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Asparkam - for what this drug is used?

25 Oct 2016

Sometimes appointments sheet write a mountain of drugs, but from what they - do not explain. That's the same for "Asparkam", for which the drug is used for many incomprehensible. If we add to all the poor state of health, on the site of a hospital patient, you can get a very controversial therapy. You will not in fact learn about each drug, even if the bed can not stand.

Why they appoint Asparkam?

Typically, the drug is prescribed to patients who have suffered severe diseases of the cardiovascular system:

  • Myocardial infarction. For many, this condition can result in death, so that a positive outcome is already regarded as a victory. But rejoice too early, there is still a long recovery period. A patient's heart muscle suffered enormous stress and had lost part of their functional activity. So drugs do not interfere.
  • In ischemic heart disease.Vasoconstriction can occur for many reasons, but the effect is always the same. To the heart of not fed enough blood, it has to at least partially adapt to the new conditions of existence.
  • Stenocardia is known for its sharp attacks. The unpleasant moments succumb to panic, you can not, in any case. Emotional state will only aggravate the situation.

Main contraindications.

In fact it is only a few basic pathological conditions, at or after which shows Asparkam. The drug successfully used in patients with heart failure and cardiac arrhythmias. Myocardial encountered in medical practice is not as common, but we must remember that the drug is effective in these diseases. There are a few important points that must not be forgotten:

  • Medicine violates pulse conduction on the heart muscle, so that the blockade is a clear contraindication for use. Having passed the course of treatment, you will only worsen your condition.
  • The structure includes Asparkam Potassium, which can accumulate in the body in violation of the kidneys or the use of appropriate medications. So keep an eye on their condition.
  • And in it there is magnesium, it has a relaxing effect on the body. In case of violation of muscle tone, as you might guess, this is not desirable.

For what is the Asparkam in medicine?

For what is used Asparkam? As with any drug, drink it to improve the performance of the body. The drug has not locally, but the overall impact on the body. Generally difficult to talk about some local influence, if we are talking about the heart. Deliver to the muscle tablet - not an easy task, and the immediate need for this.

All the necessary nutrients from the heart receives blood, it exchanges metabolites occurs.

For optimum performance of our main pump in the blood:

  • It should contain a sufficient amount of oxygen.
  • Minerals should be in the correct proportions.
  • Neutralization of metabolic products can not be stopped even for a minute.

The new heart does not grow, but will be restored muscle membrane is due to the incoming blood cells. So even slightly altering its composition, we can positively affect the state of postinfarction patients.

Unremarkable at first glance, the elements.

Asparkam as active substances contains potassium and magnesium. Our bodies, like the rest of the world, contains a wide range of the periodic table. And the ratio of its elements has an impact on our daily lives.


- Adjust the water-salt balance, along with sodium.

- It used carefully because of the possibility of accumulation and drastic violations of this very balance.

- It takes an active part in the transmission of nerve impulses. You may have even heard the term "potassium current."

- It is a calcium antagonist. Most often used for heart disease.

- Included in the cardiac muscle, an increase in blood total excitation is shown.

2. Magnesium

- It takes part in the synthesis of proteins, transferring pulses and energy production.

- Be administered with extreme caution because of the possible complications in the form of a powerful sedative.

- Even the width of the lumen and the tone of the muscle tissue is regulated at the expense of the mineral substances.

- Thanks to sedation is often used in neurology.

- The sharp rise can cause central nervous system depression, vomiting, and even death.

Impact of Asparkam is not too difficult to understand, nothing new in this. On the action of micro-and macro humanity does not know the first hundred years, but any game with them could be fatal.

This does not mean that the drug is abandoned in a hospital environment. At the hospital you will be given it under the strict supervision of doctors and nurses, for your general condition will be continuously monitored. A regular blood tests help to monitor more and ion composition of the internal environment of the body.

The patient really needs magnesium and potassium, as heart attacks and degenerative disorders lead to the loss of these important elements. But this does not mean that you can assign yourself the drug on their own, especially if you know nothing about his real terms.

When else can be assigned Asparkam?

Asparkam is prescribed not only for patients with heart disease. It would be foolish not to take the opportunity to replenish stocks of potassium and magnesium in various balance disorders. When they occur? While the loss of body fluids:

  • Vomiting. Not the most pleasant process, can be caused by disorders in the CNS or at a lower level. Fluid is lost very quickly.
  • Diarrhea. The process of a different nature, but the meaning comes to the same. The liquid contents too quickly leaves the body within a few days without treatment a person comes to dehydration.
  • Admission of diuretics. To this can be objective indicators, diuretics are included in the plan for the treatment of many disorders.

The last paragraph should be a little focus. It has already said that it is impossible to assign Asparkam for parallel reception of drugs that stimulate the accumulation of potassium in the body. Some are used to increase urine output substances work by such principle.

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