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Bromantane (Ladasten) – FAQS

08 Feb 2017

What is the recommended duration of Ladasten treatment?

The recommended course of treatment 2 - 4 weeks.

Is it possible to assign Ladasten people who drive a car and / or working with machinery?

Yes, you can. Ladasten not adversely affect the reaction rate and other indicators characterizing the activity of the operator.

Is it possible to develop an addiction to Ladasten?

According to experimental and clinical studies, Ladasten not cause addiction and dependence.

How Ladasten affect the blood pressure?

According to studies, Ladasten no significant effect on blood pressure.

How often can I repeat the treatment Ladasten?

As a rule, one course of treatment Ladasten is sufficient for complete reduction of fatigue. However Ladasten treatment can be repeated, if the doctor considers it appropriate. There are no time limits on the duration of the course or the intervals between them, no.

Why not recommend taking Ladasten after 16 hours of the day?

Ladasten has a stimulating effect on the nervous system and its reception in the afternoon may be accompanied by the emergence or strengthening of the existing difficulties of falling asleep.

Why Ladasten contraindicated for use in children, pregnant and lactating women?

In experimental studies Ladasten has been shown that the drug has no negative influence on the generative function of animals and on the growth and development of their offspring. However, clinical studies have not been conducted and there are no relevant clinical data to recommend the use of Ladasten in children, pregnant and lactating women.

What actoprotective Activity?

Actoprotectors - are drugs that increase the efficiency in the complicated conditions (elevated and / or low temperature, high content of carbon dioxide, oxygen deficiency, etc.).

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