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Buy Medixol: Effective Drug With Rapid and Pronounced Effect

20 Jun 2016

In this review, I would like to share with you the experience of using drug Mexidol that I experienced myself.

In 18 years, I was put an official diagnosis of vasoneurosis (dystonia). Now in our time is fairly common diagnosis. Each it appears differently. Identical vasoneurosis is uncommon thing. Someone has strong panic attacks. For someone it is manifested only physically, but not mentally.

There was no cure for me because the form of dystonia was light and almost imperceptible. It expressed initially in increased excitability, anxiety and a sense of lack of air. And even then, I was finishing school and I had to pass the admission to university, so the nervous system does not withstand. Psychotropic drugs are at an age to take dangerous, as they can affect the absorption on the psyche, and in 18 years in humans, it is not yet completely formed.

Drug treatment is not assigned, and I was prescribed more than a walk in the fresh air, relax, take a bracing means, such as dried apricots, nuts, honey, and so on.

Gradually, all of these symptoms faded away. The nervous system is strengthened and calmed down, but the imbalance of vessels still remained. So now VSD appears in my little fatigue, decreased stamina and fatigue peculiar or nervous excitement I strongly redden cheeks and on them I feel an unpleasant burning sensation. Often redness appeared on the day when the weather changed dramatically. The heat on the face sometimes (in very severe cases) could be accompanied by a more expensive type of small inner chill.

In general, I live and I do not suffer too much from the dystonia. But sometimes it makes itself felt. In particular, I feel it is good in the offseason in the transitional seasons - spring (usually) and autumn.

Learning about Mexidol preparation and reading a huge range of reviews about it, as well as that it is almost a profile at VSD, I decided to try it as a once in a while I began to appear my symptoms most often in the spring.

Meksidol available in ampules and tablets of 30 and 50 units. The vials were put in strong disturbances in the recovery period after heart disease and then go on the pill.

In my case, tablets were sufficient. I take 1 tablet of Mexidol (125 mg) three times a day, that is, this pack is enough for 16 and a half days.

Mexidol refers to a group of antioxidant drugs. And it has a complex action on blood vessels generally. A vascular health in fact determines the overall health of the person.

With my VSD desease this drug has shown good results. The effect comes quickly. Already on the 5th day of the disease, I felt the overall improvement.

Firstly Mexidol has a light tranquilizing effect that I had expressed in mood stabilization and the absence of the changes. At work, I have become more relaxed attitude to what is happening (I work with people, and even with patients - it is very difficult).

Secondly, my physical stamina increased, improved overall health, I have more courage and strength. Feeling bud you're in good shape.

Thirdly sleep quality improved. It has become deeper and more relaxed.

And finally, in the fourth - vascular imbalance in this transition period of spring (last year) ceases to show itself. That is facial flushing I stopped.

In general, I really liked this rehabilitative drug Mexidol in action.

After 16 days of drug I ended. It does not cause withdrawal symptoms, but it is desirable in the past to reduce the number of reception days tablets per day with 3 to 2, from 2 to 1.

The effect is maintained, then the summer came, and in the summer I have bouts of facial heat does not happen.

So my opinion is Mexidol is a really effective drug with a rapid and pronounced effect.

Mexidol is excellent at VSD and dizziness.

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