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Anorectics - Appetite Suppressors

25 Oct 2016

Appetite suppressors they are anoreksigena and anorectics - a big class of a sports delivery and pharmacological drugs which reduce appetite, and at the expense of it promote decrease of body weight. Suppressors of appetite have various mechanisms of action which, mainly, are referred on oppression of the center of hunger and activation of the center of saturation.

In sport delivery anorectics are applied very often in complex fat loss. Practically all termogenik are at the same time and appetite suppressors. Add some Dexamethazone and Meldonium to your daily training.

Sports food - anorektik

  • Lipovox
  • Phenphedrine
  • Adipozin
  • Testoripped
  • Colonoxy

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The most effective and powerful suppressors of appetite are pharmacological medicines.

Anorektiki influencing serotoninergichesky system:

  • Fluoxetine - inexpensive, safe, readily available and effective medicine. Optimum choice.
  • Sibutramin (Meridia) - the expressed effect, but has high cost
  • Lorkaserin - new agonist the serotoninovykh of receptors
  • Denfluramin
  • Deksfenflyuramin

Anorektiki influencing dofaminergichesky system:

  • Bromokriptin
  • Kabergolin (Dostineks)

Anorektiki influencing katekholaminergichesky system - inhibition of the return capture of noradrenaline, and TsNS, as a rule, stimulating:

  • Amphetamine - is forbidden
  • Amfepramon (Fepranon) - is prohibited
  • Dezopimon - is prohibited
  • Sibutramin (Meridia)
  • Mazindol - is prohibited

It is possible to carry Ephedrine and other adrenergichesky means to the same class.

Blockers endogenous kannabinoidnykh of receptors

  • Rimonabant

New researches showed positive effect of antiepileptic medicine of Topiramat.

Side effects and harm for health

Many anorectics are quite hazardous to health. For example such drug as Benfluoreks isn't recommended at all to reception as can cause damage of valves of heart and a heart failure. One more quite famous drug Fenfluramin causes a pulmonary hypertension, damage of valves of heart and a fibrosis of a myocardium. The anorectics influencing catecholamin system are at the same time CNS stimulators therefore all side effects of the last are inherent to them: exaltation, insomnia, hyperactivity and so on. There are also rather safe anorectics, such as Fluoksetin and Sibutramin, in rare instances they cause fluctuations of pressure, agitation, sleeplessness and so forth. A sports delivery practically doesn't meet pure anorexigenic action, practically all suppressors of appetite are presented by thermogenerics, and side effects very much differ depending on their structure.

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