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16 Dec 2016

In the preparation stage, representing a "heavy artillery" among nootropics, of course, if we agree that glycine is a gun) On the preparation arguing a lot, and doctors and ordinary people. It has been held for a sufficient number of studies, but the drug is still in need of controversial moments. There is evidence that it "builds" of communication and neurons in the brain, but it is not used in the west.

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In the countries of the post-Soviet countries, it is not very popular because of the way the introduction into the body and the relatively high price. While it may cost and justified. Because the success it enjoys only "evil" nootropic addicts and patients. Meet, nootrop drug, that is made from animal of the brain - Cerebrolysin!


Remember, some people success enjoyed such a method of self: that's hurt your heart - it is necessary to fill up the little creatures and eat his heart, preferably more than one, the weak have bones - eat articular cart, much as tried to treat the lack of potency - it is generally difficult for logic theme, eating bovine eggs, rubbed the dirtiest, etc. How else could a person come up with an idea: "What if we take the pig brain and add amino acids and inject itself into ... im, I'm smart?". A pig may not immediately come to the brain? The chicken or elephant is worse?

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Cerebrolysin was developed and studied in Austria in the 70-ies of the last century, Cerebrolysin is available to this day. Purpose of Cerebrolysin is treatment of Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's disease, recovery from strokes and other brain injuries.In Russia, it has long included in the list of essential drugs, but then it was expelled (as Piracetam and Phenotropil), due to lack of effectiveness.

How does Cerebrolysin act?

Cerebrolysin is nootropic drug which is a set of peptides derived from porcine brain. Peptides - are molecules that consist of 2 or more amino acid residues, for example, recently talked about Semax and Noopept - these drugs and peptides have amino acid residues. Cerebrolysin consists of fragments of the brain of pig, which are responsible for the growth and development of the brain of pig.

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Unfortunately (or fortunately), not all peptides are amino acid residues may be absorbed from the stomach into the bloodstream. And Cerebrolysin is among them, and how to bypass the stomach and enter the bloodstream? The syringe, needle, butt...

Once in the blood, Cerebrolysin has no longer barriers to the brain.

What is the effect of fragments of pig’s brain has on the human brain?

It neuropeptides contained in the brain of pigs and exert their influence on the human brain. These neuropeptides in its structure is very similar to natural growth factors that exist in humans.

Structural similarities were found with:

  • 1.Ciliary neurotrophic factor (CNTF). This protein encoded CNTF-gene is a potent survival factor for neurons. Also, in 2001, we carried out a study on the usefulness of this factor in relation to neural diseases and found that CNTF causes a reduction in excess consumption of food without causing hunger. And it is a strong support for weight loss.
  • 2.Glial cell derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF). It is also a powerful factor in the survival of neurons, but there is a specialization, supports life of GDNF dopaminergic and motor neurons, and also modulates the activity of the NMDA-receptor.
  • 3.Insulin-like growth factor 1 and 2 (IGF-1, IGF-2). One of the favorite topics of bodybuilders. These factors stimulate the growth, development and differentiation of cells and tissues of the body, no matter the neurons in the brain is or muscle. Here we have both plus and minus. If you eat right and swing, then, under the influence of these factors alone, you will quickly learn a lot of new language, or if you had been taught. Less well that if there is a predisposition, the cancer cells will also grow. Our body and brain - this is a complex machine, where one and the same substance can help one another and to harm - think about it!

So we summarize the work of Cerebrolysin:

  • -Neurotrophic Activity - growth and development of new neurons.
  • -Neuroprotective activity - protection of neurons from destruction (apoptosis, saying buzzwords), especially in the dopaminergic and motor neurons. That is why this drug is prescribed for ADHD (where little dopamine) and Parkinson's disease (where the poor motility).
  • Course of Cerebrolysin

It's very, very difficult question. The drug Cerebrolysin is on the one hand the old, proven, work, and if it was very dangerous - it probably would have forbidden that we like to do with great pleasure. On the other hand, the aesthetics, logic dictates that the animal's brain to work hard a ... Well, you see, it even sounds odd.

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There is a whole list of diseases that can happen to you, you take a shot of a defective drug, especially made of animal. Let's hope for good medicine we look for, so we will continue.

Contraindications: status epilepticus, kidney failure.

In the vastness of the Russian and foreign Internet Cerebrolysin course is a bit different. Lay out 2 scenarios: ours and foreign, it is worth to say that we prefer a foreign course of Cerebrolysin. And what to try – it is up to you decide.

The course of Cerebrolysin – Russian version: 10-20 days, 5 mg Cerebrolysin / day (in the morning), intramuscularly. Not more than 2-3 courses per year!

The course of Cerebrolysin European style: 5 days 5 mg Cerebrolysin injection / day (in the morning) intramuscularly and then 2 output (days off). The course is for 4 weeks. It turns out, and 20 days, but a slightly larger total time period. Not more than 2-3 courses per year!

The drug Cerebrolysin should be administered slowly, otherwise can dramatically speed up the heartbeat.

P.S. Perhaps it is worth recalling that you require syringes, needles and alcohol.

The effects of Cerebrolysin

The effect is really very much, because the creation of new neurons, therefore, firstly, improving long-term memory, and remember information will be easier.

Second, seriously increases efficiency, there is almost no fatigue. The high concentration of attention. Rather, it is through the action of neurotrophic factor glial cells (GDNF) and its effects on dopaminergic neurons.

There may also be an antidepressant effect, soothing action and heightened sensitivity to caffeine. In the early days there may be problems with falling asleep.

Effects can be expected as soon as the said work "here and now". The only mark: improving long-term memory can be felt immediately, ie neurons are built, then "hammered" knowledge / skills, then you remember that knowledge. And immediately after the shot you do not begin suddenly, remembering that long forgotten.

To help Cerebrolysin

If you decide to take Cerebrolysin, then, at least at first do not add anything, feel the pure effect, the net effect, especially when it is the first course of Cerebrolysin. It will be much better when you know exactly - what to expect from Cerebrolysin in the future. However, if you insist, you can add to the other peptide Cerebrolysin nootropics, such Semax, Selank, Noopept, Glycine.

Bottom line:

  • 1.Cerebrolysin is uniquely effective, and undervalued by modern science.
  • 2.Effects: Neurogenesis - or better long-term memory performance, concentration. All effects, except memory, appear less than an hour. The drug is contraindicated if you are epileptic or have kidney problems.
  • 3.Course: intramuscular injection of Cerebrolysin, 5 mg per day in the morning. No more than 20 days. You can pierce all at once can be 5/2. Not more than 2-3 courses per year.
  • 4.The drug works by itself, but if you decide to combine, then add the peptide nootropics, Semax and / or Noopept.
  • 5.Suitable for substantially increasing the load on the brain. Example: a major new job, moving to another city. Ie where you need to quickly, and most importantly, space to gain experience and knowledge.
  • Happiness and progress to you!)

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