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Biotredin (Threonine) - Awakebrain - Modern approach to the treatment of alcoholism

08 Feb 2017

Can I quit drinking in one day, and stay sober in the future? As practice shows, alcoholism cure yourself at home is unlikely. First of all, because you need to recover completely exclude the possibility of the use of alcohol, and in the familiar surroundings of this difficult to achieve. Another important condition is the desire of the patient to be healthy: no treatment, there is no secret, and to achieve a positive result should be a lot of work on the part of the patient and his relatives.

Alcoholism treatment is carried out in public or private drug treatment clinics, and therapy program may be different, but there are basic principles on which this process is based.

Diagnosis of alcoholism
Evaluation of the patient's condition allows you to select the right approach to treatment. The first thing to evaluate in a sober or drunk, he got to the hospital, whether in need of detoxification, if agreed to treatment. Private agreement - a basic condition for admission to hospital.

With long-term and regular use of alcohol affects the internal organs, develop alcoholic degeneration of the liver and kidneys, cardiomyopathy, encephalopathy, vascular damage, pancreatitis, diseases of the esophagus, stomach and intestines. Conclusions about the extent of the defeat of all organs will help to create an individual treatment plan.

Principles of treatment of alcohol dependence
Adherence and hospital rules should exclude any possibility to use alcohol, even in small quantities. As a rule, breach of the causes of early discharge.

Alcohol dependence develops on biochemical and psychological levels, so if you take into account the treatment of both of these managers.

Psychotherapy involves alcoholism coding, cognitive-behavioral therapy. To increase the effectiveness of psychotherapeutic methods alternated personalized welcome by a psychologist, psychiatrist, psychiatrist, group forms of work. Psychotherapeutic group for the dependent may be homogeneous or consist of patients with alcoholism, drug addiction, gambling. In each case, you can implement certain therapeutic problem.

Drugs to reduce the craving for alcohol, causing an aversion to alcohol, administered during the entire course of treatment. This helps to get accustomed to abstinence and to adjust the metabolism of neurotransmitters. Without the use of such drugs to cope with alcoholism is much more difficult, since the patient's own will is not enough to abstinence and self-recovery of the biochemical processes going on for a long time. Easy to use and safe even in the presence of several chronic diseases drug Biotredin. It consists of the amino acids threonine and vitamin B6, and within 15 minutes after receiving its effect becomes noticeable. Biotredin increases the amount of acetaldehyde in the blood that helps to abstain from alcohol, as well as having a positive effect on nerve cells, helping to reduce the appearance of alcoholic encephalopathy and polyneuropathy.

Physical therapy and medicine to improve the overall state of repair of tissue after the toxic effects of alcohol accelerate recovery and improve the therapeutic effect of the above-described methods for the treatment of alcoholism.

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