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Cerebrolysin - instructions for use (adults and children), analogs, reviews

29 Dec 2016

Overview about Cerebrolysin

For one of the most popular neuroprotective agents include Cerebrolysin. This preparation shows the absolute safety of the patients with dementia, head injury, stroke, and thus it is proved high efficiency. The drug was created by the Austrian company Ebewe Pharma for more than 40 years ago.


Good production technology provided by biotechnological methods, with the use of a standardized and managed the splitting of highly purified porcine brain proteins. Process quality is monitored by amino acid analysis.
The drug, which is in neuroprotection and neuroplasticity - completely identical to the mechanism of natural regenerative processes that occur in our body.
The drug is used in more than 45 countries.

Pharmachologic effect of Cerebrolysin
The drug contributes to the normalization of metabolism in the brain tissue. It contains basic substances brain metabolism - peptides and amino acids. Due to the penetration of the blood-brain barrier which separates the blood from the brain tissue, the active substance enhances synaptic transmission of nerve impulses and normalizes the intracellular barrier. As a result of Cerebrolysin, energy metabolism is increased, negative phenomenon lakcidose - decreases. This provides a neuroprotective mechanism of action of the drug - that is, it just protects brain cells.
Due to this, the brain cells are more resistant to hypoxia condition. Usually, if enough brain tissue supplied with oxygen or violated its uptake, the brain cells are killed. Cerebrolysin improves the survival of brain cells not only during hypoxia, but also in various other damaging influences.

Indication for Cerebrolysin

  • Violations of the central nervous system functions in diseases such as encephalitis and meningitis.
  • Operations on the brain. Violations of the cerebral circulation.
  • Slowness of mental development of children.
  • Dementia;
  • Alzheimer's disease - mental disease in which the memory is weakened and there is distraction.
  • Depression.

Instructions for use Cerebrolysin
The main components of successful treatment with Cerebrolysin - it correctly chosen dose and method of administration.
At a stroke, when the patient has acute cerebral blood flow is disturbed; meningitis and encephalitis; after neurosurgery and head injuries - divorced in saline Cerebrolysin introducing drip, once a day.
Cultivation is carried out in such a proportion: 100 - 200 ml of saline and 20 - 30 ml of the preparation. Drip administration means that the drug is injected very slowly, an hour or hour and a half. Duration may be from 10 to 20 days. Due to the properties of a medicament for the treatment of severe violations of the above, there is a rapid elimination of neurological defect, restoring clear consciousness, normalization of EEG.
The residual stroke phase, when manifested residual symptoms of cerebral blood flow; when neuroinfections affecting the central nervous system - the drug is prescribed intravenous bolus daily. Course - 20 - 30 days. Dosage - 5 - 15 ml. On doctor's advice, the course is repeated a few months later to secure a positive therapeutic effect. Repeated course improves the EEG, restores vitality. Dosage rate to re - intramuscular route, 1 - 2 ml, for 20 days.
Considered expedient use of the drug for chronic circulatory disorders at an early stage of cerebrovascular pathology. In such cases, the drug reduces fatigue, increases the functional activity of the organism, and improves performance. Dosage of Cerebrolysin - intramuscular route, 1 - 2 ml, for 20 days.
The drug is also prescribed for psychoorganic syndrome. Dosage rate - 5 ml bolus intravenously for 20 days. Thanks neuroprotectant in dementia compensated defect mental activity temporarily improve memory and concentration, increased daily activity. The preparation is diluted before administration in saline. Course - 30 days. If dementia is recommended to repeat courses of treatment.
Another indication for the administration of a neuroprotective drug Cerebrolysin - depression. Dosage rate - 5 ml intravenously 14 days.

Cerebrolysin For children
Children with signs of mental retardation, the drug is administered intramuscularly 1 - 2 mL for 30 days. several times a year can be carried out repeated courses of therapy. With an average severity of mental defects Cerebrolysin application is preferred.

Side effects of Cerebrolysin
After administration of the drug in a small range can vary body temperature. Sometimes there is a sense of warmth.

Contraindications for Cerebrolysin
Pregnancy, allergic diathesis, heavy impairment of renal function, status epilepticus. The drug can not be combined with the amino acid solution.

Intramuscular and intravenous administration (injections and drip) of Cerebrolysin
Ampouled drug Cerebrolysin is available in form of 10, 5 and 1 ml. It is used for intramuscular injections, intravenous injections, intravenous perfusion.

Composition of Cerebrolysin
As part of the preparation - hydrolyzate medulla, which contains peptides and amino acids.

Actovegin, Cortexin, Mexidol or Cerebrolysin?
Cerebrolysin - a nootropic agent which is used in cases of: dementia disorders, delayed development; as well as for the treatment of ischemic stroke.
Cortexin can be considered analogous to Cerebrolysin. Its release in the form of powder for injection. Composition - peptides extracted from bovine brain.
Actovegin is a biogenic stimulant, it is used in the treatment of ischemic stroke, in violation of the cerebral and peripheral circulation. It contains extract of calf blood. The drug is widely used in the CIS countries, and here in the US and Europe do not use it.
Mexidol use: for the treatment of chronic and acute cerebral circulation; in atherosclerotic changes; in the vegetative-vascular dystonia. It has antioxidant and anti-hypoxic action. Despite the similarity of the testimony can not be alone, without a doctor's recommendation to carry out self-appointment of these drugs or a change in therapy for one drug to another.

Analogs of Cerebrolysin
Cortexin, Actovegin, Cebrilysin, Cerebrolysat.

Reviews about Cerebrolysin
Lena, 23 years old. I was at one time prescribed antidepressants, but they do not help me. Apart from lethargy and unwillingness to do anything, I noticed that everything just falls out of the hands, no matter what I can not concentrate. My mother and I went to the doctor, he prescribed Cerebrolysin intramuscularly. Three weeks later, I noticed that it became better to concentrate and think.
Alya, 35 years old. We did our grandmother dropper with Cerebrolysin - good effect was slightly better and the memory became, and a clearer mind. Now soon we will do a second course.
Paul, 39 years old. I was assigned this drug Cerebrolysin after suffering meningitis. The doctor said that it is perfectly valid. No, I'm not an expert, of course, but nothing after his admission had not noticed.
Lisabeth, 27 years old. I have chronic cerebral and peripheral circulation. With this diagnosis I do not live a year. Periodically I go through courses of treatment with Cerebrolysin. It is effective, yes, but for a long time its effect is not saved. But there is a temporary improvement, it is a fact.
Before use, you need to consult with a specialist.

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