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Beta Ecdysterone

21 Oct 2016

Beta Ecdysterone - (20-Hydroxyecdysone, Ekdisteron or 20E) - natural gormonopodobny substance which is controlled by process of a molt and a metamorphosis at arthropods. Ecdysterone is the most often found hormone of insects, crabs, etc. representatives of a class.

Separately allocate Fito-Ecdysterone which is present at plants: Cyanotis vaga, Levzey saflorovidny, Yuppie, Suma, the Ajuga Turkestan and others, his function according to the assumption of scientists consists in suppression of reproduction of insects of wreckers.

Ekdisteron has biological effect on the person, but still there are many disagreements on this matter. The majority of modern additives is made of a plant of Cyanotis vega and Levzei saflorovidny.


Ecdysterone was for the first time studied by the Soviet scientists Syrov and Kurmukov in 1976, having taped its anabolic activity and intensifyings of synthesis of a protein. Then, the similar research was conducted by Chermynkh in 1988, comparing anabolic activity of the Methandrostenolone and Ecdysterone, results were surprising: Ecdysterone keeps proteins, in comparison with a steroid the Methandrostenolone showed higher activity on synthesis.

Researches on animals (rats and the Japanese quails) showed what ekdisteron shows the expressed anabolic properties.  What the assumption was made of that Ecdysterone can influence in a similar way and on people in 1998 the Russian scientist carried out assessment of efficiency of an Ecdysterone in combination with a protein diet. Results were positive, examinees on average gained 6-7% of dry muscle bulk and reduced fatty deposits by 10%. Researchers also found out what Ecdysterone promotes depression of level of a glucose in a blood, without influencing insulin level. Level of Saccharum decreased when before reception it was normal and is slightly increased (to 16 mmol/l), high level didn't change. Thus, it does possible to apply Ecdysterone to people a sick diabetes mellitus 2 types.

Also researches proved Ecdysterone is an antitumoral agent, an adaptogen and an antioxidant.

Known effects of Ecdysterone:

  • augmentation of synthesis of protein
  • entering of protein and glycogen in muscles amplifies
  • stabilizes Saccharum level in a blood, improving a state at a hypoglycemia at athletes "on drying"
  • prevents process of an adiposity by stabilization of level of Saccharum and insulin in a blood
  • reduces cholesterol level in a blood
  • stabilizes membranes of cells
  • well influences a cordial rhythm
  • antioxidatic effect
  • anticatabolic effect
  • clears a skin
  • enlarges force and endurance
  • enlarges "dry" muscle bulk
  • reduces fatty weight

Manufacturers description

Scientists who researched Ecdysterone came to improbable conclusions: under the influence of an ekdisteron muscular anabolism increases by 190-200% that is comparable with Metandrostenolon's injections. How does Ecdysterone affect muscles? Scientists claim that Ecdysterone stimulates synthesis of a protein in cytoplasm of muscle cells by acceleration of synthesis of protein chains of amino acids. It is supposed Ecdysterone increases concentration of ions of potassium and calcium in a muscle cell, and it in turn causes increase in synthesis of DNA, RNA and protein.

As for side effects, Ecdysterone is not only safe, but also is useful! It doesn't allow cortisol to destroy cages, normalizes creatine synthesis. Raises adaptation capabilities of heart, improves work of a liver and composition of blood! Amazingly, but, being the most powerful anabolic steroid, ekdisteron doesn't suppress secretion by an organism of the testosterone. Most happens also to growth hormones. Those who long time sit on steroids are usually forced to do to themselves and an injection of hormone of growth whereas even long-term acceptance of an Ecdysterone not only doesn't weaken natural development of a somatotropin, but even increases it! Ecdysterone, unlike steroids, sports doctors recommend to accept daily 30-50 mg, however the dose without risk of complications can be brought to 100 mg – everything depends on your financial opportunities. Do not forget take Meldonium for better results.

In sport Ecdysterone is used since 1985, and, in the former countries of East block studying of effects of an ekdisteron was delivered on a solid scientific basis. Ekdisteron often gave to elite athletes-security officers, trying to obtain powerful" steroid" effect. Then learned about the Ecdysterone also in Europe. Its began to use widely in the heavy athletics national team of the USA. The head coach of the American security officers Dragomir Charoslan speaks:" Our program of trainings is so heavy and serious that in it there can't essentially be a place to useless substances. As for an Ecdysterone, it really increases force, amounts of muscles and accelerates recovery". Today Ecdysterone is one of the most popular sports additives in a diet of elite athletes of all countries." In case of a power training Ecdysterone is simply irreplaceable, - such is opinion of the trainer consultant of athletes Jay Schröder American and widely famous around the world, - it allows athletes to reach such level of training of which we could only dream earlier."

Objective description

Now there is no reliable information about positive effect and efficiency of additives which contain Ecdysterone, except for the information provided by the Russian scientists last century. Unfortunately, all data of researches aren't statistically reliable as experiments don't meet the modern requirements: availability of control group, randomization, a multitsentrovost and so on, their most part was carried out on animals.

In 2006 the independent research under the direction of Colin D Wilborn in which athletes accepted Ecdysterone was conducted and carried out physical activities. Results of a research showed that "Attention" ekdisteron doesn't exert impact on a surplus of muscle bulk, doesn't increase power indicators and endurance in case of daily consumption of protein in quantity to 1.7 g/kg and unstable daily caloric content to 40±12 ¬¬á½./kg. Near "sports specialists" like to refer to the above-stated research "proving" inefficiency of an Ecdysterone. However we weren't too lazy to follow the offered link and to read protocols of researches. The research is conducted methodologically and statistically truly, but... The daily doses of an ekdisteron accepted by athletes were equal "30 mg" (c). It is 14 times less than the doses which showed the expressed anabolic effects at animals (5 mg on body weight kg. The control group of the men participating in a research had "medium weight" of 84 kg and shall accept Ecdysterone in doses, comparable from 400 mg \days). Before us a classical example of manipulation with the facts. Researchers took obviously inefficient doses and proved that they are inefficient. This research is useless and has no scientific value for an objective efficiency evaluation of an Ecdysterone.

In 2008 the Hungarian scientists conducted a new research which showed that Ecdysterone it is capable to exert impact on quantity of cages of satellites of which in subsequent new muscle cells are formed, and also to increase the size of muscles. Also there are data that this medicine can increase the level of free testosterone by replacement it from communication with SHBG.

Summary: 1. Any objective research of inefficiency of an Ecdysterone for the person doesn't exist yet. 2. Several objective researches prove outstanding performance of an ekdisteron in an organism of animals. 3. Efficiency of an Ecdysterone for the person is spoken well by feedbacks and researches which can't be considered objective since don't meet the requirements to a carrying out form.

Dose of Ecdysterone

It is necessary to pay special attention to Ecdysterone is doses! In all researches where positive results were received, Ecdysterone was used in doses of equivalent 500 mg a day for the person. Nevertheless, most of producers and ekdisteron's additives contain in several tens of times smaller doses (ekdisteron B - 2,5 mg, Ecdysterone ACE - 2,5 mg, Ecdysterone MEGA - 2,5, ecdysten from thermoLife - 15mg and others). If you see that the dose is lower than 100 mg, then this additive is absolutely useless. However new additives with adequate doses appeared recently: GeoSteron 20 mg on the capsule, EcdySterone from SciFit - 300 mg, SyntraEC from Syntrax - 275 mg and others.

Most of producers recommends to accept additives after food, or before a training.

Side effects and harm of Ecdysterone

Ecdysterone is natural non-hormonal means which doesn't influence exchange of sex hormones of the person. Ekdisteron doesn't cause steroid side effects as has other mechanism of action. Ecdysterone isn't harmful to an organism even in very high doses, the reaching several grams. Some apply ekdisteron in doses more than 1000 mg a day, without any side effects and notable harm, however physicians don't recommend to exceed a dose of 800 mg a day.


As it was already noted above, Ecdysterone has much more expressed effect when it is applied together with a protein therefore it is recommended to consume at the same time a proteinaceous concentrate of slow or fast action (serumal protein) or geyner also accept a vitamin and mineral complex as anabolic processes require much more vitamins and minerals. For increase in force and growth of muscles you can add to a complex products with creatine and Tribulus terrestris.

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