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Boldenone undecylenate

03 Nov 2016

Boldenone undecylenate (it is also known under the Equipoise trademark (Equipoise), Boldabol, Boldebal, Boldesten, Ganabol) - the anabolic steroid developed for application in veterinary science. Medicine was created as Metandrostenolon's version of long action, however the steroid which has absolutely other properties, despite chemical similarity of molecules was as a result received. Boldenone represents Dianabol's molecule which is deprived 17 - alpha and methyl group (this part of a molecule does possible Dianabol's passing through a liver, without collapsing). If to compare by Boldenon's efficiency undecylenate and Dianabol, then the received results in a set of weight and increase in force almost identical.

Equipoise Boldenone undecylenate

Chemically represents testosterone molecule which has double communication between the 1 and 2 atom of carbon. This modification made boldenone same powerful as testosterone, on anabolic properties whereas androgenic properties of medicine are expressed twice more weakly. Nevertheless, practice shows that it allows receiving smaller results, than equivalent amount of testosterone.

Boldenone undesilenat often compare to Nandrolon, obviously, it is connected with the book Dan Duchaine where the author draws parallels between two of these medicines, noting nevertheless that boldenone stronger anabolic steroid. Actually Boldenone and Nandrolon act variously. Nandrolon is progestin and 19 holes a steroid whereas Boldenone is closer to testosterone. After Dan Duchaine changed the opinion concerning similarity of medicines, however at forums it is possible to meet still messages in which Boldenone and Nandrolon because of similarity isn't recommended to combine. Dan Duchaine also writes that Ekvipoyz is suitable for receipt of a relief and a venous more, than for a set of muscle bulk.

New forms of medicine: boldenone and boldenone propionate the same effects have acetate, distinction consists only in action duration.

Steroid profile

  • Androgenic index – 50;
  • Anabolic index – 100;
  • Estrogenic activity – low;
  • Progestagenny activity – very low
  • Elimination half-life - 14 days
  • Toxicity for a liver - No.
  • Medicine removal term - 4-5 months

Effects of boldenone

The athletes accepting boldenone most often report on a slow, but high-quality set of muscle bulk. There is an opinion that the slow effect of medicine is connected with long air (undesilenat) which is attached to a molecul. Undesilenat is 1 atom longer, than decanoat. For this reason it is possible to expect slower and long growth of muscles in time Ekvipoyz of a rate, than during Nandrolon's rate. This circumstance also determines rate duration - up to 10 weeks. As well as the Sound board, Ekvipoyz long time is determined in an organism what the competing athletes shall remember. You can also like Nootropil.

Medicine increases power indicators and considerably increases appetite.

It substantially stimulates blood formation. Increase in content of erythrocytes improves delivery of oxygen to muscles. It does this steroid attractive to athletes.

Boldenone - side effects

Double communication between the 1 and 2 atom of carbon is responsible for many properties. First of all, it slows down aromatization process (transformation into estrogen) of medicine. If to compare to testosterone, then the level of conversion of boldenone is twice lower. Athletes practically never note the side effects of boldenone connected with estrogen (ginekomastia, hypostases, increase in pressure) even if the dose of medicine reaches 1 g a week. It means that during the course there is no need of acceptance of anti-estrogen.

Low androgenic activity allows to use it forwomen. The phenomena of virilization arise quite seldom, in comparison with other medicines. Boldenon is one of the few injection medicines which can be applied in female bodybuilding with the smallest danger of development of side effects.

The same double communication provides resistance to enzyme 5 - alpha reductase. This enzyme converts insignificant quantity of a boldenon which is a powerful androgen (7 times more powerfully than testosterone). Therefore medicine practically doesn't cause such androgenic side effects baldness, acne, prostate hypertrophy, etc., and also to a lesser extent suppresses testosterone products in an organism.

Boldenone cours (dosages)

The optimum dosage of a boldenone constitutes 400-800 mg, once a week. The smaller dosage is usually ineffective, the big dosage doesn't result in the best results, however the risk of side effects increases.

The rate of a boldenone lasts 8-10 weeks.

It is well combined with other steroids: vinstrol and anavar- a drying rate; testosterone and trenbolone - a rate of set of weight (in this case duration of a rate decreases to 6 weeks as the combination substantially suppresses development of own testosterone, and also it is necessary to accept anti-estrogen during a rate.

Consult with the specialist before beginning a course.

In 2 weeks after the termination of a rate carry out by PCT and begin to accept testosteron boosters within a month, for recovery of development of own testosterone.

For maximum efficiency of a rate accept a complex for a set of muscle bulk and keep to a diet for a set of muscle bulk.

The combined rate on weight

Boldenone + testosterone enantat

It is required:

  • Equipose 200 or 250mg/ml
  • Testosterone enantat 250 mg/ml
  • Tamoxifen of 10 mg of a tablet
  • Anastrozol (1 mg / òàá), or Letrozole (2,5 mg / tab)

It is one of the best rates for beginners. It allows to lower testosterone dosage, without prejudice to anabolic effect, thereby reducing internal conversion of steroids in estrogen, and also androgenic activity of a rate. Tamoxifen almost completely eliminates a possibility of development of side effects.

  • Week 1 - 8: Ekvipoyz 800mg/in week
  • Week 1 – 8: Testosterone enantat 500mg/ml
  • Week 1-10: Anastrozol or Letrozole on analysis results on estradiol
  • Week 11 - 13: Tamoxifen on 20 mg a day
  • Week 14: Tamoxifen on 10 mg a day

Combined course for a set of dry weight

It is required:

  • Boldenone 200mg/ml
  • Testosterone propionate 100mg/ml
  • Vinstrol 50mg/ml (or in tablets)
  • Anastrozol (1 mg / òàá), or Letrozole (2,5 mg / òàá)
  • Tamoxifen - 20 mg of a tablet

This course in many respects resembles on previous, however Vinstrol's inclusion in him allows to improve quality of the gained muscle bulk.

  • Week 1 - 8: Equipoise 800mg/in week
  • Week 1 – 8: Testosterone propionate 100mg/ml every other day
  • Week 6 - 10: Vinstrol 50mg/everyone day (or on 10-20 mg a day, in tablets)
  • Week 1-10: Anastrozol or Letrozole by results of the analysis on estradiol
  • Week 11 - 13: post course therapy with tamoxifen

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