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Antidepressants for weight loss

29 Nov 2016

To patients with an obesity at whom the reduced saturability, emotsiogenny alimentary behavior are followed by alarming and depressive disorders, the panic attacks and also the patient with a neurotic bulimia showed antidepressants — selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors.

Fluoxetine is prescribed in a daily dose from 20 to 60 mg within three months, fluvocsamin in a daily dose from 50 to 100 mg a day also within three months. These drugs aren't recommended to FDA for treatment of an obesity. Their effect concerning long deduction of body weight isn't proved. Therefore it is preferable to prescribe the specified agents in the presence at patients with an obesity of alarming and depressive disorders, panic attacks and a neurotic bulimia.

Refusal of smoking and weight loss

There are antidepressants losing weight which can be applied to treatment of obesity only according to special indications. One of them is the antidepressant bupropion (vellbutrin), reducing nicotine addiction at smokers. This drug in a daily dose from 100 to 300 mg caused small weight reduction (about 5%) during some observation researches. Indications to reception of bupropion are a depression against the background of obesity and a situation when it is long the smoking patient with an obesity it intends to refuse smoking. 

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