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Causes of alcoholism

18 Mar 2019

Alcoholism, in fact, is a severe, in many cases incurable, disease that eventually completely destroys the structure of not only the psychological shell of a person, but also his body. As society develops more and more, drinking alcohol changes its own, originally ritual and collective, form.

Causes of alcoholism

It becomes a strictly individual process, in which everyone is looking for something special. However, nevertheless, the number of people who simply can not stop using alcohol increases, and their dependence acquires a chronic form. There are many reasons, and mostly psychological ones, that lead to alcohol dependence.

Speaking of psychological causes, we mean the reasons and motives that affect the person most, forcing him to drink alcohol. There can be many reasons for these, and all of them are exclusively individual for each person. This may be dissatisfaction with yourself, your appearance, relationships with others and relatives, depression, fatigue, both physical and psychological, a sense of loneliness, shyness, grief and so on. From such feelings you can temporarily get rid of, if you drink alcohol, but in time it needs more and more.

In addition, due to the fact that the body gets used to the constant presence of alcohol in the blood, it can no longer manage without it, and therefore there is a hangover syndrome. This syndrome is not just the result of excessive consumption of alcohol, and the sensations that are experienced by a person (headache, dry mouth) are just the tip of the iceberg.

In fact, alcohol affects the body in such a way that the blood vessels expand. There is a greater flow of blood and a sense of euphoria. When there is less alcohol in the blood, the blood vessels narrow, forming an increased pressure, which can result in death if you do not take the drugs that lower the pressure in time, or, again, the proportion of alcohol.

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