Ascorbic acid
30 Nov 2016
Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) is an organic compound, congenerous to a glucose, is one of the main nutrients in a human ration which is necessary for normal functioning of a connecting and bone tissue. Performs biological functions of reducer and a coenzyme of some metabolic processes, is considered as an antioxidant.
Ascorbic acid in products. Significant amounts of ascorbic acid contain in currant, a mountain ash, a dogrose, and also many vegetables and fruit, in fetuses of its citrus it is a little.
Effects of ascorbic acid
Formation of a collagen, serotonin from a tryptophan, formation of catecholamins, synthesis of corticosteroids. Ascorbic acid also participates in transformation of a cholesterin into bile acids. Vitamin C is necessary for detoxicating in hepatocytes with the participation of P450 cytochrome. Restores ubihinone and vitamin E. Stimulates interferon synthesis, therefore, participates in immunomodulation. Translates the trivalent iron received from products of plant origin in divalent, thereby promotes its absorption.
Brakes a hemoglobin glycosylation, slows down transformation of a glucose in sorbitol. Vitamin C — the strongest antioxidant — protects lipoproteins from oxidation, an anti-atherogenous molecule.
According to the results of a research of 2014 published in the magazine "by Allergy. Asthma & Clinical Immunology", the use of vitamin C promotes decrease of expression of bronchospasm and the respiratory symptoms (tussis, goose breathing, shortage of air, a dyspnea) induced by physical exercises. Understand the transitional narrowing of a lumen of bronchi arising in time or after an exercise stress as the bronchospasm induced by an exercise stress.
Content of vitamin C in some foodstuff / Product
Content of vitamin C, mg / 100 of a product
Dogrose dry 1000
Pepper red sweet 250
Blackcurrant 200
Sea-buckthorn 200
Mountain ash 160
Parsley (greens) 150
Pepper green sweet 130
Needles 130
Cranberry 100
Fennel 100
Oranges 60
Fragaria garden 60
Cabbage 45
Lemons 40
Beef liver 33
Potatoes fresh 25
Tomatoes 20
Apple 20
Milk 2
Ascorbic acid in bodybuilding
Digestion of food protein and further synthesis of new albuminous structures, in particular in muscles depend on vitamin C. Vitamin C is the strongest stimulator of an anabolism of a musculation. Nevertheless, it is necessary to accept it in bodybuilding reasonably and not to exceed a dose.
Besides, in researches it was established that ascorbic acid possesses anticatabolic action due to suppression of secretion of a hydrocortisone and process of oxidation, it is destructive acting on muscles. Therefore vitamin C can be accepted before a training for depression of catabolic processes and protection of muscles, and also on end of a cycle of anabolic steroids as the PCT component. Some authors report about ability to enlarge production of Testosteron-Depotum, however researches disprove it.
Body height of muscles
In 2015 the Norwegian scientists estimated influence of reception of vitamin C (500 mg) and vitamin E (117.5 mg) before and after the training within 12 weeks on body height of muscles and power indicators at elderly people (60-81 years). Power trainings took place 3 times a week, on all groups of muscles. In days of rest of additive were accepted in the same doses in the morning and in the evening. As a result it turned out that at examinees who accepted these antioxidants lower gain of muscle bulk was observed, however differences in augmentation of power indicators weren't registered. Scientists assume that the oxidative stress caused by an exercise stress can make an essential contribution to a myopachynsis.
Nevertheless, in earlier research for 2008 other group of the Canadian scientists established that vitamin C (1000 mg/days) and vitamin E (600 mg/days) cause more expressed gain of dry muscle bulk in elderly people, in comparison with examinees who carried out only trainings.
Doses and regimen of reception
Physiological requirement for adults — 90 mg/days, at occupations bodybuilding of 100-150 mg/days. At catarrhal diseases, and also after a course of anabolic steroids for blocking of a hydrocortisone the dose is enlarged to 1000-2000 mg a day. Maximum dose of 3000 mg.
The advantage of salts of ascorbic acid
Ascorbic acid is useful in every respect, except one: as each acid, it blasts teeth, irritates mucous a stomach therefore there is heartburn. It is about large amounts of ascorbic acid — around the world it is prescribed in grams for a long time, but not in milligrams. As the standard dosages of ascorbic acid in the world are constantly enlarged, there is a need for new drugs which have no negative consequences.
Generally it sodium and calcium — salt of ascorbic acid which have neutral reaction. Bifftered S-1500 just is calcium. It differs from ascorbic acid only in what contains a calcium and has no taste. Salt of ascorbic acid can be prepared independently. For receiving the expert-korbinata of sodium ascorbic acid is admixed with ordinary baking soda (in solution) or with Calcium chloratum.