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Afobazol - Good help from depression

02 Nov 2016

Advantages: non-addictive, well relieves irritation

Disadvantages: It is not for everyone

Afobazol is a relatively new drug, a very successful development of Russian scientists. By the principle of action it is different from traditional anti-depressants, and therefore does not inhibit the nervous system, in particular - does not cause drowsiness, and vice versa - it helps to restore the natural biological rhythm. If the drug is right for you, then you will find its effect very quickly, somewhere in 5-6 days from the start of use.

Taking traditional antidepressants first results appear not earlier than in two weeks. What else is very good Afobazol - it will not cause you any physical or drug dependence. But he quickly relieve irritation, you will see the world in a positive and start to focus on the search for solutions.

Afobazol can be removed in the same depression that has arisen as a result of reception of hormonal preparations. Good and useful drug.

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