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Anaprilin: what makes this drug? Instructions for use. How does it act on the heart and on the human body?

31 Oct 2016

Before starting the doctor's advice, you should find out what Anaprilin (Propranolol) from what helps and when this drug is administered. Skilled of course to trust, but it is necessary to know the principle of action of the drug and possible complications. In the future, this information will help.

What controls the human body?

Our body is regulated by the interaction of the two systems:

Nervous system:

  • "Quick Response", changes occur in a split second.
  • The basic structural unit is the nerve cell, the transmission of information provides an electric current.
  • Based on the conditioned and unconditioned reflexes.
  • From an evolutionary perspective – later one.

Humoral system:

  • The reactions proceed more slowly, within minutes or even hours.
  • Effects on the body is due to the hormones that are produced by glands.
  • It has a lasting impact on the internal environment.
  • It is inherent in the first complex organisms.

Pathologies of the nervous system appear almost instantly, the person violated the sensitivity of the extremities, decreased motor activity, impaired learning things and perception of the world.

And here endocrine disorders are usually chronic, the first manifestations of the disease may appear after weeks or even months from the date of violation of the hormonal balance.

Violations related to the nervous system

Many violations are developed according to the scheme of interaction between these two systems. Here, for example, is produced by the adrenal glands adrenaline had an effect on beta-adrenergic receptors. As a result, the person:

  • Participation pulse.
  • Increased heart's need for oxygen.
  • Increased blood pressure.
  • Decreased tone of the bronchi.

And this is only the most serious consequences, not counting the "stuff" in the form of:

  • Panic attacks.
  • Increased sweating.
  • Violations of bowel motility.
  • Relaxation of sphincters.

But if the "petty" points will only lead to unpleasant sensations and "loosening" of nerves, the acceleration of the heartbeat can lead to serious heart problems. (one can buy Meldonium).

In old age, this condition can result in a myocardial infarction. Regenerative capabilities of the body at times almost limitless, but pensioners rarely return to normal life after such heart attacks. It is therefore important to minimize stress, get rid of unnecessary worries and enjoy life. And do not be in a constant state of emotional tension. Elevated blood pressure figures - is not worse than can "get" in this case.

For why use Anaprilin (Propranolol)?

If the recommendations are not to stick or they for some reason do not help, you need to pass to the treatment of developing the disease. To do this, use β-blockers, special drugs, which reduce the sensitivity of receptors for adrenaline. Most often assigned Anaprilin (Propranolol), because of its availability, relatively low cost and effective influence on the body.

The drug is given by the cardiologist, after examination and treatment plan. This usually occurs if there is a suspicion:

  • Angina pectoris.
  • Hypertension.
  • Tachycardia.
  • Arrhythmia.
  • VVD.
  • Pathology of the adrenal glands.
  • Attacks of panic attacks.

As seen in the last paragraphs, sometimes the medicine is used and neurologists with endocrinologists, but mostly we are talking about heart problems. In terms of a panic attack - the drug has no effect on the brain and does not eliminate the cause of this condition, it just minimizes the manifestations on the level of the internal organs.

It does not help to cope with the attack and "pull yourself together," but deliver us from the small unpleasant symptoms that accompany each panic attack.

How to take Anaprilin (Inderal)?

The drug is dosed strictly doctor, start a course is only necessary on the basis of its recommendations. Self-medication, especially when it comes to vehicles such, it is impossible to deal with.

Depending on the disease, the daily dose ranges from 160-320 mg:

  • Tablets can drink twice a day - in the morning and evening, for 80 mg.
  • It is recommended to start treatment with the triple use of 40 mg.
  • Before or after the meal - little it does not matter.
  • Wash down Inderal (Anaprilin, Propranolol) should only cool boiled water, no teas, juices and especially alcohol.
  • At the time of dosing is recommended to avoid alcohol and tobacco use.
  • During the course of treatment is necessary to see your doctor regularly and adjust the dose of medication.

The final effect is achieved through the combined therapy and long-term use of the drug. If you have already decided to take pills, you need to drink the whole course without stopping halfway.

And one more thing, the drug may slightly reduce the concentration and reaction speed, so that the wheel after use is better not to sit down. If duties require rapid decision-making and involve a risk of injury - from receiving Propranolol probably have to give up.

Status panic attack

Our bodies are not always adequately respond to environmental stimuli, sometimes it flows into fits of panic attacks. This disease affected a small percentage of the population, but it does not mean that the problem does not exist and it does not have to fight:

  • Seizures occur during stressful situations - the examinations, heavy conversations, problems at work.
  • Duration strictly individual, from several minutes to hours.
  • In addition to anxiety and panic attacks, a person experiences unpleasant sensations in the internal organs.
  • Most notably rapid breathing and feeling your own heartbeat.
  • It echoing heartbeat may exacerbate the panic, it is simple "cheat" themselves and start thinking about a heart attack.

Such patients are not assigned pills course, because this may lead to changes in the body, and the amount of change produced by adrenaline. By and large, the adrenal glands and heart healthy, just sometimes the whole system fails because of the peculiarities of the nervous regulation. As soon as another bout of "loom" on the horizon, you should drink 1-2 pills and already after a quarter of an hour you can feel the effect.

It is not a sedative, with nerves still have to do something and somehow convince your brain that you need to calm down. But in this process if the heart, lungs and gastrointestinal tract will not disturb - not bad.

When you need to drink Anaprilin (Inderal, Propranolol)?

Anaprilin’s main problem is that it is non-selective drug. Those. it acts on all the β-adrenergic receptors located in the body. Not only in the heart, but in lung, intestine, uterus. And this, in turn, may result in a not very pleasant side effects. Pharmacology has solved this problem by developing a selective blockers, Inderal but continue to appoint:

  • In the case of angina attacks.
  • When hypertension.
  • After identifying adrenal disease.
  • For the treatment of coronary heart disease.
  • When thyrotoxicosis.
  • In case of ESP is detected.
  • For investment status during a panic attack.

You can ask the doctor what exactly it is guided by assigning it a non-selective drug. Most likely, you will hear an adequate explanation, and get another assignment.

If the home medicine cabinet has Anaprilin (Inderal) from what helps agent needs to know the whole family. Attacks of angina is always unpleasant, and may be accompanied by panic, the patient will not have time out to explain exactly what a tablet should be given to him.

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