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Alcoholic tremor - symptoms, causes, treatment

11 Jan 2017

Symptoms of alcoholic tremor

Alcoholic tremor in acute poisoning with alcohol often manifested as shaking fingers. This is a kind of physiological tremor. He appears only in the morning with a hangover, and after drinking even a small ( "hangover") doses of alcoholic beverage is reduced or disappears. Without taking liquor tremor gradually weakens and disappears during the day.
Alcoholic tremor in advanced stages of alcoholism - it is certainly a pathological tremor. It manifests itself in trembling fingers, hands, head, and sometimes the entire body. Disturbed coordination of movements, may appear tremor tongue, eyelids.
As far neglected stage of alcoholism tremor may persist for several days or weeks. Often, it is noted sleep disturbances, poor general health, lethargy.
The flow depends on the age of the patient, from the static loads. With more and more difficult, there may be a tremor eyeballs, vocal cords, abdominal muscles alcoholic tremor occurs over time. It may also be a violation of gait, alcoholics often fall.
Alcoholic tremor develops and withdrawal syndrome (a condition which develops in people suffering from alcoholism, after the cessation of alcohol consumption, with output from binge).

Alcoholic tremor is the result of the toxic effects of alcohol on the brain and spinal cord, resulting in growing alcoholic encephalopathy. Motor nerves, cells stop braking interact with each other, as a result of having expressed incoordination.

Treatment of alcoholic tremor
Alcoholic tremor to be treated in a hospital under the supervision of a physician because Some drugs have an effect on the cardiovascular system.
The complex treatment includes detoxication therapy, helps to eliminate toxins from the body.
For proper treatment of tremor using Propranolol, Primidone, Phenotropil . The choice of drug and its dosage depend on the age of the patient, and on the presence of comorbidities, so treatment can appoint a qualified doctor.
The combined therapy also include vitamins, magnesium drugs, calcium channel blockers, anti-anxiety drugs. Of course, it should be completely ruled out the use of alcoholic beverages.

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