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As far as we become wiser than the ancient people?

04 Nov 2016

Anthropologist tells about the skills of the first people, the evolution of brain regions and the similarity with the human anthill.

The issue has three "dimensions". The answer depends, first, on what we mean by "reasonable". It is clear that modern people can surf the cosmos and the Bolshoi Theatre, and habilis to Pithecanthropus could only chop boulders and just learned how to make fire. But if you think about it, how many people today are able to do even Acheulean hand ax, but at least pebble chopper? How many people know how to make fire, to hunt the antelopes, hyenas survive in the environment, leopards and saber-toothed tigers?

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Second, the response will change from whom we consider "ancient people". If you start with Homo habilis, who lived 2-1,5 million years ago, it is obvious that we have become much smarter. The first people were able to do only primitive pebble tools, they did not have no homes, no fire, no development of speech, no more or less complex social organization. If you start counting from Homo erectus, Homo heidelbergensis, Homo neanderthalensis, or early Homo sapiens, then at each successive stage of the answer is still evasive. Compared with modern humans Cro-Magnon, the first members of our species, there is a third "dimension" of the issue.

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Different areas of the brain have changed differently. The first place for the speed and scale of change is the frontal lobe. It is pleasant, responsible for thinking. In second place - the parietal lobe. It is responsible for the sense of touch and coordination with the movements of skin sensitivity. In third place - the temporal lobe, which has many different functions, the most important of which - the recognition of speech. And finally, the last place is occupied by the occipital lobe, in no way are the visual centers. Over the last 20-30 thousand years occipital lobe even markedly decreased, absolutely and relatively.

And, thirdly, not the fact that we are smarter than people of the Upper Paleolithic, lived 40-10 million years ago. They were generalists. Each Cro-Magnon knew how to do and how to use all the necessary tools, how to light a fire, to whom you can hunt, and from whom, and how to be saved, that you can eat, but from what will hurt the stomach, he was a builder, and a medic, and historian, and a hunter, and a master of all trades. In short, and Sweden, and the reaper, and the dude igrets. And all this knowledge managed to cram into your head very quickly and was able to quickly make use of this information. And now - time professionals. Everyone knows their narrow task, but helpless as a whole. Humanity is rapidly turning into an ant hill - is a sign of wiser? One hope for the Bushmen, the Pygmies, the Papuans and the Indians of the Amazon ...

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