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09 Dec 2016

Capsaicine (the chemical name is vanililamid acid 8-methyl-6-nonenovoy) is an alkaloid, received from some types of Capsicum pepper. The pure capsaicine represents colourless crystalline substance with burning taste.

Synonyms: to capsicum (kapsika), cayenne, capsaicin, chili pepper, hot pepper, sweet pepper, red pepper, green pepper.

The capsaicine enters into group of pharmacological agents is"Revellents of a natural parentage". It is capable causes a boring of integuments and mucosas, at hit on their surface.

Mechanism of action

The burning sensations and pains resulting from action of capsaicine represent result of chemical interaction with the sensitive terminations of nerves. Capsaicine, being the representative of group of vaniloid, it is capable to be bound to VR1 receptors (vaniloidny receptors of a subtype 1). As later it was defined, VR1 are ion channels which open in response to action of capsaicine owing to what there is a depolarization of the nervous termination also the signal which comes to a brain and it is subjectively perceived as a burning sensation and pain is formed.

Effects of capsaitsin

Kapsaitsin is used in many medicines, in particular ointments and plasters for pain relief in case of a peripheral neuropathy, neuralgia and other pathological processes. Action of kapsaitsin has the distracting character. Usually its concentration fluctuates between 0.025% and 0.075%.

It was proved what kapsaitsin has ant carcinogenic properties. You can also like Hepatamin.

Kapsaitsin is used in sport for two main objectives - pain relief and weight loss.

Capsaitsin in sport

Ointments and creams on the basis of kapsaitsin are applied in sport to pain relief in muscles and joints after the training and in case of damages. Capsaitsin causes a feeling of heat and rush of blood to the place of damage that accelerates recovery and healing of fabrics.

Several researches on animals and people confirm that kapsaitsin is capable to increase considerably heat production of an organism thanks to what carbohydrates begin to collapse at faster speed and the organism begins to use deposits of fat as a power source. Capsaitsin also normalizes glucose level in blood. So far up to the end efficiency of kapsaitsin in case of weight loss therefore are required further carrying out researches isn't studied.

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VisOptic eye drops 0.05% 15ml