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03 Nov 2016

Anthropologist tells about variety of ways of walking, brains, diet and physiology features of Australopithecus. What are the physiological features of the australopithecines had? Where they lived? The different groups were fed Australopithecus? And what was their way of life?

Australopithecus - this amazing creature, ape-men. These are those who were still monkeys in your head, but most people in the rest of the body. Australopithecus appeared about 7 million years ago, maybe a little earlier, in Africa.

Different species of Australopithecus ate all they could find, ate everything that is typical for the modern man, but more unusual for apes. Because monkeys are not specialized and not fixated on power, and man in particular. This feature has been incorporated in the early stages of development, when they moved into the intermediate habitat where food could pluck from the trees, ripping off the ground, it was possible for someone to catch. To improve brain – use SemaxCogitum, Picamilon, Phenotropil and Vinpotropile.

First, the early australopithecines were quite diverse, because of all the species of man was the only part of the rest died out, not once they tried to adapt. The next group of Australopithecus after early is Australopithecus gracilis. They existed from about 4 to 2.5 million years ago, they lost the primitive ape traits, but something survived, but they are no longer running fours, were walked upright, climb trees, but is inactive. Brush was better adapted for clinging to a branch than us, but it is much worse than in monkeys.

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