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Adaptogens and some other natural biologically active agents

28 Nov 2016

The functional shifts arising in various systems of an organism at athletes can be corrected by means of various phytopreparations and other natural biologically active agents (products of beekeeping, a mummy, medicines from horns of wild animals, etc.). It is reasonable to apply these medicines and during the inter competitive period to maintenance of the normal state and high functional readiness of various systems of an organism, before the competitions, during the competitions, to preserving the normal state of the main functional systems in extreme conditions, during the rehabilitation period after the competitions for fast elimination of the arisen negative shifts.

When using medicines of natural biologically active agents it is necessary to follow the following general rules.

1. Only the doctor after comprehensive inspection and establishment of the diagnosis can appoint phytopreparations (and other natural biologically active agents).

2. In case of treatment by herbs (and other natural medicines) it is necessary to organize a normal work-rest schedule, not to smoke and not to accept alcohol.

3. The chair is regulated by additive of the components possessing the fixing or laxative action.

4. During an exacerbation of a disease to accept the "shock" (increased) doses of medicines. Therapy by natural medicines requires quite long period. In case of treatment by grass charges lack of 1 — 2 components reduces therapeutic effect some.

Most reasonablly at various stages of sports activities to use natural adaptogens of phytogenesis is the medicines possessing the toning and stimulating complex action. They can be a vegetable, animal or mineral origin. Their therapeutic effect is shown first of all against the background of exhaustion. Their small toxicity, width of therapeutic action, lack of a phase of a negative after-effect and accustoming owing to prolonged use belong to benefits of natural adaptogens. Now there is rather big material testimonial of their positive action on the healthy people performing hard physical and mental work (including in the conditions of Far North and other severe climatic conditions), on athletes, on the persons weakened by various diseases and harmful effects. Vegetable adaptogens can increase physical working capacity at healthy people (it is considered that generally through nervous and hypophysis of system), resistance of an organism to a hypoxia, radiation, a heat, cold and other negative impacts, they take off effects of fatigue and provide good health. Under their action muscular work is characterized by more economic expenditure of energy resources of an organism, the oxidizing processes connected with phosphorylation amplify, energy exchange, apparently, due to strengthening of aerobic reactions and use as a power source not only carbohydrates, but also lipids improves. One of the Best drug is Ventramin.

In spite of the fact that adaptogens of a plant origin are one of the most widespread OTC medicines and dietary additives to a nutrition, still many doctors treat them indulgently, as insufficiently effective drugs with the unproven mechanism of action. Increased requirements of doping control, and also side effects of some medicines recommended in sports medicine force to reconsider methods of biological standardization and to add them with chromanti-terrorist operation - a mass spectrometry. liquid chromatography, radio immune analysis and others, as well as actual pharmacological activity (carrying out bench experiments) of this numerous group of drugs.

Adaptogens are called natural (mainly vegetable, is more rare than an animal or mineral origin) drugs. These are low-toxiferous biologically active agents (medicinal preparations and dietary additives to a nutrition) which dilate borders of adaptation (adaptation) of the person to extreme factors (to an exercise and mental stress, stresses, a hypoxia, a heat, cold, overcoming the klimatopoyasnykh of zones, all types of radiations, etc.), i.e. increase fastness of an organism to external adverse factors.

At the same time it is necessary to notice that also vitamin drugs can concern to this group. Some metabolism drugs of a synthetic parentage have Adaptogen properties.

Action of adaptogen has to be not specific and is universal, i.e. under its influence fastness to action of the main natural (an exercise stress, a hypoxia, cold etc.) and technogenic (kinetoza, vibrations) extreme factors has to increase. Positive effects at its use have to be carried out due to optimization of metabolic processes, protection of fabric structures against a destruction. Repeated introductions lead to formation of a systemic and structural trace of adaptation.

Cumulative effect for all adaptogens is nonspecific rising of functionality, and also adaptabilities (adaptation) of an organism under the complicated living conditions. Adaptogens practically don't change normal functions of an organism, but considerably increase physical and mental operability, an acceptability of loads, fastness to various adverse factors and reduce terms of adaptation to them.

Adaptogens have complex chemical structure, and it isn't possible to explain their action at the expense of one of components. For example, if the anabolitic effect of levzea can be treated as a result of action of fitoekdisteroid is ekdisten, then the tonic effect isn't bound to it in any way. Therefore it isn't necessary to seek to divide the operating beginnings of vegetable drugs into components as their properties can be lost.

Historical information

Popularity of the herbs improving working capacity is known long since.

"Person root" a ginseng came to us from the Chinese medicine. At the same time, in the last decades new aspects of the mechanism of action are established, its new pharmacological properties are open. Curative effects of maraly root (levzea) learned later, watching marals who looked for this root before marriage fights. The Siberian hunters knew that, having a magnolia vine Chinese, it is possible to do week without nutrition, without losing working capacity. Araliya, the eleuterococcus as medicines was opened in the beginning by inhabitants, and then and scientists of the East and Siberia.

Medicines from horns of deer began to apply in 3700 g to P. X. Further established that the keratin which is available in horns contains a significant amount of sulfur-containing amino acids. In traditional medicine of the countries of East Asia the neogrowing stiff horns (pant) of a dappled deer use more 2000 at attrition, delicacy, anemia.

In general the medicine of India, Tibet, Vietnam, China, Korea, Japan still remains a riddle for the scientific European medicine which won leading line items in the world. Amazing results pulso-, iridology, acupuncture, cauterizations by method of moks, specific types of massage, umashchivaniye, treatments on the basis of knowledge of time of opening of meridians, accounting of 12-year cycles in forecasting of domination of this or that pathology — these and many other aspects of traditional medicine of the countries of Asia already formed the basis of a number of disciplines: bioritmologiya, heliobiologe, acupuncture, manual therapy, etc. However phytotherapy was and remains the basic direction of traditional medicine of all listed countries during many millennia. Founder of heliobiology of L. A. Chizhevsky scientifically confirmed legitimacy of "the Chinese calendar", having proved that in microbiology, biology, epidemiology of infectious and psychosomatic diseases, changes of the psycho emotional status of people, in social processes we face "a terrestrial echo of solar storms" to which approximately 12-year recurrence is peculiar.

The first attempt of the Russian statement of Chzhud-sha (Vosmichlenny tantra of secret oral manuals), the main treatise of the Tibetan medicine, belongs to P. Badmayev (1901), the second - to A. Pozdneev (1908). Both authors have been repressed. Only in 1988 in D. B. Dashiyev's translation the Soviet doctors could examine from Chzhud-sha. Most of heads of the book is devoted to the Tibetan phytotherapy. In 1994 after the London edition "Tibetian medical paintings" also the Russian edition "Atlas of the Tibetan Medicine", the arch of illustrations to the Tibetan medical treatise of the 17th century has appeared. "Blue beryl", explaining heads of Chzhud-sha. The first treatise isn't translated neither into English, nor into Russian languages so far (not to mention Ukrainian). The merit of the Leningrad pharmakognost A. F. Gammerman, K. F. Blinova, D.Yu. Butkus, E. G. Bazaron, S. N. Nikolayev, T. A. Aseeva's Buryat tibetolog and others who within decades identified hundreds of species of the plants applied in the Tibetan medicine is big. For the modern phytotherapist of Chzhud-sha can serve as the reference book not only on an arsenal, but also on the principles of treatment. Also the fact that from many thousands of books on the Chinese phytotherapy to Russian-speaking doctors only single editions of such authors as F. I. Ibragimov, V. S. Ibragimov (1960) are available, to Chkhva Tkhesop (1987), Halmurat Upur, V. G. Nachata (1992) is indicative. The delay syndrome in editions is characteristic also concerning the Chinese phytotherapy (Zhang Chzhuntszin, 1991). Almost in 1000 after writing "The canon of medical science" of Abu Ali ibn Xing has been translated into Russian, and hundreds of works of other representatives of the irano-Tajik medicine wait for the translators. Despite closeness, and also distinctions of schools and systems of phytotherapy, continuity, sometimes full identity of application of a number of plants and their combinations in Greek-Arab-Tajik-Persian, Indo-Tibetan (with its Mongolian and Buryat branches), and also relatives the Chinese, Vietnamese, Korean and Japanese medicine is traced. Along with a community of an arsenal in them also the community of some principles of phytotherapy is found that is traced, for example, in the monumental reference book of Amirdovlat Amasiatsi "Unnecessary for ignoramuses" (15th century). Let's give the basic principles:

  • phytotherapist shall have wider, specially picked up arsenal of herbs;
  • many "bricks", combinations of plants synergists, detoksikant, "tow trucks cleaners", the guides supplementing action of each other, facilitating bioavailability of medicine are picked already up in traditional medicine; perception of these blocks scientific medicine in which the rule of treatment by one plant illegally prevails is necessary;
  • in traditional medicine use mainly edible, food, fodder plants, substitutes of tea, spice; some poisonous - plants from which mediator poisons are emitted — the blockers of various enzymes which constituted fundamentals of modern scientific pharmacology apply very restrictedly; the concept of phyto dietotherapy which hardly is making the way in life on a roadside and even out of scientific medicine on a commercial path of them is created long ago;
  • complex (a combination to other necessary types of therapy), system (but not posimptom), individual (but not as standard) approach to the patient isn't the declaration in phytotherapy of the countries of East and Central Asia — matching of the components of collection suitable the specific patient is considered the highest class of phytotherapy.

It is obvious that observance not only everything, but even the single principles of phytotherapy under our conditions are impossible. Nevertheless, in the former USSR for the first time there were conditions for perception of ideology, the theory, methodology and practice of phytotherapy. There was it thanks to forming of the doctrine about the condition of nonspecific increased resilience (CNIR) of an organism. The theory of SNPS is created by the Soviet pharmacologist N. V. Lazarev (1959) in case of an explanation of increase in resistance of an organism to infections without application of specific vaccines and serums under the influence of medicines of roots of a ginseng and eleuterococcus prickly. Subsequently it was established that organism resilience against the background of classical phytoadaptogens increases not only to infections, but also to a wide number of the damaging, pathogenic agents and impacts: to a hypoxia, hypo - and a hyperthermia, various, including medicines, to toxins, starvation, overloads, an immobilization, radiation. N. V. Lazarev's pupil I. I. Brekhman (1957, 1968), the founder of valueology, for the first time formulated requirements to adaptogens which can be considerably now are expanded even only as a result of ascertaining of various aspects of their efficiency:

  • lack of toxicity, influence on normal parameters of activity and metabolism;
  • increase in resistance to a wide range of infectious diseases, high immunocorrective effect, protivoonkogenny properties;
  • stress - the limiting properties, an obstacle a stress - induced, for example, operational, to metastasis, an immunodeficiency;
  • the powerful detoksikatsionny properties which are shown, for example, concerning the striking TsNS of poisons as causing an anesthesia, and konvulsant, tsitostatik, hepatotoxic poisons and medicines, carcinogens, mutagens, metgemoglobinobrazovatel, etc.;
  • correction of metabolism and its neuroendocrine regulation, in particular carbohydrate, lipidic, proteinaceous exchanges, synthesis of RNA and DNA. For phytoadaptogens typically positive gonadotropny, antidiabetic action with increase in synthesis and ekzotsitoz of insulin; the positive, regulating influence on functions of adrenal glands — a capability to interfere with development of gilokortitsizm in case of steroid therapy, and also to smooth excessive increase in concentration 17-OKC in blood in case of a stress;
  • the ginseng and other classical phytoadaptogens considered long time as an analog of a fenamin and its derivatives i.e. as a working capacity stimulator. From heterogeneous group of adaptogens only the magnolia vine can be regarded as a stimulator. Course and in a smaller measure one-time application of other plants leads to increase in physical endurance, tolerance to physical activities, fitness that isn't followed by the high psychotonic, stimulating action, agitation, sleeplessness. Adaptogens reduce maintenance time, increase efficiency of a hardening, physiotherapy exercises, the liver glycogen saving is promoted for prolongation of functions of bodies (a brain, heart), by mobilization of not esterifies fatty acids as power source in case of physical activities and a stress. Very important difference of adaptogens from derivatives of fenamin and other psychomotor stimulators is increase in their efficiency in process of prolongation of a rate of acceptance and lack of a stage of depletion after a stage of manifestation of the toning action. At last, adaptogens, unlike fenamin and other indirect adrenomimetik, don't cause addiction and dependence.

Classical adaptogens are ginseng (Panax ginseng), araliya high (Aralia elata), araliya heart-shaped (A. cordata), zamanikh high (Oplopanax elatus), eleuterococcus prickly (Eleuterococcus senticosus), acantopanax (Acantopanax sesseliflorus), calopanax seven-bladed (Kalopanax septemlobus), polistsias (Poliscias filicifolia), levzeyu saflorovidny (Rhaponticum cartaimoides; "a maraly root") from Astrov' family, rhodiola pink (Rhodiola rosea), "a gold root" and, at last, magnolia vine Chinese (Schizandra chinensis). Pharmacological properties of classical adaptogens are studied, generally by employees, pupils of N N. V. Lazarev's followers, than and references in scientific literature mainly for their works speak. The theory of the SI of PS is closely closed with the most significant, fundamental theories of medicine and physiology: adaptic and trophic function of a sympathetic nervous system of L. A. Orbeli (1962) and general adaptic syndrome of G. Selye (1960).

Stress-limit properties of adaptogens and many other plants are shown in their ability to distance a stage of attrition and to prolong a resistance stage. They cause the following phenomena:

  • hypertrophies of adrenals interfere;
  • reduce number of erosive lesions of a mucosa of a stomach, that at times it is mechanistic treated (mainly in the literature written by clinicians, but not physiologists or pharmacologists) as "antiulcerous", but not a stress - protective property;
  • reduce loss of mass of a thymus, a lien.

Therefore, phytoadaptogens interfere with development of a triad of Selye characteristic of a depletion stage. Protivoalterativny, anti-destructive action of adaptogens and some other plants isn't limited to influence on a mucous membrane of a stomach and the timiko-lymphatic device. Restriction of amount and weight of damage on their background carries not organotropny, tkanespetsifichny, but system nature and is implemented at the expense of own metabolites, mobilization of cascades of protection of an organism. Permisserami of their action are, for example, the sex hormones, insulin and a RNA polymerase providing anabolic effect of adaptogens, R-endorphins, various tsitokina, natural killers, and also some enzymes (superoxide dismutase) and catecholamines. Reduction of weight of damage of bodies of detoxication, violation of biochemical composition of tissue of liver and decrease in its weight against the background of acceptance of adaptogens, them pankreo-, vazo-, TsNS-protektivnoye action is proved. Classical adaptogens interfere with decrease in mass of heart and formation of zones of a necrosis in a myocardium. The last is confirmed with experiences with entering of marked technetium which accumulating in a myocardium in case of a stress at rats was reduced by rhodiola extract by 2,6 times. The stress-limiting action of adaptogens is confirmed also at the immunological level: broths of roots of araliya, eleuterococcus, rhodiola, levzea normalize products peritonealny macrophages - 1 - and, eliminate stress decrease in sensitivity of macrophages to the stimulating action of stafilokokk, and lymphocytes action of tsitokin in reaction of blasttransformation, prevent reduction of products of antibodies to erythrocytes of a ram, quantity of cells of a spleen. Inclusion in the multicomponent individually picked up charges of an eleuterococcus, araliya, levzea, rhodiola can level completely immune action of tuberculostatic therapy and tubercular intoxication, and also reduce hepatotoxic effects at suffering from tuberculosis lungs and the accompanying hepatitis B and C.

Further development of the theory of SNPS consists in detection of adaptogen properties at quite wide range of the plants belonging to various families and labors. For example, at the majority from 16 neofitsinalnykh (i.e. not pharmaceutical) types of a family of Caragana existence high antidiabetic, by a CNS - gepato-, gastro-, a stress and angioprotektive properties is registered. The last are taped at broths from 12 types and tinctures from 14 types of karagana and expressed not in a smaller measure, than at chemically pure natural bond of Rutinum vasoprotective allowed for a clinical use, but which isn't possessing a series of properties, listed and very significant for sports medicine.

Advantage forms in comparison with natural bond, more expensive and labor-consuming on receiving, is obvious. It is proved that chemically pure natural bonds of different classes (flavonoids, catechols, benzopyrones, sequiterpenes, triterpena, fenolkarbonovy acids, etc.) don't possess a series of the pharmacological properties inherent in simple galen forms. So, they have no preventive and medical effect on models of alloxanic Diabetum, don't prevent loss and don't promote restoration of basic, unconditional and conditioned-reflex forms of behavior of the animals promoting survival of an individual and look in general. Proceeding from the assumption of gale forms ability to korrigirovat not only carbohydrate, albuminous, but also lipide exchange, clinical approbation of efficiency of infusions of multicomponent collectings was carried out. At patients with an atherosclerosis of vessels of a brain high antidislipidemic efficiency of phytotherapy is confirmed. Adaptogen properties, ability to limit the volume and gravity of alteration, to optimize processes of a reparation, in particular neogeneses, are found in the majority of galen forms from 157 — 200 studied species of plants. Some authors among adaptogens consider drugs of an aloe, buds of a birch, lespedetion dichromatic, lilacs Amur, bergenia of tolstolistny, different types of a plantain, glycyrrhiza, dudnik, a peony, maakiya Amur, etc., and also drugs of animal origin, such as Pantocrinum, saytorin, rantorin, tsygapan.

Undoubted further development of the theory of SNPS is detection at a series of flavonoids and the fenolcarbone acids soft properties which are explained by reversible inhibition a catechol. It is about metiltransfere of sympathetic synapses and an obstacle to oxidation of catecholamine. Thus, existence natural, i.e. widespread, regulators of adaptic and trophic function of a sympathetic nervous system is proved.

The Chinese and Tibetan medicine made quite a lot and for promoting of drugs of horns of deer at the most various diseases. Drugs from horns of a dappled deer are included in the Chinese pharmacopeia in 1596 at the initiative of the doctor Li-shi-dzhenya. These drugs receive from a show off (lu-zhun), ossified horns (φηθξ) and bloods (Xue). The monument of medieval Tibetan culture of Chzhud-sha mentioned earlier stores data on medicinal preparations from animal raw materials (horns of deer) who it is wide and with success were used in those days. The historical data which reached us demonstrate that it is drugs which, first of all, have effect at diseases of the central nervous system, endocrine organs, the genitourinary sphere and internals. They are prescribed at the general delicacy as tonics, when weakening sex functions at advanced and young age, as well as according to other indications.

Since then value of medicines from horns of deer didn't decrease at all, despite an impact of synthetic drugs in connection with development of chemical synthesis and pharmacological search in all directions (the referred synthesis of derivatives and metabolites, screening, etc.).

In 1968 the first international congress "Panta and Pantocrinum" was carried out and the materials concerning medical use of drug Pantocrinum are published. In Russia in 1993 very substantial book of A. M. Yudin "Panta and antler" which has help character concerning biological activity of a show off and antler (ossified horns) of dappled deer, maral, Manchurian deer, the European and northern deer, saiga and other animals is published small on volume, but. Literary data on biological activity, methods of conservation, chemical composition and a clinical use of drugs from horns of deer are analyzed.

It was reported that in east medicine not only horns or pant of deer, but also and tails, germs, sinews, gonads, penises, blood, bones, skin and other bodies use. In the Far East medicines from horns of deer applied hundreds of years as monotherapy, as well as in a combination with other adaptogens — a ginseng, the Chinese magnolia vine and products of the increased biological value — honey, nuts and others.

The basic and practical researches of foreign authors concerning medicines from a show off and antler allowed to establish new chemical features and pharmacological properties of these medicines, such as increase in synthesis of protein, nucleonic acids, influence on kinetics of biochemical reactions in an organism, and also on capability of muscle cells in culture, ultra structure of cages, anti-inflammatory effect and other phenomena.

Horns of a Manchurian deer, maral, dappled deer used already for a long time, and horns of a reindeer, elk and saiga only in the last decades. If to compare a ratio of medicinal raw materials from dappled deers and reindeers, then it constitutes 1:20.

The chemical composition of a show off at different types of deer is researched by many authors. Among biologically active ingredients in horns lipids are found (phospholipids, mono - and triglycerides, sterols, free fatty acids, triatsilglitserola, air of sterols and others). The phospholipid fraction of flour of a show off of maral is found lecithin and lizoletsitin, sfingomiye-lean, colamincefalin, tserebrozid, cardiolipin and amino acids, and also prostaglandins and other ingredients.

Also steroid connections are found in low concentration: estrone, testosterone, progesterone and cholesterol, are revealed also inorganic elements: Ρΰ, Mg, Fe, Si, P, Na, To, and also traces of V, Sr, Mo and Century. Among amino acids glycine, alanine, proline, glyutaminic acid and some peptides are found. Most of authors pay attention to imperfection of methods of extraction in case of release of biologically active agents from a show off which can go to production wastes. Thus, the chemical composition of horns of deer is represented quite difficult and various what a priori can testify to a wide range of pharmacological effect of medicines.

Biological activity of medicines from horns of deer depends on age of animals, time of procurement, a method of conservation, technology of preparation of medicines and many other reasons.

Medicines from horns of deer are applied outwardly and inside, men, women and children in case of violations of functions of nervous and endocrine systems, diseases of heart, liver, kidneys, reproductive system, infectious and many other diseases. The effect, according to researchers, after a course of treatment can proceed up to one and a half months.

The nature of a show off allows application them as in the natural form, and in the form of extracts. Medicines from horns of a reindeer received various names: rantarin, velcornip, epsorin, sibirin.

Fixed expansion of ideas of adaptogens and their list, data about adaptogen properties allows with good causes to consider officinal, food, edible, fodder plants as natural guards of a biochemical, functional and structural homeostasis of mammals. It is undoubted trophic, energy, information, reproductive (and for the person — esthetic) dependence of representatives of fauna on representatives of flora. All this shall be the basis, ideological and methodical base of search of new medicines of phytogenesis and their further clinical use for the purpose of increase in efficiency of treatment and prevention of diseases including at athletes, and also for increase in general and special efficiency of athletes.

Classification of adaptogens:

1. Phytogenesis medicines

1.1. Monomedicines — tincture and liquid extract of a ginseng; magnolia vine tincture; liquid extract of an eleuterococcus; liquid extract of levzea; ecdisteron; araliya tincture; saparat; tincture and liquid extract of ekhinatsea; immunat; sterkuliya tincture; zamanikha tincture.

1.2. The combined medicines — an elixir Graal; Vigor balm; complex Vitastim tincture, elixir Svyatogor; elixirs "Anti-stress μεν'ρ formula"; "Anti-stress ladys formula", power tonic, Monomakh balm, medicines "Yanshen Hubao", "Ginseng Royal Jelly", etc.

2. Medicines of an animal origin of pancriotin, panticrin, pantogematogen (extract from not ossified horns ofmaral, Manchurian deer or dappled deer, and also a bone, teeth, sinews, blood, a brain, meat, bile), musk (a secret of musky gland of a musk deer), a rhinoceros horn (in case of depletion and impotence, anti-toxic, febrifugal and anti-toxic means), lipotserebrin (medicine of brain fabric of cattle), powder from bones of tigers and a bear, fresh and tinned blood, muscles of snakes (especially Japanese already), skin and hedgehog meat, fresh snails extract, powder from dried crickets, sinks and reptiles (in Southeast Asia), spiders and the scorpions (as comforting narcotic and anti-toxic means), worms, bloodsuckers, beekeeping products are perga, flower pollen, a uterine milk (a ginseng + a uterine milk), comb honey from a framework of a long-term exposition, honey with medicines of adaptogens (a ginseng, rhodiola pink, levzey, etc.), medicines from marine and oceanic animals — Cucumariae, sea lions and other mammals, mussels, a scallop, sea turtles, etc.

3. Medicines of a mineral origin is a mummy.

4. Vitamin medicines.

Pharmacokinetics. Medicines of all adaptogens are quickly and completely soaked up in the digestive channel, distributed in all bodies and systems. Are allocated mainly with urine, an insignificant part — with excrements.

Pharmakodinamika. The mechanism of action of adaptogens is connected with their activating influence on exchange processes. Medicines it is more expressed - but stimulate processes of oxidizing phosphorylation, at a hypoxia and extreme situations, adverse environmental conditions normalized - indicators of power and nucleinic exchange, possessed antioxidant action (increasing activity of factors of antioxidant protection and oppressing oxidation of lipids). Medicines show its action; for the majority of medicines anti-hypoxemic activity is established. Adaptogens can stimulate biosynthesis of catecholamines also. The last property defines need of purpose of adaptogens in the morning or if necessary — 2 — 3-times reception in the first half of day.

For athletes morning reception as it coincides with their physiological morning rise, activation of metabolic processes in an organism and night reduction of activity of these processes is important. Besides, various adaptogens differentially (it is most expressed medicines) exert immunotropny impact.

Main effects of adaptogens:

1. Moderate stimulation of mental and physical working capacity. This property at vegetable adaptogens generally is implemented thanks to the content of alkaloids.

It is necessary to mark that such effect is shown in case of reception of adaptogens in heavy doses (25 — 50 drops on reception) while medicines in insignificant doses (2 — 10 drops on reception) can possess preferential reverse action, exert the oppressing impact on TsNS at separate individuals, cause block, activity reduction, constant drowsiness.

2. Increase in resistance of an organism to unfavorable factors by adaptive reorganization of a metabolism, including in case of implementation of radio tire-tread effect.

3. Antis tress influence.

4. Increase in sensitivity of visual and acoustical analyzers.

5. Haemo poetic effect.

6. Improving of function of a myocardium, liver and other organs.

7. Acceleration of processes of regeneration, reparation, immune modulator action.

8. The normalizing and moderate stimulation of function of endocrine system.

9. Stimulation of sexual function.

It is necessary to consider that anabolic action of vegetable adaptogens is implemented only against the background of training influence therefore it is necessary to apply them in case of adequate physical activities. As all called medicines have properties to strengthen processes of excitation and braking in TsNS, it is very important to be able to observe their correct dosage, and also to observe time slots of reception.

In case of assignment of vegetable adaptogens it is necessary to consider dynamics of daily biorhythms, and then there will be possible a gain (synchronization) last. The wrong assignment of medicines can cause violation of daily biorhythms. As a reference point it is necessary to use daily ekskretion of catecholamine which amplifies in the morning and reaches a maximum in the first half of day.

Further more detailed description of the most widespread (and available) adaptogens which can be used for maintenance of a normal functional state of different systems of an organism and increase in the functional reserves is provided now. It is necessary to mark that different adaptogens differ not only in force, but also an action range that should be considered in case of their application in each case.

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