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Brain and Body

16 Dec 2016

Why it is important to develop not only the brain, but also the body? Is there a relationship between gray matter and your outer shell? What sports do you fit, if your goal is to brain development? As always we have a lot of questions and interesting topic. Well, let's start!

Why the brain and the body are connected?

Simply, the brain is physically located in the body. And if the body is decrepit or diseased, how, in this case, can be a healthy brain, as an integral part of the body? The answer suggests itself. But here it is important not to go to extremes.

The absence of load on the body

When there is no physical load on the body - the body takes a depressing kind, provided that there is plenty of food - such a person, as a rule, it is rapidly gaining weight, of course, is fat. If the lack of power - it is, the very thin physique.

From scientific point of view is on the basis of the determined weight or BMI body mass index.

What does a lack of exercise? This way you will "sit / lie" for more than 5 hours a day, except for sleep time, and for 1 week you walk less than 10 hours. The term "walk" is generally meant and "stand" because if you have at least half an hour before work / school "on his feet" + way back, then you have, in terms of medicine, sufficient exercise.

What's wrong with lack of exercise for the brain?

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In the first place - it is a violation in the circulatory system. Our blood washes the entire body, including the brain. When the body is in good shape when you are walking at least, actively move the legs - blood more actively circulates through the body, and "cleans" the brain from any bad things. With poor blood circulation are real diseases such as ischemic heart disease - coronary heart disease, osteoporosis, diabetes.

The second is a large exposure to stress. This manifests itself in banal situations, climb the stairs to 2-3 floors - get shortness of breath and heart palpitations. Try to awake your brain in such a situation, when you yourself feel good just sitting on a chair.

Excessive physical exercise

As you know, professional athletes also popping various ailments and also associated with the heart. The main reason is overtraining. What is it? It is weakness, lethargy, sleepy feeling. So what are some thought, "it is well washed by the blood of the brain."

When excessive physical activity most seriously depleted all the resources of the body, because all the energy is directed to the sport. And here the problem is that "this should be plenty of carbohydrates," and your body thinks that you are somewhere in the war. He is fighting for survival, and directs all the forces and means at the sport or how he thinks, "the fact to survive the war." Thus, exhausted and CNS. Selected glucose in the brain, and send it all to support muscles, the instincts, to strengthen the neuromuscular connection. Nothing is to say about the development of the brain, however.

The best exercise for brain development

Most importantly is the optimum blood supply to the brain without the fatigue of the whole body. In addition, the brain better long-term light load than the sharp physical impulse. And the third - the supply of oxygen! In what it is expressed?

Light, constant and regular load with a duration of 60-90 minutes. Ideally - in the open air. It may be banal jog in the park. So we provide the body and the brain in particular, the flow of oxygen and normal blood circulation.

Light, constant and regular load with duration of 60-90 minutes. Ideally - in the open air. It may be banal jog in the park. So we provide the body and the brain in particular, the flow of oxygen and blood circulation normal.

Scientifically speaking, for the normal functioning of the brain you need the load of aerobic nature, which literally means the load "with oxygen." Cycling, jogging, even just walking at a fast pace - a perfect example of aerobic exercise.

Sports suitable for Brain Development purpose

Immediately worth mention that the load is expected to moderate to mild. Sport of high achievements does not suit us. Here is a sample list: swimming, running, yoga, climbing, CrossFit, bodybuilding (but only with the training of the heart), street workout, bike rides, skiing, biathlon, canoeing. More focus on 2 that require clarification.

CrossFit. A sport where performed, in general, simple exercises, but with minimal rest. Presumably, taken from circuit training in boxing. After 2-3 minutes of these exercises, you will realize that this is not so and easy as it seems. As a result, good blood flow throughout the body, heart training, the development of the lungs as a bonus + your muscles are quite hardy, and will burn the fat (if moderate power).

For brain protection use Cortexin, Cerebrolysin, Cogitum, Semax, Noopept, Piracetam, for heart protection buy Meldonium and Riboxin.

Street workout. One sport that has engaged our fathers and grandfathers, but they did not call it so. In fact, this horizontal bars and parallel bars with gymnastics elements. A huge plus street workout - traditionally engaged them on the street itself and translates the huge muscles will not be - but it will be back for sure wider and lean body. The result: a lot of oxygen, strengthening the lungs (constantly stretched thorax) and heart.

Martial arts and their impact on brain development.

Some martial arts are very dangerous for the brain, there is not so much the development, the case could even worsen. But we are not doctors, professors, and understand the importance of martial arts in the world today, and therefore we shall understand and give advice.

By "some" we mean shock combat. Their problem is not fatigue, not exhaustion and constant bumps! Boxing, kickboxing, MMA, karate, taekwondo and others. Who in their award winning? Roughly - who snitched on the head more than the opponent. Very cool, even if the opponent lost consciousness. And what does the "knock"? When the brain receives such trauma that it is very difficult to correct even its own location in space and he did, "she refuses to work." Any athlete of martial art will understand this feeling. "You lie down, nauseated? Here some water. "No, It is not good for leveling, development of the brain! Which exit? Take it easy guys, without fanaticism, without competition, to work "to touch," health is more important. You still easily cope with drunks in the alley or with inadequate driver, because we understand that a true professional never will throw the first with his fists. A working "on tap" and you tit and a crane will be in the hands.

The best option for Martial Arts: Judo and Bjj. According to the head does not hit, except by accident. Although sometimes so are on the mat to make that next week will be felt.

General recommendations for training

Training Frequency is 3 times per week. You may take longer, but then still reduces the workload and training time. Runners can run almost every day, but for 30 minutes and is easy (a little faster fast pitch). And conducts training no later than 4 hours before bedtime, have a view of the beginning of the workout.

P.S. Try to take a contrast shower. It is an effective tool for improving cerebral circulation. As a rule, those who regularly take a shower less sick and do not complain of headaches.

Bottom line:

  • 1.If you want to be smart - train your body!
  • 2.Best body workout, suitable for brain development - aerobic. And, certainly, non-severe! The duration is 60-90 minutes.
  • 3.Sports: jogging, swimming, CrossFit, street workout, cycling, yoga. From martial arts - wrestling (judo, BJJ), engaged with caution shock martial arts. Too lazy to do sports? Most often you walk, at a fast pace!
  • 4.A healthy body is not only a healthy mind, but also the brain. It can not be completely healthy bodied brain when the body is sick.

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