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Bottom-up and top-down processes in visual perception

04 Nov 2016

Psychologist Dr. Doping tells about processes of perception of dual images and word superiority effect. When they began to study the dual nature of the process of perception? Under what conditions occur downstream processes regulating cognition? And what is the effect of the superiority of the word?

Human cognition, especially perception, is always a bidirectional process. On the one hand, we get information from the outside impact: what affects our senses - visual, auditory, gustatory receptors. On the other hand, what we perceive we are determined by our previous knowledge, our experiences, our needs, attitudes, that is willing to see something or perceive.

Even Helmholtz in the middle of the XIX century offered distinguish between so-called primary image (something that arises in the mind only as a result of exposure) and the image presentation - our knowledge that allow us to identify the object as such. For example, when we see an apple or a house, these processes from each other entirely inseparable. To notice the difference quite easily when we are faced with situations where exposure is the same, and the images may turn out completely different.

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One of the clearest examples described in the late XIX century - a word superiority effect. The effect is that, if we show a person in a very short time or in a noisy environment, or in a subsequent masking a set of characters arranged in a word, we have them can view twice as much if it is a random set of letters.

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