral complexes; agents for improvement of a renal blood flow).
  • The agents providing the increased requirements of an organism in the conditions of intense muscular activity in the main alimentary ingredients (vitamins, macro - and trace substances, including vitamin and mineral complexes; regulators of protein metabolism or plastic substrates amino acids and hydrolysates of proteins; regulators of carbohydrate and lipide metabolism, anabolic agents).
  • The agents allowing to improve an acceptability of training and competitive loads (antioxidants, anti gipocsant, adaptogens, including biogenic stimulators, anabolic agents; agents for power supply correction; regulators of the psychological status (psychomotor stimulators, sedative and nootropic agents, neuroprotectors); agents for correction of microcirculation and archeology condition of a blood (dezagregant); hemopoiesis stimulators; immune modulators; agents, it is referred regulating acid-base balance of an organism — pH).

It is necessary to consider that any pharmacological means which action is directed to increase in physical working capacity and "optimization" of recovery processes (according to M. D. Didur, optimization can provide both acceleration, and physiological normalization of speed of their course), happen a little or absolutely inefficient in the presence at the athlete of prepathological conditions or diseases proceeding subclinical and also in the absence of adequate dispensing of physical activities. Without reliable regular medic biological and pedagogical testing it is very difficult correct to dose the physical activities answering at the same time to tasks of a certain training period (stage) and opportunities of an organism of the athlete.

When using various means of pharmacological ensuring sports activities it is necessary to represent accurately what metabolic node they influence, what mechanisms of their action and, finally, what nature of influence on efficiency of training process. It is also necessary to consider contraindications to application of various pharmacological means, their interaction, possible side effects.

Rather pharmacological means for increase in indicators of physical working capacity it is necessary to pay attention to such parameters of effect of medicines as the urgent, cumulative and set aside effects, and also differentiation of influence on capacity, reservoir, profitability and feasibility. The efficiency evaluation of the used pharmacological means depending on the period (stage) of a training cycle and specialization, level of sports qualification, nature of power supply of training and competitive loads, an initial functional condition of an organism of the athlete, and also anthropometrical and gender and age features is very important.

Taking into account everything stated above it is clear that purpose of pharmacological means of increase in sports working capacity shall be performed jointly by the sports doctor and the trainer, and use efficiency evaluation — to be under constant medico biological and pedagogical control.

It is important that application of a complex of pharmacological means of ergogen orientation is the reasonable and most effective if it won't be fixed, and it is used during preparation micro cycles, and medicines and dietary supplements vary taking into account objectives. Proceeding from it, the technique of training shall remain the main link in achievement of optimum physical working capacity, and pharmacological correction — auxiliary, though very important component.

And, of course, it is necessary to remember that the athlete can appoint only the registered medicines, and also the means which aren't forbidden to application by Medical commission of the IOC (not relating to the Forbidden list WADA-2008).

The main pharmacological medicines and dietary supplements in elite sport

Adaptogens are natural low-toxic biologically active agents (medicines and dietary supplement) which increase resistance of an organism to adverse (extreme) factors of the external environment, such as physical and psychological activity, stresses, a hypoxia, a heat, cold, overcoming climate-zone zones, etc. Nonspecific action of adaptogens is determined by increase in resilience to harmful effects of a wide range of factors of the physical, chemical and biological nature. Adaptogens positively influence processes of excitement and braking in the central nervous system, thereby having the normalizing effect on an organism irrespective of an orientation of undesirable shifts.

Bigamous stimulators which exact chemical structure is finally not established essentially differ from adaptogens. They render the stimulating effect on an organism in general, and also on reparative and sexual functions. Bigamous stimulators prepare from animal or vegetable raw materials, are registered as medicines or dietary supplements to food.

Nootropic drugs are the agents having direct activating effect on ability to training, improving cerebration and memory (mnestic effect) including motive, and also (neuron protectors) increasing fastness of tissues of a brain to stressor influences. Characteristic property of nootropic drugs is their anti-hypoxemic activity. Nootropic stimulate training process, facilitate information transfer between cerebral hemispheres, normalize a cerebral circulation, strengthen power processes in a brain, increase abilities to assimilation new movement skills.

Antigipocsant improve utilization by an organism of oxygen and reduce requirement in it of organs and tissues, increasing fastness to a hypoxia. Preventive use of antigipoksant can be considered as the measure referred on acceleration of process of recovery of athletes.

Antioxidants or directly are bound by free radicals, or stimulate own antioxidatic system of an organism. Obligation of including of this group of medicines in complex pharmacological correction is caused by their proved properties of correction of the broken energy balance and rising of physical working capacity.

Drugs of plastic action is pharmacological drugs, biologically active agents and dietary supplement which at all stages of sports preparation influence biosynthetic processes, especially synthesis of nucleic acids and protein in an organism of athletes.

Anabolic process provides increase in plastic resources (recovery of the proteins which broke up in the course of activity, carbohydrates and fats). Carry some pharmacological medicines, means of an animal origin to the permitted anabolic means (including beekeeping products), homeopathic remedies, and dietary supplement.

Beekeeping products generally are provided for today in Ukraine by Apilak's tablets is medicine from the dried-up bee uterine milk. One pill taken in the morning once a day contains 10 mg of active ingredient. In other countries medicines of a uterine milk, unregistered in Ukraine, such as Apiserum (France), Apifortil (Germany), Lonzhiveks (Canada), Lakapnis (Bulgaria), Epirginol, Fitadon, Melkaltsin are issued. (Romania). It should be noted that the fresh uterine milk by the efficiency exceeds dried up. In Romania the Apigum chewing gum is issued. The unregistered means in Ukraine from flower pollen, such as dietary supplement of "Politabs-sport", are recommended in case of occupations by weightlifting and for acceleration of recovery in other sports. According to the French scientists, flower pollen accelerates growth and increase in body weight, increases appetite. Pollen never causes an allergy and formation of antibodies in an organism. In Russia flower pollen in tablets on 0.4 g under the name "Tsernilton" which is applied on 2 tablets three times a day to food is issued by weight. Also flower pollen in granules is issued. The minimum daily dose shall constitute at least than 2.5 g. It is impossible to accept flower pollen and a uterine milk inside because in a stomach they collapse digestive juice. Therefore these means are accepted only sublingual (under language) where are soaked up in blood, passing digestive tract.

Means of energy action (energizator), including marker is biologically active agents which, on the one hand, are donors of energy products (ATP, glucose, creatine, a L-carnitine, etc.) and with another — indirectly increase endogenous content in an organism of biomacro molecules which participate in muscular contraction (hormones, cycle metabolites of tricarbon acids and many others). Means of energy action promote recovery and creation of energy depots, raise glycogen inventories, and accelerate transport of fatty acids from cytoplasm in a mitochondrion. ATP, creatine-phosphate and glucose are power sources in an anaerobic and aerobic zone of performance. In case of long physical work they activate glycolysis.

Certain food, homeopathic remedies, a number of pharmacological medicines, dietary supplement, products of the increased biological value: honey, perga, nuts, flower pollen and medicines from them — are capable to influence bio-energetics of muscular contraction, they significantly increase physical efficiency of athletes.

Immune modulators are applied for under a continence of an adequate condition of immune system of an organism which protective properties often decrease in case of the intensive physical and psycho emotional activities inherent in elite sport. Immune suppression is caused by also frequent changes of climatic and time zones. Oppression of immune system indirectly influences physical working capacity (not to mention a susceptibility to infections). It is more preferable to use low-toxic medicines of phyto genesis as immune modulators.

Enterosorbents became the integral component of maintenance of physical working capacity as connect and remove from an organism the toxic substances capable which collected in the course of hard muscular work negatively to influence cardiovascular, respiratory, immune system and blood formation.

The hematologic homeostasis in an organism is supported by blood formation stimulators, and also means for improvement of micro circulator processes and a rheological condition of blood dezagregant. This group of pharmacological means stimulates eritropoez, increasing quantity of erythrocytes cells carriers of hemoglobin, and also provides a normal blood-groove in small blood vessels, supporting oxygen transport at the level adequate to physical activities.

The following drugs and dietary supplement concern to the main representatives of the listed groups of the not doping pharmacological agents applied in sports medicine to working capacity rising.

The main groups of medicines applied at stages of training of athletes

Name of pharmacological group / Pharmaceuticals and dietary supplement

All-tonics, adaptogens / Ginseng ordinary, the Rhodiola pink (a gold root), Araliya manchzhursky, Zamanikh, Levzey saflorovid (maraly root), the Eleuterococcus prickly, the Magnolia vine Chinese, RUS OLIMPIK (Russia, dietary supplement), Alivit (the drug containing flower pollen), Elton, Leveton, Fitoton, Adapton, Pantokrin, Cigapang, aloe extract liquid, Solkoseril, Aktovegin, Mumiye, oil sea-buckthorn, dogrose oil

Nootropa of metabolic action / Aminalonum (Gammalonum), Ginkgo of a bilob and drugs on its basis (Memoplant, Bilobil, Tanakanum, etc.), Fezam, Glitsin, Tserebrolizin, Pikamilon, to Leagues, Aktovegin, Nootropilum (Pyracetamum), Encephabolum, Phenibutum, Sodium a hydroxybutyrate, Neyrobutal, Pantogamum

Neuroprotectors / Acetyl - L - a carnitine (L-carnitine), Fosfatidilserin, Pentoksifillin, Vinpocetinum (Vincaminum), Nitsergolin, Vinkonat, Nimodipin (Tsinnarizin, Flunarizin),

Meksidol and other antioxidants (Dibunolum, Eksifon, Tirilazida ìåñèëàò, Pyritinolum, Meclofenoxatum, Aterovit, Tocopherol acetate), Glitsin, Biotredin

Aktoprotekgora / Optimayzer, Bemitil (Bemaktor), Antikhot, Tomerzol, ATF-LONG

Antigipoksanta / Olifen, Tsitomak (cytochrome C), Mexidol, Mexikor, Kardonat, Reamberin, Limontar, Melatonin, Kvertsetin, Korvitin

Antioxidants / Hepatocuprein, Dibunolum, Tocopherol acetate,

Epadol, Essentiale fort, Lipin, Yantarin, glutaminic acid, Aktovegin, Kratal, Vitam, Kardioplant, Eksifon, Tirilazida ìåñèëàò, Pyritinolum, Meclofenoxatum, Aterovit, TAD-600 (Tationine), Biotad, Epargresiovit

Vitamins / Vitamins of group A and B, vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin E, Calcium pantothenate, folic acid, nicotinic acid and Nicotinamidum (RR vitamin), Rutin and Askorutin. Buy online - Vitamin B12 cyanocobalamin injection.

Minerals / Biomanganese, Tsinkas and Tsinkas forte, Tsinkteral, Biotsink, Red zinc, Tsinkuprin îëü and Tsinkuprin forte, Biomed, Oligogal a selenium, Selen-Aktiv, Triovit, Selenokhel, Oksiteks, Asmag forte, Biomagny, Magne of B6, Magnesol, Magnerot, Hromokhel, Sorbifer, Maltofer, Tardiferon, Ferro-Folgamma, Biokaly, Kaly-normin, the Calcium gluconat, the Calcium Sodium lactatum, Vitrum Kaltsium +, D3 Vitamin, Kaltsy-D3 Nikomed, Kaltsy-Sandoz forte, Yod-Aktiv

Vitamin complexes / Biovital, Wang-e-dey at most, Vitamaunt for women and Vitamaunt for men, Vitamaks-plus with antioxidants, Solko's Vitamin-15, Vitalyuks, Vitrum and Vitrum plus, Geriavit Pharmaton, Geriamin, Glutamevit, Kvadevit, Gumet-R, Duovit, Ipkavit-M, Epargresiovit

Vitamin and mineral complexes / Kal-s-vita, a drop Beresha Plus, Kobidek of N, Materna, Mistermin, Multibionta plus calcium and magnesium, Multibionta Yunior, Nutrisan, Ol-Amin Oligovit, Pedivit Forte, Captivated, Polivit ãåðèàòðèê, Supradin Roche, Triovit, Walsh Polivit for adults, Upsavit Multivitamin, Fenyuls, Ferro-vital, Ferromaks, Ferro-Folgamma, Tsentrum, Endur VM, Yunikap of M

Immunomodulators / Interferon, Laferon, Tsikloferon, Proleykin, Levamizol, Immunal, Ribomunil, Bronkhomunal, Ekhinatsey, T-aktivin, Timogen

Means of plastic action / Potassiumò, Methyluracil, Sorbite, Fructose, Aminosol, Lipofundin, Intralipid, Infuzolipol, Bodiform, the Detox +, Layflak, Aminon, Alvezin, Ekdisten and medicines containing extract of a levzea saflorovidny (Leveton, Adapton), Dymatize Super amino 4800, Aminoven Infan, Inosine (lnosie-F), "Power max. Tribulus", Tribesteron 1500 (TribeSterone 1500), Bemitil, Antikhot, "Power max. Karnimin", "Power max. Pangtagang", SyntraEC, Max-Amino, amino acids (the USA, dietary supplement)

Makroerg / Ezafosfina (Esafosfina, Italy, Biomedica Foscama, medicine), Repolar (Repolar, Italy, Biomedica Foscama, dietary supplement), Dimefosfon, Fosfaden (Adenosinemono-phosphate, Adenil, Fosfostimol), Neoton (Fosfokreatin, Neoton), ATF-LONG

Other means of energy action / L-carnitine (and also Elkar and Karnifit representing respectively 20% and 10% solutions of a L-carnitine), SWOLE, Neovis (NEOVIS, NEOVIS Plus and NEOVIStres), Qw Coenzyme, "Super Potency Coenzyme", Nitriks (Nitrix, BSN and Nitrox II, Sci Fit), Metoksi-7 (Methoxy-7). Iprlflavone, Panangin (asparka), Aktovegin-forte (solkoserit), Mildronat, medicines of amber acid, such as Yantarin and Yantariin-Detoks, Suktsinat of sodium (salt of amber acid; its Russian analogs; mitomit, yantovit, enerlit), Isostar, AIDS the Booster and AIDS the booster plus one (Speed Booster), a Series ‘Fit Aktiv and "Fit Aktiv with L-carnitine (Feet Active, Feet Active with L-Kamitine), the Purpose of Max. (Cell Max), adaptogens of vegetable and animal origin

Enterosorbents / Atoksil, Attapulgite, Belosorb-P, Karbedon and Karbedon-M, Panzisorb, Polisorb of MT, Silard, Ensoral, Enterosgel, Enterosorbent

Other means of recovery orientation / Stimol, Aerobitin, Sekretagog-1, ZMA (ZMA), Antilaktat

Dezagreganta / Ksantinola (Komplamin), Pentoksifillin (Agapurin, Trental), Kavinton, Lipin, Instenon, Tiklopidin, Klopidogrel, Dipiridamol (Kurantil), Abtsiksimab, Eptifibatid (Integrilin), Tirofiban (Agrostat), Lamifiban, * Prefolik

Stimulators of blood formation (eritropoez) / Ceruloplasmin, Ritmokor; polyvitaminic complexes; the medicines containing iron (aloe syrup with iron, Ferropleks, Tardiferon, Fefol-Vit, Gemofer, Feramid, Venofer, gland, Ferbitol, Ferkoven, Ferrum-lek, Ferakril, Ferlatum, Ferliksid); beekeeping products

Hepatotrophic medicines / Antral, Galstena, Gepabene, Gepar Kompozitum, Gepatofalk-planta, Geptral, Ziksorin, lipoic acid, Legalon, Leprotek, Silimarin-Nekha1, Tiotriazolin, Flamin, Fosfolip, Holagogum, Holiver, Hofitol, Tsitrarginin, Essentsiale and Esseniiale Dote

In modern practice of sports preparation the following medicines are the most preferable to application:

  • Among all-tonics and adaptogens is magnolia vine Chinese, having the expressed psychostimulating action; means on the basis of levzea saflorovidny (a maraly root) and "RUS OLIMPIK" possessing anabolic action due to availability in the structure of ekdisteroid; Cigapang who is at the same time a source of minerals; Solkoseril having reparative action and Actovegin having anti-hypoxemic effect. Means of this group have practically no contraindications, from undesirable effects development of psychomotor excitement (it is especially characteristic of a magnolia vine Chinese) therefore it is desirable to accept them in the first half of day is possible.
  • Among nootropic medicines of metabolic action there is a ginkgo of a bilob and medicines on its basis (Memoplant, Bilobil, Tanakan, etc.) which distinctive feature is the expressed positive influence on brain blood circulation, and also direct antioxidant action); The Glycine having sedative action; Feninut, possessing sedative and antistress action; Sodium oxybutirat, having sedative and somnolent, and in case of prolonged use and anabolic action; Neyrobutal (distinctive feature is improvement of "combative" qualities, increase in aggression).
  • Among neypro protektor Pentoksifillin, Vinpotsetin (Vinkamin, Nitsergolin, Vinkonat), Meksidol and other antioxidants, first of all, Dibunol, Eksifon, Tiril of azid mesilat, Piritinol are most preferable the Atsetil-L-karnitin.
  • Among few representatives of a class of aktoprotektor there is Optimayzer (Ukraine, dietary supplement, acto protektor of the emergency action), Bemitil (Bemaktor), Antikhot (the most effective acto protektor of accumulative action is), Tomerzol. Bemitil and Antikhot are especially effective against the background of a high-carbohydrate diet and simultaneous use of medicines of eleuterococcus and amino acids with a branched hydrocarbonic chain (VSAA); are incompatible with barbiturates. In general medicines of this group have very low toxicity.
  • Among antigipoksant are Olifen (Gipoksen), Tsitomak (Cytochrome C), Mexidol (Meksikor), Limontar, Kvertsetin (Korvitin).
  • Among antioxidants which are representatives of different pharmacological groups of medicamental agents — Tseruloplazmin (drug for intravenous drop administration), Dibunolum (Ionol), the Tocopherol an acetate, Aevitum, Epadol, Yantarin, Eksifon, Tirilazida, Pyritinolum, TAD-600 and Biotad containing in the structure the restored glutathione, Epargresiovit (in the form of solution for injections).
  • Among vitamin drugs are vitamins of group A and B, vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin E, calcium pantothenate, folic acid, nicotinic acid and Nicotinamidum (RR vitamin), Rutinum and Ascorutinum. Vitamin drugs of a malotoksichna, but it is necessary to remember that toxic effects of liposoluble vitamins (And yes D) therefore it is impossible to exceed their recommended doses are possible!
  • Among mineral complexes are Biomarganets, Tsinkas and Tsinkas forte, Tsinkteral, Biotsink, Red zinc, Tsinkuprin and Tsinkuprin forte, Biomed, Selenokhel, Oksiteks, Asmag forte, Biomagny, Magne of B6, Magnesol, Magnerot, Hromokhel, Sorbifer durulex, Maltofer, Tar-diferon, Ferro-folgamma, Biokaly, Vitrum Kaltsium +, vitamin D, Kaltsy-D, Nikomed, Kaltsy-Sandoz forte, Yod-Aktiv; among vitamin complexes are Biovital, Wang-e-dey at most, Vitamaunt for women and Vitamaunt for men, Vitamaks plus with antioxidants, Vitamin-15 Solko, Vitrum and Vitrum plus, Duovit, Epargresiovit. It is necessary to remember that some trace substances (Zincum, manganese, cobalt, copper, iron, nickel, selenium) at over dosage show toxic action therefore it is impossible to exceed the recommended doses. It is desirable to prescribe monodrugs of trace substances under control of maintenance of the corresponding trace substances in blood.
  • Among vitamin and mineral complexes are Kap-s-vita (Switzerland), drop Beresha Plus, Kobidek of N, Supradin Roche, Ferro-folgamma, Tsen-trum. In case of purpose of these means it is necessary to remember danger of overdose of oil-soluble vitamins and some minerals!
  • Among immunomodulators are Interferon, Laferon (Biofarm, Ukraine) and Tsikloferon, Proleykin, Immunal, Ribomunil. Bronkhomunal, ekhina-tseya, Immunoton, T-aktivin.
  • Among means of plastic action are Potassium orotat, Fructose, Aminosol, Lipofundin, Bodiform, the Detox +, Layflak, Aminon, Alvah-zin, "RUS OLIMPIK", Dymatize Super amino 4800, Aminoven Infant (.Aminoven Infant), SyntraEC, lnosie-F (by efficiency exceeding all other medicines of inosine), Power max. Tribulus, Tribesteron 1500 (TribeSterone 1500), Bemitil, Antikhot, Power max. Karnimin, Power max. Pangtuogang, VSSA-Ekstra.
  • Among makroerg are Ezafosfina, Neoton (Fosfokreatin. Neotori), Repolar, Fosfaden (Adenosinemono-phosphate, Adenil, Fosfostimol), ATF-LONG.
  • Among other means of energy action there is a L-carnitine (and also El-kar® and Carney fit®, 20% and 10% solutions of a L-carnitine representing respectively), SWOLE, Neovis (NEOVIS, NEOVIS plus and NEOVIStres), Coenzyme Q10, Super Potency Coenzyme Q10, Nitriks (Nitrix, BSN and Nitrox II, Sci Fit), Metoksi-7 (Methoxy-7), Ipriflavone, Mildronat, means on the basis of amber acid, such as Yantarin and Yantariin-Detoks, Isostar, AIDS the Booster and AIDS the Booster one (Speed Booster, Weider), the Fit Asset and Fit the Asset with L — Carat — Nitinom Series { Feet Active, Feet Active with L-Kamitine), the Purpose Max (Cell Max).
  • Among enterosorbents are Enterosgel (a highly effective enterosorbent on the basis of silicon polyoxide), Belosorb-P, Karbedon® and Karbedon®-M, Ensoral (all four medicines — carbon enterosorbents of the fifth generation), Panzisorb (the combined medicine of a carbon enterosorbent with digestive enzymes). There are practically no contraindications to application of enterosorbents, but the rate, as a rule, shan't exceed two weeks in order to avoid removal from an organism of vitamins and minerals.
  • Among means of recovery orientation are Stimol, Antilaktat, Aerobithin, Sekretagog-1 (Secretogog one), ZMA (ZMA). Stimol, Antilaktat and Aerobithin are especially effective for the athletes specializing in cyclic sports, and Sekretagog-1 and ZMA are effective "night" reducers. Contraindications to use of medicines of this group are practically absent.
  • Among dezagregant are Tiklopidin, Klopidogrel, acid acetilsalicylic, Abtsiksimab, Eptifibatid (Integrilin), Tirofiban (Agrostat), Lamifiban, Prefolik, Trental. It is necessary to remember that among medicines of acid acetilsalicylic (aspirin) it is better to give preference to means of the Canadian production.
  • Among stimulators of blood formation (eritropoez) there is Tseruloplazmin, Ferliksit, medicines containing iron (aloe syrup with iron, Tar-diferon, Fefol-Vit, Gemofer, Feramid, Venofer, gland fumarat, Ferbitol, Ferkoven, Ferrum-lek, Ferakril, Ferlatum, Ferliksit). The Ceruloplasmin combination to iron medicines is rational (for example, with Ferliksit). Stimulators of a hematopoiesis should be applied under hematologic control.
  • Among hepato trophic medicines are Antral, Galstena, Tsitrarginin (participates in ammonia neutralization), Gepabene, Gepar (homeopathic medicine), Gepatofalk-planta, Geptral (has, except hepato protective, anti-depressive properties), Ziksorin (the system inductor the mikrosomalnykh of the enzymes of a liver participating in a detoxication of xenobiotics), lipoic acid, Legalon, Leprotek, Silimarin-Hexal®, Tiotriazolin, Flamin, Fosfolip, Holagogum, Holiver, Hofitol, Essentsiale and Essentsiale forte (phospholipid gepatoprotektor). The combination of two-three gepato protector to the different mechanism of action is rational. In case of purpose of means of this group especially it is necessary to consider not only sports specialization and the period of preparation, but also specific features of each athlete: for example, phospholipid gepato protector are contraindicated in case of holestaza.

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