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Anabolic complexes

21 Oct 2016

Anabolic complexes - collective group of additives and sports food which possess expected and often unproven capability to increase muscle bulk. Anabolic complexes considerably differ on structure, they may contain plant extracts, amino acids, vitamins and minerals, fatty acids, creatine and many other things. Quite often producers of sports food operate the term "anabolic complex" for commercial purposes, ranking as this group of additive which have no relation to it.

"Attention" Should be noticed that in 90% of cases, anabolic complexes represent marketing profanation, without justifying even the tenth share of the declared promises which are made by the producer. Many anabolic complexes don't render any effects at all, and it is proved by independent researches, however they continue to be on sale with success as buyers have no objective information support. Be extremely vigilant in case of the choice of an anabolic complex, carefully study structure, checking information on each component, collect all possible data on additive from independent sources and consult with the expert of sports food.

Even such respectable brands as MHP, MuscleTech, BSN and others issue anabolic complexes which don't influence the muscle bulk and other athletic indicators. The term "anabolic complex" has very indistinct character, and in itself already shall guard the buyer. The matter is that anabolic properties even regular food has. The more we eat, the anabolism therefore it is formally possible to tell that a bread roll it too - an anabolic complex prevails more.

Effective anabolic remedies, as a rule, are subject to strict control and don't extend freely therefore producers should try to discover various plants and food components which according to any data can be useful. Do not forget take Meldonium for better results.

"Attention" was empirically proved that there is no means which would be highly effective and together with it didn't possess side effects. Therefore think before purchasing "super effective additive" which has no side effect.

Efficiency analysis

Experts emitted the most popular ingredients included in anabolic complexes and analysed their efficiency in sport, relying on independent researches, scientific literature and feedbacks of athletes.

From vegetable components, it is often applied:

  • Eurycoma longifolia - is effective. Increases production of testosterone and raises a libido.
  • Forskolin - is effective, (it is at the same time capable to reduce fatty weight).
  • Ikariin - is effective
  • Arakhidonovy acid - is effective
  • Agmatin - increases secretion of a gonadotrophin, is confirmed only in one research on animals
  • 3,4-Divanillyltetrahydrofuran - the globulin connecting sex hormones, evidential base fragile blocks
  • Tribulus terrestris - strengthens a libido, but doesn't influence testosterone level. Now Tribulus's turnover in Russia is limited.
  • Protodiostsin - active ingredient of a plant Tribulus terrestris. Efficiency at the person isn't proved.
  • Ekdisteron - efficiency under doubt.
  • D-asparaginovaya acid - is perhaps inefficient
  • Metoksiizoflavon - is inefficient
  • Poppy the Peruvian - is inefficient
  • Avena Sativa (Oats) - is inefficient
  • Fitosterona - are inefficient
  • Sitosterol - is inefficient
  • Hop ordinary (Humulus lupulus) - is inefficient
  • Valerian derivatives - are inefficient
  • Macuna Pruriens - is inefficient, however is capable to increase a libido due to impact by dopamine system.
  • Griffonia simplicifolia - is inefficient
  • Fenugreek (Fenugreek) - is effective (in a research dry muscle bulk increased by 3% in 8 weeks ).
  • Kudzu (Pueraria lobota) - is inefficient

Fatty acids:

  • Omega-3 - are effective
  • Arakhidonovy acid - is effective
  • Fosfatidilserin - is effective
  • It is well-cared - is effective


  • 6-OXO - it is effective
  • Degidroepiandrosteron (Dehydroepiandrosterone, DHEA) - is inefficient
  • ZMA - is inefficient
  • Besides, often include amino acids and creatine in anabolic complexes - however it is more economic to purchase them separately.

Effective anabolic complexes

The analysis of structure and feedbacks allowed to select the most effective anabolic complexes:

  • T-Bomb II from MHP
  • HyperTEST from Axis Labs
  • T-911 from Legal Gear
  • Stenandiol 3.0 from German American Technologies
  • Animal M-Stak from Universal Nutrition
  • Axis-HT from BSN
  • Vitrix from Nutrex

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