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Antipsychotics, Neuroleptics. Part 3

14 Dec 2016

I will continue to acquaint you with neuroleptics. Some wondered (and who, it seems, even indignant) - say, why are you telling about any old thing? Where, say, new, atypical antipsychotics, which enjoys all the enlightened Western world? Wait, comrades. Will you and the protein will whistle. And atypical antipsychotics cherry on the cake. Already familiar - as with all representatives. Moreover, that they, too, continue to apply on the notorious West. And nothing, no one scream- ah, the last century!

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Neuleptil. Periciazine. Despite the fact that this is not the weakest neuroleptic, he crushes not delusional system does not cut channels of communication with the cosmos and plug the hole from the outside. But the effect is quite good, as the equalizer behavior. Clarify: Concealer psychopathic behavior. Not as intimidating as corrective beating, but nevertheless. Therefore also applies if a psychopath came decompensation, or debility patient (debility in this case is not a curse, and clarification of the degree of mental retardation) decided to make a row or imbecile hooligan. Yes, whatever it was due to this psychopathic behavior - Neuleptil do its job. Neurolepsy is a little less and a little weaker than haloperidol, but causes.

Sonapax. Thioridazine (INN). Also it can be used as a proof-reader behavior - but softer than Neuleptil. Sometimes a good idea manifests itself in the treatment of hysterical neurosis and decompensation in hysteroid psychopaths. Just as neuleptil, however does not have any appreciable effect on hallucinations or delusions. And, despite some harmony in the title, it does not have a soporific effect, so " get high" fans will be disappointed. Especially if you decide to drink, as usual, not one or two tablets, as a leaf, to get high. To get high, but not as expected: neurolepsy has not been canceled, and while it is considerably weaker than that of haloperidol or neuleptil, a large dose of it is still manifest itself.

Teraligen. Alimemazinum. Soft (well, again to compare with) an antipsychotic, also not having a noticeable effect on the hallucinations or delusions, because not used during an exacerbation, and even then, when in remission. And basically not in order to prevent re-sharpening, and in order to appease or secure sleep. Unlike tranquilizers, does not give the feeling of relaxation or pleasant mild euphoria, so minimal risk of abuse, and the possibility of psychological addiction is absent. Why they did not replace tranquilizers? Because not all cases Teraligen can achieve the same effect as in the case of tranquilizers. However, in the neuroses and psychopathy decompensation it is used quite often. Neurolepsy it almost does not matter.

Eglonil. Sulpiride. One of the first so-called atypical antipsychotics, which appeared in 1968. Noticeably softer than the same chlorpromazine or haloperidol, rarely causing neurolepsy - but also much weaker acting on delusions and hallucinations, although this action (particularly hallucinations) is still available. Where eglonil really good shows itself - so it is in the treatment of hysterical and hypochondriacal patients, especially those who have symptoms of the disease masquerading as unpleasant sensations in the body. Including when there is cenestopathy. Plus delivers mild calming effect. Plus possesses antiemetic effects. One of the side effects that can limit the use of Eglonil - this increase in prolactin. Not always and not at all, but still. I understand that some of the ladies dream of an increase in breast size, but used for this purpose eglonil - not the best solution.

Azaleptin. Clozapine. In psychiatry, used since 1971. Also, as Eglonil, it is one of the first representatives of the atypical antipsychotics - are somewhat different point of application, much less the ability to cause neuroleptic syndrome (although also quite capable), with - a powerful effect. But not very selective - that is, no sighting does not act on delusions nor hallucinations. But good calms, relieves great anxiety and great excitement (which is strongly expressed in the framework of psychosis), pretty good to calm the fellow in a manic state, and has a powerful hypnotic effect. Again - also within the framework of psychosis. Healthy human drug may turn off from communion for a few days! By the way, these effects used by heroin addicts to survive the break-up. Azaleptin caused something like a drug delirium on them, and a few days spent in a zombie-like state, erased from memory, but it is very well remembered by those who have to look for such a person.

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