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Chlordiazepoxide - Interactions with other Active Compounds

27 Dec 2016

Chlordiazepoxide + Alprazolam

(Mutually) oppression CNS.

Chlordiazepoxide + Acenokumarol

If concomitant use of chlordiazepoxide is weakening acenokumarol action.

Chlordiazepoxide + Benzathine benzylpenicillin

With greater ability to bind to plasma proteins, increases the content of the free fraction in plasma (replacing with fixation locations).

Chlordiazepoxide + Buprenorphine

(Mutually) oppression CNS.

Chlordiazepoxide + Valproic acid

Against the background of valproic acid is enhanced CNS depression.

Chlordiazepoxide + Haloperidol

Chlordiazepoxide (mutually) oppression CNS. You can buy Haloperidol.

Chlordiazepoxide + hydroxyzine

Chlordiazepoxide (mutually) effects.

Chlordiazepoxide + glipizide

Chlordiazepoxide displaces from its association with proteins, increases the content of the free-form the blood and increases the effect. The combined application may require dose adjustment.

Chlordiazepoxide + guanfacine

(Mutually) sedation.

Chlordiazepoxide + Diazepam

(Mutually) effect. Against the background of in / apnea increases the risk of the introduction of diazepam.

Chlordiazepoxide + Disulfiram

Disulfiram may potentiate the sedative effects of chlordiazepoxide by inhibiting its oxidative metabolism and increase plasma concentrations. Chlordiazepoxide dosage should be adjusted according to the clinical manifestations.

Chlordiazepoxide + diphenhydramine

(Mutually) oppression CNS, may increase the hypnotic effect.

Chlordiazepoxide + isoflurane

(Mutually) oppression CNS.

Chlordiazepoxide + Clonazepam

The potentiation of CNS depression.

Chlordiazepoxide + Metoclopramide

(Mutually) sedation.

Chlordiazepoxide + Omeprazole

Against the background of omeprazole (inhibits CYP450 system) slows the biotransformation and prolonged effect.

Chlordiazepoxide + piroxicam

Against the background of increasing the free fraction of piroxicam concentration in plasma (displaced from its association with proteins) may increase a therapeutic effect and risk of collateral.

Chlordiazepoxide + promethazine

Chlordiazepoxide enhances and prolongs the (mutually) sedation; reduction combined use requires doses.

Chlordiazepoxide + Propofol

(Mutually) effects.

Chlordiazepoxide + Risperidone

When used together, care is needed.

Chlordiazepoxide + Rifampicin

With simultaneous use of rifampicin may accelerate the metabolism of chlordiazepoxide and weaken its effect.

Chlordiazepoxide + Topiramate

(Mutually) oppression CNS.

Chlordiazepoxide + Tramadol

(Mutually) effect; concomitant use may increase the risk of seizures.

Chlordiazepoxide + Phenobarbital

Phenobarbital accelerates chlordiazepoxide metabolism and leads to an acceleration of its elimination. In a joint application with phenobarbital chlordiazepoxide enhanced anticonvulsant effect.

Chlordiazepoxide + Phentanyl

Chlordiazepoxide (mutually) effect.

Chlordiazepoxide + cimetidine

With simultaneous application of cimetidine may inhibit the metabolism of chlordiazepoxide and reinforce its action.

Chlordiazepoxide + cyproheptadine

The combined application of cyproheptadine and chlordiazepoxide is synergistic deprimatsiya and decreases the speed of psychomotor reactions.

Chlordiazepoxide + ethanol

Drinking alcohol during treatment with chlordiazepoxide, except summation depressing effect on the central nervous system, can provoke paradoxical reactions: agitation, aggressive behavior.

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