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Best fat burners - rating of additives

12 Dec 2016

Experts analysed the main medicines and sports additives, tried to constitute objective rating having chosen the best fat burners who have strong evidential base and outstanding performance.

The evaluation criteria used for creation of this rating:

  • Efficiency
  • Quality
  • Price
  • Availability
  • Safety
  • Feedbacks on independent resources

The rating of fat burners isn't connected with advertizing of products in any way. "Attention" we Warn you that many people absolutely differently react to sports food therefore there is a probability that "the best fat burners" specifically for you in this list will be absent. This rating is reflection of an overall picture, in other words, it is the best fat burners from the point of view of statistics for most of people. If you doubt accuracy of the data, then we recommend to get acquainted with feedbacks on other resources, and also to independently study components of products.

Fat burners in sports food

Lipo-6x from Nutrex is the best fat burners according to the producer. In the description of additive you can learn about its benefits and shortcomings in detail.

Stimulant X (Anabolic Xtreme) is the termogenic, with the expressed stimulating effect, lightens the mood, and has long effect (till 8 o'clock stimulation and suppression of appetite).

Tight Hardcore from SAN is one more top termogenic differing in the high quality level and efficiency. You can also like Hepatamin.

Cheaters Relief ‎‎‎‎ from BSN - the best blocker of carbohydrates and a blocker of fats

L-carnitine is efficiency isn't as high as at termogenic, but it is essential. Many consider a carnitine useless, however independent researches proved that this amino acid provides to combustion of fat on average 10-15% more in comparison with group of placebo. The wrong opinion is connected with the fact that effect it impracticably it is possible to feel, estimate only results. The carnitine gets to rating the best fat burner, mainly, because it is absolutely safe and is even useful to health, contraindications to acceptance are absent. (Scientifically it isn't proved)

For the maximum affect it is possible to combine termogenic + blocker of calories + carnitine. It is also necessary to keep to a diet for weight loss and to carry out trainings for weight loss.

Separate components

  • Caffeine is a stimulator of the central nervous system
  • Metilgeksanamin (geranamin) is more powerful analog of caffeine
  • Sinefrin is a stimulator with lipolitic properties
  • Yokhimbin is lipolitic
  • Chitosan is a fat blocker
  • Forskolin is a lipolitic with anabolic properties
  • Evodiamin is a lipolitic

These components have the proved efficiency, and as a rule the best zhiroszhigatel enter everything. Pay attention to dosages.


The best pharmacological fat burners:

  • EKA (ephedrine, caffeine, aspirin) - mix of stimulators which remains to one of the most effective remedies for fat elimination so far
  • Ñlenbuterol is beta agonist, this medicine possesses a unique property of suppression of a catabolism and preserving muscles.
  • Tiroksin is hormone of a thyroid gland, the most powerful activator of metabolism.
  • Sibutramin (Meridia) is an appetite suppressor
  • Orlistat is a blocker of fats (reduces digestion of fat from a digestive tract due to blocking of digestive enzymes)
  • Acarbose is a blocker of carbohydrates (has the same mechanism of action as the previous medicine, blocks digestive enzymes which digest carbohydrates).

These pharmacological fat burners are the most powerful tools in fight against fat, the sports additives considerably exceeding on effect.

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