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Afobazol - original anxiolytic (anti-anxiety) medication

28 Mar 2017

Afobazol is a non-benzodiazepine anxiolytics and has a novel mechanism of action: through a system of sigma receptors it is able to strengthen the protection of the natural anti-anxiety nerve cells ( "endogenous system anxiolysis'). Afobazol has a special clinical profile, different from all other anti-anxiety agents:

- Afobazol effect occurs in the first week of reception and stored after treatment;
- Afobazole does not cause daytime drowsiness, dependence and addiction, as well as "cancellation" syndrome;
- Afobazol possesses not only anti-anxiety, and an activating effect;
- Afobazole suitable for the treatment of sleep disorders associated with anxiety as well as premenstrual syndrome and "cancellation" syndrome in smoking cessation;
- Afobazol compatible with most other drugs somatotropic, does not react with ethanol.


Can I take Afobazol with soothing herbal preparations and glycine?

Afobazol does not interact with sedatives herbal and glycine, may therefore be taken together. However, during the combination therapy should consult with a physician.

What is the maximum duration of therapy Afobazole?

Afobazol does not accumulate in the body, it does not cause addiction and dependency that makes it possible to safely conduct prolonged courses of therapy. The duration of a course of medication is usually 2-4 weeks, if necessary, the duration of treatment can be extended to 3 months. Typically, course duration depends on the initial state, its changes during therapy, comorbidities, the presence of external stress factors. Upon completion of a course of therapy you should consult with your doctor to decide on the further tactics of treatment.

How often can I repeat courses of Afobazol? What do you need a break between courses?

Afobazol can be taken without interruption for 3 months. After stopping the treatment effect of the drug is maintained for 1-2 weeks. The duration of breaks between courses of treatment depend on your condition and is determined in each case by the attending physician based on the results of your assessment of the state.

Compatible whether alcohol Afobazol?

Simultaneous reception Afobazol and alcohol is not contraindicated. However, it should be remembered that alcohol can have an adverse effect on the central nervous system, including the presence of anxiety disorders. Furthermore, the use of high doses of alcohol is harmful to the organism and can exacerbate symptoms of various diseases.

Hello, whether the application may Afobazol with birth control pills?

Interactions Afobazol and oral contraceptives have been identified, the combined use is not contraindicated.

After some time it is possible to plan pregnancy after discontinuation of the drug?

Afobazol quickly excreted from the body. At the same time, after the cancellation of any drug to make sure that the symptoms of the condition, because of which the drug was administered, and have completed the need to continue treatment with this or some other drug. Therefore, we recommend to plan pregnancy not earlier than 2 weeks after discontinuation of the drug.

Tell me, is it possible to take Afobazole during pregnancy? Thank you in advance

During pregnancy contraindicated use of many drugs, including Afobazol. Despite the fact that, according to experimental research Afobazol no negative impact on fetal development in animals, in pregnant women Afobazol effects are not well understood.

Hello, is it possible to take Afobazol while driving?

Afobazol no sedative action and does not cause deterioration of concentration and speed of psychomotor reactions, so it can be taken by people to drive vehicles whose activities require increased attention and quick response.

Limes can use the drug in children?

According to the approved instructions Afobazol is not applicable for children under 18 years of age, because special studies in this category of persons was carried out.

Hello, is it possible to take afobazol while taking antidepressants?

The simultaneous use of antidepressants and Afobazol not contraindicated.

A drug may help at first hand?

Afobazol The drug reduces the severity of anxiety disorders of various origins. The therapeutic effect is not immediately, but gradually. And although the first improvement can be felt quite quickly, a significant effect is on 5-7y days of treatment. The optimal duration of treatment course - 2-4 weeks, if necessary, receive Afobazol can be extended to 3 months.

Can I take Afobazol during lactation?

Due to the lack of clinical data on the use of Afobazol during breast-feeding should not take the drug during lactation. If necessary, it should consider the reception of termination of breastfeeding.

What side effects can cause Afobazol?

Side effects Afobazol include: allergic reactions, in rare cases, described the occurrence of headache that usually resolves on its own and does not require discontinuation of therapy.

In some cases, the use of contraindicated Afobazol?

Admission Afobazol contraindicated if you are hypersensitive drug during pregnancy, lactation and children under the age of 18 years.

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