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Became acquainted with the drug Mexidol

28 Jun 2016

Advantages of Mexidol: Immediately noticeable effect on its application.

The drug Mexidol is prescribed for headaches, a syndrome of vegetative dystonia, cerebral circulatory disorders.

The drug has long been used in our medical institutions and has established itself from the positive side.

I had and I try it means for myself. It may be administered intramuscularly or intravenously. I used Mexidol as a part of the dropper.

The sense of its actions came gradually. In general, well-being improved. And most importantly dizziness stopped at last.

After its application, I felt a little discomfort dry mouth, and always wanted to get some sleep.

I was assigned to buy this drug Mexidol by a doctor. As it has its contraindications, and cannot be combined with some other drugs.

It is better to trust your doctor and the treatment of Mexidol you will have only benefits.

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Mexidol helped lots of time

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