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Buy Mexidol: It Helps From Vertigo

28 Jun 2016

Advantages of Mexidol: It helps from headaches, dizziness, and IRR.

Mexidol is a drug for intravenous and intramuscular administration.

The doctor once appointed me Mexidol from vertigo, in injections, and as I suffer from vegetative-vascular dystonia, after several courses of treatment began to notice that the dizziness passed, and headaches passed, as well as know that Mexidol accepted at anxiety disorders, depressions, nervousness, irritability and aggression - either in pills or in the injections, but I knew from my experience, that the best is intramuscular injections, but even better is intra-veins injections, rather than pills.

Mexidol is indicated for use:

- Acute brain disorders.

- Cranio - brain injury, the consequences of traumatic brain injury.

-Syndromes of dystonia.

- Anxiety disorders in neurotic and neurosis-like states.

- Acute purulent processes -vospalitelnye abdomen.

- Vegetative - vascular disorders.

Of course, in this formulation, there are contraindications:

- Acute human liver and kidneys, during pregnancy and lactation has not been carried out.

Side effects: - may cause nausea, dry mouth, drowsiness, allergic reactions.

Appointed by prescription, are sold in pharmacies without a prescription.

In general, from dizziness and vegetative-vascular dystonia, I recommend Mexidol injection!

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