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Cell Death

01 Dec 2016

The biologist Dr. Doping tells about programmed cell death, the role of caspases and cell death in plants. How the process of apoptosis occurs? What are the enzymes responsible for cell death? What are the ways of apoptosis program development? And some studies have practical significance of programmed cell death?

In a multicellular organism most of the cells does not live throughout the life of this organism. Of course there are neurons that live their entire lives, they were formed in infancy, as they then exist. The majority of the cells live for a certain time, then dies. The process of death is very complex, orderly and must take place intelligently.

The cell can not just die, fall apart, because then the decay products will destroy everything. She has to die so as not to damage the surrounding cells. Therefore, the process of cell death is very hard-coded. There are special proteins in which the cell itself is very intelligently kills. The process of cell death is usually called "programmed cell death".

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There are several variants of programmed cell death. Most currently investigated in a process called "apoptosis". The main feature consists in apoptosis that occurs in the nucleus of the compaction of chromatin. The cell does not swell, it is, on the contrary, it is compressed slightly and then falls apart into small fragments and these fragments are captured by cells, macrophages, which digested remnants of dead cells.

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