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Can I lose weight on fasting days

02 Oct 2017

Weight reduction requires a person not only to ensure physical activity, but also to maintain a certain diet. But if you do not have enough willpower to keep a diet, then fasting days are by everyone's strength. It is with their help that you can restore the digestive system after a lot of feasts and even reduce weight. At the same time, the main question remains: how correctly to perform unloading days in order to lose weight by the maximum number of kilograms.

It is important to understand what it is. Unloading day is a certain diet, which must be observed within 24 hours. In this case, there is no need to completely abandon food and water. You will not be hungry or irritated if you choose the right foods.

Do relief days help you lose weight?

We will understand, whether it is possible to grow thin on days of release. First of all, we emphasize that this is just a one-day strict diet. With it, you will greatly reduce the intake of calories in the body. Accordingly, he will have to spend already available supplies. Of course, in the morning the arrows of the scales can move slightly in the smaller direction. But this is easy to explain.

On such a diet there is a rapid removal of fluid from the body. Together, binders are lost in it. The weight decreases, but it often returns. As for fatty tissues, they actually decrease as a result of such discharge, but in minimal amounts. So, can you lose weight if you are on fasting days?

Theoretically, no. But it is important to understand that often overweight is caused not by overeating, but by a violation of metabolism and the work of internal organs. With the help of unloading, you can normalize the condition of all organs and systems, returning them to normal activity. As a result, the tone will improve, metabolism and metabolism will improve. And this will help you to lose weight.

An important advantage is that unloading helps to activate the brain, shake the body, forcing it to work in extreme conditions. Of course, you will not notice any result at once. But after a few weeks your weight will be less, which is confirmed by the reviews of those who have grown thin about unloading days.

How to organize a fasting day

In order to no longer think about whether helping to loose weight days, you need to try this method for a month. Before moving on to a rigid restriction of products, you need to prepare. One day before the start of discharge, it is recommended to use only light foods, so that their total calorie content does not exceed 1.5 thousand.

Products designed for consumption on a fasting day should be no more than one thousand calories per day. After a couple of such discharges, you can still reduce the number of calories, gradually bringing to 500. Only after 8-10 months you can easily tolerate a one-day diet, including only water or tea.

For the first unloading days, you can use cereals, for example, pearl barley or buckwheat porridge. They not only perfectly suppress appetite, but also clean the intestines, improving its work. An excellent option will be sprouted grains. You need to consume them after 3-4 days soaking in a raw form. The simplest option is kefir days.

During the menu, it is important to exclude sugar, protein, starch, salt and coffee. Ginger, fennel or coriander can be used as spices. To increase efficiency and provide the body with the right amount of moisture, it is important to consume up to two liters of water or tea. An excellent option will be herbal decoctions. If these requirements are met, a fasting day will help to lose weight.

How much you can lose weight on fasting days

The next question concerns how much you can lose weight on days off. It all depends on the individual characteristics. Do not expect the result instantly. Only when carrying out 1-2 unloads per week will the effect be seen. Increase it can be with the help of special additives or fat burners. They will help you:

  • Reduce appetite;
  • Improve overall health;
  • Give strength;
  • Deterioration of mood.

As an example, additives such as Methyldrene-25, Simpatoterm Lux or Diablos Hyperburn V-10 can be considered. They have a plant composition and do not have a negative effect on the body. In addition, they have an excellent effect with China White 25 and Black Spider. They cause a rush of strength and vivacity.

It is also important to understand how many days a week is needed to lose weight. Given that this is a pronounced stress for the body, it is not worth doing them more than twice. This will be enough to improve the work of the digestive system and normalize the metabolism. If you connect fat burners, the effect will be achieved much faster.

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