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Androgel - testosterone gel

02 Nov 2016

Androgel is the medicine of 1% of testosterone in the form of gel for drawing on skin intended for replacement therapy. Now testosterone gel is one of the most often registered medicines appointed by the patient with the lowered testosterone level (gipogonadism). Androgel is made by the Solvay Pharmaceuticals company. Androgel increases testosterone level in blood, getting through integuments.

Also at the market there is Androgel's analog - Testim which is issued in tubas by the Auxilium company. Actually there are no pharmacological differences between these medicines.

Androgel - testosterone gel

Androgel gained big fame as a result of the scandal which ran high in the USA a few years ago when it became clear that the famous coach of Trevor Graham declared that several popular athletes apply testosterone gel to improvement of athletic indicators. Later it became clear that athletes didn't even guess that they use hormonal medicine, mistakenly believing that rub in skin harmless cream. You can also like Cogitum.


Testosterone gel Androgel has the following advantages:

  • There is no need for accomplishment of injections
  • More uniform intake of hormone in blood

Omit benefits of gel of testosterone come to an end. In too time the following shortcomings take place:

  • Androgel and others testosterone gels have very high cost.
  • In bodybuilding creation of high concentration of anabolic hormones in blood is necessary that can't be provided through integuments. In the drawing it is possible to see on the right that Androgel leads increase in a dose of medicine to increase in concentration of testosterone approximately on 150 units. Thus, creation of necessary concentration will require about 50 g of gel that significantly increases a medicine consumption (economically very costly), at the same time does its application extremely inconvenient. It is necessary to cover the big site of skin with medicine, and even in this case the layer of gel will be on so much thick that the most part of gel of testosterone will remain on clothes.

"Attention" Thus becomes clear, gel - Androgel is inexpedient to apply testosterone in bodybuilding.

Androgel - side effects

  • Testosterone gel Androgel possesses the same range of side effects as testosterone:
  • Suppression of development of endogenous testosterone
  • Increase in arterial pressure
  • Prostate hypertrophy
  • Loss of hair
  • Ginekomastia
  • Accumulating of liquid in an organism
  • Rise in level of harmful cholesterol
  • Aggression and irritability

Before use of medicine consultation of the specialist is necessary.

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