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Brain and Food

15 Dec 2016

You are what you eat. This expression is most accurately conveys the link between food and body care, food and the brain. It's really important! People are easier to believe in a fairy tale beautiful than the simple truth. Food - this is one of the most important elements, responsible both for your body and for the mind.

Imagine a man without lower needs are satisfied, we are referring to are chronically hungry. What are his concerns? Is he able to efficiently develop, to learn anything? Some might argue, they say, "... when I was a student, sometimes hungry every session sat, and nothing passed." So, our body is very plastic and is able to correct nutritional deficiencies. Only now, from a scientific point of view, if the number of necessary nutrients is normal, the brain works more efficiently because it is not necessary to produce stress hormones and neurotransmitters, to redistribute power through weight loss or weight gain. Therefore, wealth power is extremely important for the normal functioning of the brain. It turns out that a normal diet the student will be able to better education than his colleague malnourished, ceteris paribus.

Though of course, anything can happen in life, and food may simply not, but it is necessary to learn. Commercials-techies, students of the early 90-ies in Russia. In this case, all the competent body will redistribute, and you will lose weight, immunity to weaken, but the brain is "working." This is bad for the brain, just abuse it, and it is better not to allow, if possible.

Another example is a person, that overeats. Remember the saying "full belly to the teachings deaf!", That's just the point. On the one hand, the food is full of energy, fuel for the brain should be a lot, but do not want to do. It's all about braking neurotransmitters such as GABA, for example. After a heavy meal, increases production of these neurotransmitters, the brain gives the command to "calm" throughout the body. And for the desire to learn, you just need the desire to do something, it is glutamate, dopamine, ie excitatory neurotransmitters. That is why, after receiving a large meal, you become lazy and do not care at all.

Find at picture, at least one man, that is too thick / thin man.

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For the normal functioning of the brain and must be exactly sufficient food intake! No more, no less. This figure is highly individual, Dr. Doping can not even recommend a conditional 30 kcal per 1 kg, because they do not know who goes on foot every day, and who sits at home, who are regularly trained, and who saw the gym only in the movies. So experiment, and remember what preceded your perfect condition when you were at the height of what you did, ate, slept, and how much, etc.

Proteins, fats and carbohydrates for the brain.

As you know, protein is the building blocks of our body. In the process of digestion breaks down protein into amino acids, which are then used by the brain active. For example, the amino acid glycine - is a powerful neurotransmitter in the brain. Well-known glycine in small tablets – it is a product derived from protein.

Fats. The brain is largely composed of water and fat. Abundance of fat and fatty acids are very important for the brain, if only because of their physical resemblance. Imagine when you completely rule out the fat from the food - it is a serious stress, even with plenty of protein and carbohydrates, the brain will "peter out". At the same time various minor irregularities in the functioning of the brain can result in serious illness.

Carbohydrates. Here strange situation, such as carbohydrates - is the fuel for the entire body, including the brain, but at the same time, the shortage of carbohydrates, the body uses the fat as energy. Another thing is that the carbohydrates you get from almost anywhere, and the lack of them almost unreal. Prominent among carbohydrates are foods with a high glycemic index, is the most pleasant, savory and sweet foods. Sugar, chocolate, biscuits, cakes, soda.

Sweet foods are rich in glucose, and glucose - is the main type of fuel, the most important for the brain. Under glucose easier to think you can get any sugar bowl) All sugary foods have another significant advantage - the production of hormones joy - endorphins, neurotransmitters: Serotonin, glutamate and dopamine. It is important to remember the least, it would be better a couple of times a day to drink sweet tea and cookies every day than chocolates, cakes, etc. Excess sweet threatens not only obesity and lack of desire to do something, but also diabetes.

Essential vitamins

It would be correct to say that all of the vitamins necessary to balance, but it's more a political answer. So, yes, and rightly so, but it is for the brain most important vitamins B, vitamin C and fatty acids such as omega 3, omega 6 Lack of a vitamin A or D less impact on the "state of health" of the brain, although an increased risk of vision problems and catch rachitis.)

Specific products

What should be there for a good functioning of the brain and neurotransmitters for normal health and well-being.

Fish - a very useful product for the brain, fish oil has many nutrients, Vitamin A, Omega 3, Omega 6, minerals. Eat fish, preferably boiled or baked, use a lot.

Dairy products - there is reign B vitamins and calcium. The only thing - the milk is not at all absorbed.

Egg - an excellent source of amino acids, ie protein. But egg yolk is rich in choline, vitamin B4, which the body becomes the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, which is produced during training. So eat eggs and train.

Sugar is as a source of glucose. A couple of cups of sweet tea you can safely drink every day, if you do not have violations with thyroid hormones. Again! Do not overdo it! Want cake - eat, but it should not be on a permanent basis.

Vegetables, fruit - set of dietary fiber and a variety of vitamins.

Meat - amino acids + fats. We advise to diversify this point a couple of times a month a dish of lamb once a week - pork, the rest of the beef and chicken. So you get the most useful properties and substances from the meat.

Carbohydrates: cereals (oatmeal, cream of wheat), rice, barley, buckwheat ... Less bread.

Once every couple of weeks is not forbidden to eat fast food and drink is a small amount of alcohol, provided that the rest of the strict discipline. Here the emphasis is on the production of endorphins and serotonin. If you do it with friends, and then go to the cinema or even in a nice place, it is considered as a discharge / unloading of the brain with good hormones and neurotransmitters, and the benefits of this is also available.

RegularityWe have already mentioned in the first part of the article that overeating as undernourished - bad. To work best brain have small amounts, but often it does not push a food force if there is no such a desire. Ideally, when before meals you just begin to show signs of hunger or stomach starts growling. With regular admission food in small quantities, you will not only not over / underload digestive system, but also neurons produce neurotransmitters in the right mode when no surges and spikes. This is the best condition for the functioning of the brain.

Also buy Cogitum, Noopept, Piracetam, Semax and Phenotropil for brain improvement.

P.S. Eating, sleeping, good mood and healthy way of life is much more important for brain development than nootropics, which you can buy at the pharmacy. Of course, there are serious preparations having a bunch of side effects and who does not buy without breaking the law (Modafinil, Ritalin, for example), they will be much stronger, but they are meaningless to the long-term goals of brain development and intelligence.

Bottom line:

  • 1.Do not wait for the good of the mind, with the regular consumption of "bad" food.
  • 2.Do not overeat, nerve impulses in neurons will be to create a "braking" neurotransmitters and you will be just too lazy to do anything.
  • 3.Do not starve. The machine is necessary to fuel the brain needs nutrients, not to mock brain.
  • 4.Eat a little bit, but often. Allows only a mild degree of hunger.
  • 5.For success in life through "being clever" important such products: fish, milk, meat, eggs, vegetables, fruits and sweet (in small quantities).

Good luck! Eat good)

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