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29 Nov 2016

Apetinol is a nutritional supplement intended for suppression of appetite and weight reduction is registered in 2009. Efficiency doesn't prove to be true.


The instruction of the producer

Apetinol is a new additive which is intended for correction of body weight. The product promotes appetite suppression, eliminates hunger in the evening, provides fast saturation and reduction of amount of the consumed food. Also additive accelerates metabolism of fats and increases the speed of passing of food through digestive tract, and also has dezintoksikatsion effect.

Action and outstanding performance of additive for weight reduction Apetinol is connected, first of all, with properties of the active ingredients which are its part which provide decrease in hunger, refusal of a supper, to suppression of appetite, activization of metabolic processes and, as a result, not only to fast and reliable, but also natural weight reduction.

Additive benefits Apetinol

This product is created for 100% from natural components, and is one of the best means for correction of weight. Apetinol has aim effect on major factors of excessive weight - insufficient control of calories, appetite strengthening in the evening and the slowed-down metabolism. Additive has all-improving effect, and positively influences function of intestines. At the same time there is a normalization of metabolic processes, is eliminated excesses of fat, concentration of harmful cholesterol and excess of glucose in blood goes down.

Many pharmacological medicines for weight reduction possess a wide number of side effects, for example, disorder of digestive function, medicinal dependence, toxic effects, a syndrome of cancellation and many others, we offer a product which will yield and reliable results for a long time, and won't cause any undesirable effect.

Structure of apetinol

Growing thin gordon (Hoodia Gordonii) - it is a cactus which grows in Kalakhari, his fruit is often applied by locals to elimination of hunger and thirst. Suppression of feeling of hunger is bound to presence at this plant of special substance - P57 which affects the central nervous system and activates the center of saturation, approximately also as the glucose in a hypothalamus works. This component can reduce consumption of a nutrition by 30-40% and force an organism to burn own fat.

Koleus of a forskoliya (Coleus forskolii) — it a plant is very often applied in traditional medicine and joins in additives for weight loss. Active agent - forskolin, it can stimulate a thyroid gland and the thyroxine which has potent fat-burning effect forces to produce its hormone. Besides, forskolin enlarges sensitivity of receptors to insulin, eliminates the need for sweets and suppresses hunger.

KMTs (carboxymethylcellulose) — a fat which inflates in digestive tract. This ingredient of apetinol is intended for elimination of feeling of hunger, and to satiety creation. Besides, the fat participates in neutralization of toxins and slags which are formed in an organism. KMTs reduces the level of a harmful cholesterin. It is an important component of many complexes for weight reduction.

Pectins — alimentary fibers of a natural parentage. Pectin is capable to absorb in itself moisture and "to inflate" in a stomach, causing feeling of saturation, at consumption of small quantities of a nutrition. Pectin participates in formation of fecal masses, accelerates a physical activity of a GIT, and reduces nutrition passage time. Alimentary fibers reduce digestion of carbohydrates, so work as blockers of calories.

Application instruction:

To accept on the 2nd capsule 2 times a day in 15–20 minutes prior to a lunch and a dinner, washing down with 1 glass (250 ml) of water.

To keep an adequate drinking regimen: to drink not less than 1.5-2 liters of water a day.

Course duration not less than one month.

Contraindications to additive:

  • feeding by a breast;
  • individual intolerance of components;
  • digestive tract diseases in an exacerbation stage;
  • pregnancy.

Apetinol's efficiency is confirmed with clinical tests which were carried out in Switzerland and Russia. Safety of a product is confirmed by Gosstandart and the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

Feedbacks of the expert

For writing of this article feedbacks from independent sources were used, and also the composition of additive is carefully analyzed. The detailed research allowed to draw the following conclusions:

Growing thin gordon - this plant is really used by locals for suppression of feeling of hunger and thirst, however its efficiency remains unproven. Action of P57 which was found in its structure it was researched only on mice, and it was entered directly into a brain, however most of scientists consider that P57 collapses if is accepted inside. Adrienne Youdim from Comprehensive Weight Loss Program and its colleague, consider this means not effectively for decrease in body weight. Representatives of US Federal Trade Commission hold the same opinion. Do not forget take Pankramin for better results.

Koleus of a forskoliya (Coleus forskolii) - really effective component that is confirmed at least with two researches. However it is necessary to notice that in structure the plant, but not extract is specified, therefore the quantity of a forskolin can be very low.

Cellulose and pectins - and the first and second is food fibers which have approximately identical properties. Undoubtedly, they render all listed effects, however only when are applied much bigger quantities. Contains in one half of apple or carrots several times more than these substances, they are a part practically of all vegetables and fruit. What can go in in 2 capsules will be useless and any nutritionist can confirm it.

The producer declares that efficiency is proved by researches, however careful search didn't yield results, isn't even mentioned it anywhere.

"Attention" Thus, the unique working component of additive is forscolin, though its quantity remains not known. It is necessary to notice that this component contains practically in all the termogenic which are much more effective and lower at cost. Our opinion isn't an exception, at forums it is very often possible to meet negative feedbacks on Apetinol. 

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