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Buy Phenylpiracetam (Phenotropil): Become a Cyborg

19 Jun 2016

I began to notice for memory impairment for a long time. I did not know that there are good pills, and I had already tried everything that you can: Cinnarizinum, Pirocetam, Glycine (the latter took as vitamins several times a day). I Re-read the entire Internet, but most of the drugs have a therapeutic effect only when it taken in a few months, and I tried, but they did not help.

I addition to my main work from 8 to 17, I work as freelancer, and so I have accumulated a lot of projects, periods burn, there is no efficiency, in the evenings after the 8 hour of working day with the broken phone, just want to come and go to bed, and the projects should be done, deadlines burn. For projects put excessive periods, as I know that in time I cannot finish.

Even if I insert a match in the eye, then I would be a sleeping man with the matches in and to not force my body, I'll just go to sleep, putting all the work for tomorrow and so every day.

I was given a try of Phenylpiracetam (Phenotropil) (cut from the package 4 tablets per sample). In the morning I drank one tablet and went to the main job.

Have you seen the movie "Limitless?". That's about the same effects of these pills, which opened the previously closed opportunities for you, so you become a cyborg, which is not calm even shoot down missiles.

Arriving in the evening from the basic work, I want to work more, the project on which I have identified for 3 weeks I have done for the night, ended at 4 am, but not sleepy. Sleep still lay down, set the alarm for 8 am in the morning to work, and after work to do their projects. For a week, no side effect is not found, you do not want to sleep, where the body draws strength I do not know, I go to bed I used when already understand that in order to preserve the health, it is necessary all the same to sleep. I want to drink Phenylpiracetam (Phenotropil)for a month and see the results. 

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