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Anti-Nootropics. How to make a person stupid?

12 Apr 2018

You are used to analyzing nootropics and other topics related to improving the quality of life, the quality of the intellect. But today we will go from the opposite. We will analyze the most popular ways of temporary deterioration of intellectual abilities!

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At the beginning
- A huge request to take the release with some humor.

- Most substances are expected in medium-high doses. In the low, it does not do much harm.


Let's start with a simple and understandable to everyone! Everyone knows that alcohol significantly changes human behavior. The effect of alcohol extends to the neurotransmitters GABA, Dopamine and Serotonin. With a significant increase in these substances, there is some effect of stupor and a growing sense of self-importance.

As a substance, alcohol itself is present initially in our body, and therefore is not an alien compound. The whole question is in the dosage of pure ethyl alcohol. So, 10 g for women and 20 for men are even considered useful, that is, 20-40 g of vodka can be called nootropic. Of course, with an irregular reception.

But who can stop after the first glass? Practice shows that the willpower of people is weak, so further - more. Add here the rate of withdrawal of alcohol from the blood, an average of 7 grams per hour and the speed of the maximum effects in 20-40 minutes, it turns out the situation "Drink and not drunk, you want more!". In an hour this person will lose tens of% of his IQ) What is not an anti-nootrops ?!)))

The most direct and coarse effect of stupor! These are substances that reduce acetylcholine. But nootropics often increase it on the contrary. A sharp decrease in this neurotransmitter leads to: confusion, nausea, thirst for water, slight hallucinations and poor eyesight.

Popular anticholinergics are: cyclodol, atropine, scopolamine, dicycloverin from trigan-d.

Perhaps you've heard in the movies or maybe from acquaintances about the so-called "truth serum", about a substance that can erase memory for several hours or days. And it's not a failure in memory as from alcohol. Everything is much more serious.

The substance that is capable of this - Scopolamine, just from the group of anticholinergics. With a high dosage of this substance, the person has a block of protection, he speaks the truth easier, memory becomes worse, and overall health is terrible. At too high a dose - death. And as we have said repeatedly, all the poison and the entire medicine, depending on the dosage. Even scopolamine in small doses is used in medicine.

Created for killing first of all dopamine. Often given to mentally ill people, their neuroleptics lead to a norm, are used in medical practice, if a shift has started due to the use of narcotic psychostimulants, Tipo Amphetamine. Substances do not treat the disorder, but stop the symptoms.

Popular antipsychotics: Aminazine and Haloperidol.
When the permissible dosage is exceeded or when used by healthy people, depressive states develop, inhibition appears, prolactin increases. There is no stupidity here, but the effect of turning into a plant. You think slowly, move slowly and speak slowly and all against the background of a complete lack of positive. The problem is also in a large half-life, in short, they act up to several days.

A soft, kind and easy way to reduce the intellect. There is no tin as from anticholinergics or antipsychotics. In the release of oxytocin, we generally gave a study of its similarity to Ecstasy, but without dependence.

In the world, Oxytocin is called a "molecule of morality", in subjects under oxytocin, empathy, empathy and empathy sharply increase. It's easier to communicate with people, less aggression. But where is dullness you ask? It is complex and manifests itself in some kind of credulity, infalty, and a slight memory impairment. Therefore I said that it is a soft and kind substance.

In the studies used for application to the skin, hair or when instilled in the nose. 10-15 units of substance. In one pharmacy ampoule 5 units. And yes, in medicine this substance is for the stimulation of childbirth, so you can not be pregnant! On the other hand, pregnant women are given intramuscularly, but it is better to be safe. Oxytocin increases even in a man when he becomes a parent.

Bottom line:

Here are the substances that can stupefy a person:

- Alcohol, the most famous way of getting into an altered state

- Cholinolytics, in the literal sense of "antinotropy", the most severe and merciless

- Neuroleptics, slow down thoughts and body, develop depresnyak

- Oxytocin, light variant. Kindness, sociality, memory loss.

Remember that the effects are directly proportional to the dosage! Even a microdose of anticholinergic can improve well-being and intelligence in some settings.

Well, I hope you liked the release! Write your antinotopes) Good luck and see you soon

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